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Major Johnathan

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Everything posted by Major Johnathan

  1. I watched the preview too... it looks dissapointing. I don't like the whole idea that the Predators are our ancestor/creator nonsense. The Arctic setting seems suspiciously like 'The Thing'. The human cast looks really bad. The hero is a Ripley wannabe and an 'environmentalist' to boot. Please tell me they don't weave an environmentalist message in this too, we already have The Day After Tomorrow. And it's set in our time? with like a million Aliens swarming all over the Arctic? I would have liked to see no human cast at all. They just get in the way.
  2. Forgive my igorance, but who made that YF-21? Is it a transformable kit? I think it looks better than the Hasegawa kit, and Hasegawas' is nice. Also, does the YF-21 have a comparable weapons set like the YF-19? (in the anime and/or as a kit.)
  3. I assume with a little work the weapons set would fit the Hasegawa kit? If so I'd be interested in a set. Any idea of the price range?
  4. Impressive work Mr. Moscato. Did I read right, your planning on making the launch/trailer thingy for this as well?
  5. yeah...I'm a MASH geek... It is among the earliest shows I watched as a kid. I was born in '74, so it was already a couple seasons old before I was born, and ended in '83. I wathced all my friggin life and still watch the re-runs. (Same deal for the original Star Trek) Personally, I'll always like Col. Blake and Trapper John a bit more, but Col. Potter is ok too... 'Horse Hockey!' BJ always seemed a little too sappy too often(though he has his moments), Trapper just had fun most of the time. I agree the last 4 or 5 seasons dipped into too much melodrama, BUT I think the writers/producers were smart enough to keep a good deal of humor involved. The final episode is pretty depressing though... It's interesting to compare the old Radar with the later Radar. Early on he's a first class schemer, peeping at the nurses, even getting 'lucky' once or twice. The later Radar transforms into an utterly naive child-like character who never had any 'luck' with the ladies, a total boy scout...and they did this as he's getting older? (no wonder Gary Burghoff left early) Anyway, it's strange to think 'Col Blake' and 'Frank Burns' are no longer with us. Makes me feel old... The same with 'Dr. McCoy' in Star Trek... But maybe we'll all be as stubborn as Harry Morgan, I'm pretty sure he's still around. I mean he was big in the 50's... Oh yeah, and Wayne Rogers is now some kind of Stock Market guru, he's on the weekend Fox News business shows sometimes. So he hasn't been doing to bad since he left MASH.
  6. My experience shipping and receiving from Canada are screwy at best. I receive letters pretty quick, boxes have taken a while, up to three weeks.... BUT when I ship boxes to Canada, they vanish for weeks and weeks. Thus I get angry customers saying "where's my stuff, eh!?!" and I have the lame but true reply "I mailed it a long time ago...really!" And I paid for the expensive air mail w/ insurance, and it still took almost a month. I'm grateful to Canada for hockey if nothing else, but you guys need to bust some skulls at your Post offices.
  7. Greetings , I have an original cd of Love Live Alive, If anyone's really desperate for it, I could burn a copy for you. I would ask you compensate me $1 for the blank cd and $3.50 to ship (priority). Also just a warning for those who don't know, there's a cd out there with Yellow in a German looking hat/biker outfit, it has no new tracks from what's on the 2cd set, I was most dissapointed... Sadly, there are a number of tracks that never were released... (the two cd set contains vol 1 and 2 plus Live at Pitt inn.)
  8. Man that sounds fun... it's my life long wish to visit Japan. I could kick myself for not learning Japanese when I was younger. My Japanese is limited to things like "Launch the Mobile Suits!" ... It seems staggeringly expensive to spend any time in Japan. I would love to just wander around aimlessly and observe. And not just the cities but the out of the way mountain and farming communities, but I think they'd arrest me for vagrancy... how are Japanese jails?
  9. I too will remember him as the President of my childhood. He just always seemed to belong there. And the moment that stands out most from my personal recollections was his tribute to the Challenger crew. That and that he loved Jelly Beans...(I was a kid after all ) And not to risk spill over from another topic, President Reagan deserves tremendous credit for the military we now rely on. Peace through strength indeed. Back in the 80's, the U.S. Navy was never more powerful, lots of carriers and Tomcats coming out the ying-yang. Too bad we find ourselves in such a far reaching war today and we have half the Navy, half the Army etc. In other words, Disarming is provactive to bad guys. Anyway, sorry he's gone... but I hope I make it to 93 too.
  10. Isn't the Eurofighter the one that looks awfully close to the F-16XL..., only they stuck 2 engines in the Eurofighter. I hate conglomerations, let the Brits build British stuff, Germans build German stuff and Italians build their thing... individually they built some stupendous planes over the years. My number one peeve with the F-35 is that America can't supply them independantly. I hate the idea of being reliant on countries that may have a beef with you one day for military hardware. But as we know, America is just utterly incapable of making anything on it's own anymore... at least the Europeans are mired in the same foolish thinking with the EuroFighter... How is it Russia keeps producing some outstanding planes without much of an economy and without globalist conglomerations?
  11. Sadly, that's not true, from the very beginning Grumman made the Tomcat a capable bomber. In Afghanistan and Iraq it has performed beautifully as a bomber(better than any Hornet can). They were slinging bombs under the F-14 as far back as development, meaning early 70's. The only reason they started getting serious about making the Tomcat a bomber was because they retired the A-6 Intruder (another plane that had tons of life left in it). The A-6F would have kicked ass... anyway, the A-6 was the last dedicated carrier based bomber. They retired it for no good reason and started slinging bombs on Hornets and Tomcats as a result. I can't help repeating this, the F-18 is a universally inferior fighter compared to the F-14 and utterly inferior in the bomber role compared the A-6. So naturally the F-18 'super' Hornet will replace EVERYTHING. They also intend to make the F-18 an air to air refueler and an ECM plane (thus replacing the Hawkeye and Prowler and Viking), so there will literally be nothing on U.S. Carriers but F-18's of one sort or another. Only the distant reality of the F-35 will break up the monopoly. Eventually, the F-18 will run into some of the new Suchoi's, and I'm sorry to say the Su-27 and up will make mince meat of the Hornet, then who will defend the Carriers and the rest of the fleet? Hope the Air Force is nearby with the F-15s and F-22s. Personally, I think the F-18 has become a hopeless curse on the U.S. Navy for as far as the eye can see. Has a plane with so little merit ever received so much accolades and rewards?
  12. Just a note about Cheney, I agree he was dead wrong on the F-14 and in delaying the Osprey, but he didn't exactly do this single handed, most of Congress and plenty of Military brass are willing to go along for the hope of promotions. It's not as if during Clinton's 8 years they went around 'righting' the wrongs, quite the opposite. Cheney may have helped start the demise of the F-14, but Clinton's people nailed the coffin shut. I only mean to keep this bipartisan, both parties and administrations have made some horrible (perhaps corrupt) decisions regarding the U.S. military's budget. As overpowering as the U.S. military is, it could be far more so had clearer heads prevailed. It all started with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Congress and Administrations(Bush and Clinton) decided to gut the military and felt free to play games with weapons systems because after all, who could imagine any serious threats with the end of the USSR? Plenty more money for pork barrel crap. History repeats it's self, just like the end of WWI & WWII, America couldn't disarm fast enough. It's incredible to think of the vast Navy and Airforce we had that defeated Japan and only 5 years after the U.S. was scrambling for every plane, ship, tank and soldier it could get it's hands on to tangle with North Korea(a 3rd rate power. Now I depressed myself... P.S. Bill Clinton's greatest contribution the U.S. military? Don't ask, don't tell.
  13. Is this true or just a rotten rumor? He was a very likeable guy... how old was he? Anyway, sorry to hear it...
  14. Yeah, that's typical news. What's been happening for more than a decade in American fighter aircraft "competions" is a gargantuan, wretched scandal. This is what happens when Congress and a few corporations make deals to undercut those companies that don't have the political savy to bribe their way to domination. If there was a serious competion this kind of thing would have been discovered long ago, but I'm sure the computer simulations worked fine. The sad saga of the Northrop-McdonnelDouglass-Boeing F/A-18A,B,C,D-E/F Super duper Hornet set the new low, the F-35 is fitting in nicely. Was it really that long ago that the U.S. had a dozen or more credible military aircraft makers? Now we have 2 or 3... Eventually, this will come back to haunt us. Anyway, I'm sure the F-35 will come in to service under budget and before dead-lines. (Remember, they billed the F-35 as a great bargain.) That said, what's the latest on the Osprey and F-22? I keep hearing their almost ready, year after year and I still don't see them in Iraq or Afghanistan... how many decades does it take to deploy a new plane these days? Not to mention they axed the Comanche... right as it was ready for full scale production... we'll just buy more Apaches? Will we build ANY new designs from now on or is the F-18, Apache and Chinook gonna be around forever? Don't answer that... rant over.
  15. Well I just paid $50 for the Orguss 02 cd which I got from Japan, and I was very disappointed to find that of 23 tracks, neither the opening or closing songs were on it. I've only seen Orguss 02 dubbed and haven't watched it in ages. The two songs on the Japanese soundtrack are completely different from the songs I'm familiar with. I don't get it because the two songs in the video I saw sounded Japanese to me, so where are those songs from? Do they not play them in the original japanese version? Was there ever a domestically released soundtrack that included those songs? Anyone know of a site I could download those two songs, I couldn't find them on a search...
  16. Did Kawamori even have a hand in that episode? I know the episode in question is one of the worst animated in the whole series, I understand they sub-contracted to a less talented studio sometimes. Chances are, those animators just winged it, I doubt they cared about technical accuracy. They probably looked at it as 'just draw max's fighter but it needs to be a two seater so stick a vf-1d nose on it.' But that's meaningless Macross trivia... what I want to know is why didn't they let Yellow, even once, use his way cool Blowsperior wrist mounted retractable blades? I mean they went out of their way to include them in the 1/15 and 1/12 model designs...
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