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Everything posted by spacemanoeuvres

  1. Nice. I wish I po'd through hlj. I really like the personal warehouse feature and the VF was like $30 cheaper there as well.
  2. yeah figinstock is your friend, I love that site
  3. NY sent an email indicating the actual Release Date for the product change from 05/31 to 05/26 and to pay for your PO by 06/01 or else It's a little silly because it takes them forever to process payment and ship anyway. My VF-31J super parts haven't even shipped yet and I paid for them in January like everyone else haha
  4. hahaha I may part with mine. I mostly completed the PO at NY because of their strongly worded email threatening to cancel all future POs and close my account if I didn't pay for the VF-1S lol Will post something in the for sale thread at a non-scalper price (scalpers can go straight to h3ll) if I decide to part with it.
  5. 1/48 VF-1A Low Vis Color LIMITED New, 30000 Using zen market with 300 auction fee, 1300 domestic shipping, and 3500 EMS that would be approximately 328 USD. Would be cheaper using registered SAL which I have used to ship 1/48's and no issues.
  6. SP on mandarake 10000 http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1065606372&lang=en
  7. Nice kitchen! Figures aren't bad looking either
  8. Man I want to get my hands on a 31J! My order for a 31J with super parts is still in process at NY. Last month I broke down and ordered a 2nd 31J from NY but SAL shipping is taking a ridiculously long time and I haven't received it yet (shipped 4 weeks ago!). I got tired of waiting for that one so I bought yet another 31J (new) from mandarake Get here already!!!
  9. Aw that's awesome hahaha. It almost makes me want to buy one...almost
  10. Thanks! I just spotted a used YF-30 at amiami for 28780, item b box b
  11. Yeah it's frustrating that many folks can't get their hands on these at a reasonable price. The armor parts in particular are SO expensive right now, $275-300. As others have stated it may be a good thing that these ko products are becoming available. There's obviously a market for them and hopefully it will encourage bandai et al to (re)release some highly sought after figures and accessories.
  12. Not really 28000 on buyee. I won another YF-30 for 21500. I just need like 6 more haha jk
  13. Got another YF-30, I love this bird. Not crazy about the stand but the VF is cool as heck
  14. I think everyone agrees that having access to these items is better than not. At the same time, when a retailer says an item costs x, shipping costs y, and the item is released on z. People expect the retailer to deliver on those points. And the notion that "you should be grateful just to get the item at all" is no solace to a dissatisfied customer parting with a significant sum of money. I order stuff from NY whenever I can because the items are relatively cheap and in some instances they are the only game in town. That doesn't mean folks don't have legit gripes when they are invoiced for additional monies and/or their items ship out 3, 4, 5 days after release. That being said this probably isn't the best place to complain. Most folks here are enthusiasts, and are legitimately happy just to get their hands on this stuff. As others have stated if you have other options, vote with your money and pick the items up somewhere else. Most folks here just want to enjoy the cool new toy(s) they purchased.
  15. My order for super parts and a VF-31J are finally in process! Wooo
  16. At least they're trying to get yours out the door. Apparently mine is being held until the original official release date *scratches head*
  17. What the heck. I sent a ticket to NY asking about my super parts and they replied that they were being released on the 25th lol
  18. Human size like a 1/1 vf? I think there are a couple 1/6 or similar sized vfs. One transforms and the others are statues. I can't remember where they were posted but some googling should find them.
  19. VF-11B box and figure in excellent condition. Only displayed for a short period, 28000.
  20. Yeah I'm very happy nothing was damaged. The YF-21 is beautiful in fighter mode but I had to adjust some bits because the previous owner didn't put everything back quite right...and holy sh!t this thing is tricky to handle. The legs arms were quite a challenge and every time I touch it a wing, panel, or something gets moved out of place. I can't imagine actually transforming this thing to battloid and back. I'd have to set aside an afternoon lol
  21. Got another grail in today A BIG thanks to the USPS for leaving it out in the rain all afternoon. The YF-21 box was actually a little wet but didn't penetrate the cardboard.
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