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Posts posted by Panon

  1. Another Edit that is coming to the Star wars DVD. Friend linked me to this.  It's basically the end scene from ROTJ, they replaced the older Anakin with Hayden. Supposely this is one of many edits and changes that will be made to the older trilogy.


    They've also inserted shots of Gungans into those celebration scenes at the end of ROTJ, and ESB has changes to the Emperors dialogue and the complete replacement of Boba Fett's voice.

  2. It's obvious that Macross Plus is for those people that don't care much about a message or character development.  It is simple straight up flying and fighting with top animators in a larger budget flick.

    Macross 7 has a much deeper message and requires people who have more patience and good understanding of the 1st Macross to appreciate it.

    I might prefer Macross 7, but I wouldn't sell Macross Plus that short.

    Sure it is more appealing in a purely visual/action sense, but at the same time it's not shallow.. it's just different, with a different aim and a smaller scope since it's a sidestory.

  3. Yes, that scene is a little hokey, however it is probably technically feasible.

    It's not possible because the YF-21's right arm that had a grip on the gunpod was ripped clean off, meaning:

    a) it would have had no way to pick up and aim the gun with that right hand, as the shot of Guld looking at the gun with the hand on it implied

    b) the gun would be far beyond reaching distance of the YF-21's other hand since the plane was thrown far away from where the fallen gun and severed arm had fallen

  4. So how does the dub script compare to the dub script? The movie seemed to diverge quite a bit, now and then. Of course, that was an older Mangle hack job, so it's probably not the best example.

    From all the parts I checked, the dub script is close to the subtitle script, no major changes at all (just the usual little things like slightly different phrasings or words to better sync with the mouth movements).

  5. Is SACs dub as lifeless and listless as the movie's voices?

    Nowhere near it.

    It's a very well done dub. They could probably have picked a better voice for Aramaki but other than that it's all good.

    Dub fans and people watching it on adult swim should love it.

  6. Interesting that the F-91 screening is taking place at exactly the same time as the Bandai panel.

    I think they might have planned this to draw all the Gundam fans away from the panel so they don't get any more pestering about when Zeta is coming out!

  7. Gundam used to be revolutionary, until they started with this alternate universe bullshit. Now it's just a marketing gimmick.

    See, the amusing thing about this statement is that the Alternative Universe has been responsible for some of Gundams more original and mold breaking shows, whilst the Universal Century timeline has been dead for more than a decade because it was so stale, unoriginal and no longer cared about.

    And if you think the older Gundam series weren't about pushing toys, you're a little out of touch with reality. Gundam has been marketing heavy since the original.

  8. Slightly off topic, I remembered reading an article about another mecha anime which had EXACTLY the same character designs as SEED. It was weird cause its like the characters are actors acting in 2 different shows. Anyway suffice to say that show had the same char designer as SEED who also did Scryed. Just can't remember the name of that show.

    Shows which had their characters designed by Hirashi Hirai (Infinite Ryvius, Scryed, Gundam SEED, Soukyuu no Fafner) all pretty much look the same.

    His designs are distinctive and I like them, but his range isn't great. Not that it should matter that much, Leiji Matsumoto's designs have looked all alike for decades.

  9. Well, ADV Films announced at AX2004 that they have acquired the rights to this TV series. Any thoughts on this?

    not really a whole lot to say really, other than I'll be buying it as soon as they put it out.

    I really didn't expect it to be snapped up that quickly, I'd worried it might slip through the cracks for a couple of years.

  10. I like the design, disk and wings included - the old style design is 30 years old, it's time to move on.

    The problem is the colouring they've done really makes it look bad. Too many lights/windows, and the colours chosen aren't good which just makes it really stand out as CG looking.

    If you took the colours off this and gave it a single solid hull colour it would look fine:


    Likewise I think the line art minus all that mess also looks good:


  11. Do the differences between TV and DYRL versions of Space War I iritate anyone?

    To put it mildly. I can't stand DYRL's spin on things.

    I have to fight to stop from rolling my eyes at how trite and hokey the whole "men vs women war" thing was.

    I'd honestly rather watch Macross 2 for it's story than DYRL.

  12. I have another question, it doesn't pretain to episode 10 but to Macross in general. Why aren't the Prometheus and Daedalus aren't seen in Macross Plus and etc.? Is it because they're going based of the DYRL designs?

    Both were all but destroyed in the final episode.

    When the Macross was later restored, they were replaced by ARMD carriers.

  13. TV series, by a mile.

    The movie is pretty, but looking terrific can't make up for the story being dumbed down and trite and characters having their parts truncated or being reduced to caricatures of their original selves.

    Compared to the series, it's just empty and weak.

  14. Downloads/fansubs are bootlegs too btw.

    Yes, except they don't give money to parasites profiting from stealing Studio Nue and Big Wests work. Don't even bother with that comparison.

    Damn, no zero plus short? Oh well, still can't wait to get it.

    You're missing nothing - the clip wasn't interesting at all.

  15. Am I the only man alive that liked the music?

    Not at all, I like that kind of music and thought it was all good.

    Unfortunately it's not the music or animation that bring down this show, but the characters.

    The obviously wanted to go a different path than the heavy melodrama of the OAVs, but instead of toning the drama down they just completely gutted it. For the vast majority of the series Shin is little more than a zombie just going through the motions.. even when he lost his first plane he just kept on going as normal, when that should have been a major setback to him being able to leave.

  16. I really liked Returner, but if originality is something you care about beware that it's probably the most unoriginal movie ever made - it shamelessly draws it's ideas from at least half a dozen other movies.

    Also, don't go into it expecting much in the way of transforming fighters action - its about 30 seconds of the movie.

  17. Very helpful answer. :rolleyes:

    1) In six months, five parts.

    2) No

    3) Doubt it - Macross Plus kind of needed a movie edition to correct some flaws, plus it was actually originally planned as a movie. The Macross II movie wasn't actually a movie, just the OVA eps stuck together with the openings and endings cut

    4) I have no idea, but haven't heard of any

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