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Posts posted by Panon

  1. I really, really struggle to see why people stick up for this particular series.  It's interesting to see the the far-reach arguments some people on here come up with in order to get people to like it. 

    Maybe because *gasp* people actually do like this series.

    Isn't that an outrageous concept?

  2. That's still a bit much for just one DVD with only a few episodes...  :(

    Oh well, I'll just wait for the results of the lottery at the end of this month.  <_<  B))  ;)

    Erm, that's not for one dvd with a couple of episodes - that's for three disk special edition, one dvd with four episodes and 5.1 sound, one dvd with the same four episodes but with DTS sound and the first soundtrack album.

    The standard single dvd with the first four episodes is just $18.

  3. Oh no, a mispronounced name, by a CN announcer. THE HORROR!

    It happens. So do minor changes. I mean it's a dub, what do you expect?

    The SEED dub is also going to replace Lacus' original Japanese songs with English versions too, my god, what horrible butchery! Never mind the fact nobody on CN, the primary audience for the show wants or cares about Japanese music.

    Who cares. The original content will all be nice and intact on the dvds as it always is.

  4. For those wondering if the limited edition DVD is worth buying over the standard edition, it really depends on what you really want out of it other than the Boomerang 50 patch.

    Yukikaze DVD 2

    Audio: English DTS Surround, English 2.0 Stereo, Japanese 2.0 Stereo

    Extras: NONE

    Just a correction, the Japanese track on DVD 2 is also DTS, not 2.0.

  5. I'm not sure I exactly misunderstand, as I simply don't know what you're suggesting with your take on the analogy. And if you're postulating that magic exists foundationally in Macross SDF, even though it doesn't *appear to* at first, second, or fifth glance to most (even more so before M7's injection of anima spiritia into the continuity), I don't misunderstand. I simply disagree.

    You misunderstand because he's saying the opposite of what you think he's saying.

    "Magic" has no place in SDF Macross and Macross 7 does not retcon Minmei or what she did in SDF Macross, at all.

  6. I think you missed the episode where Exedol is shocked by the powers shown in Linn Kaifun´s movie and reffers to the protoculture and its powers.

    Don't start this again. That's a near insignificant scene that coincidently fits with a retcon rationalisation.

    The main point is - why does it even need a rationalisation? Macross isn't some static universe confined to some twenty year old set of predefined rules, it's an evolving universe.

    Original Macross did not incorporate mysticism, spirituality or 'magic'. Not now, not when it was made. Later entries to the series however, have.

    Chose not to personally like them fine, but make no mistake - don't for a second think that those concepts are "not Macross" since the original series didn't contain them because Kawamori and co are the ones who make that call, and they've decided that those elements very much ARE what Macross is.

    But back to the actual topic here - I've been happy with Macross Zero so far. I've the the characters, the action and the story. The animation is one of the more stunning works of the last couple of years, and the CG animation is top notch. The only thing I'm uncertain of so far is the pacing - with episode 4 out soon the series will be all but over, while at the moment it feels like a smaller part of a larger work. Time will tell I guess.

  7. Sadly, I find the dubbed version all but unbearable. The subbed is a little better...

    That's pretty questionable. The English dub had some decent cast but was ruined by terrible directing/scripting.

    I don't think the Japanese audio even had that - with the exception of the main character and the lack of bad English versions of the songs, I'd dare say the Japanese was worse.

  8. i was looking at a translation of the manga and it has a differnt ending then the current ova. I mean shin and kanzaki finally have it out and somethign about shim lsing his meneory in the end not teh ending in teh current ova about him leaving it at that.which one is correct or was i reading something in correct.

    Well, neither is wrong. The OVA just took a different tone but ending before the manga's editing.

    The OVA kept the grim atmosphere of the story - ie, Shin had been irreversibly changed, so he went back. The manga however, went for a happy ending - which in all honesty was a cop out.

    Should be interesting to see which ending the new series goes with.

  9. My feelings exactly. SAC is the best thing to happen to anime since Bebop.

    Hell yes it is. My brother doesn't watch too much GITS, but he was really suprised when I showed him several episodes. He thought that the animation was almost too good for a TV series. Props to Production I.G for such a great series.

    It probably is - if I recall correctly, GITS has a *very* high budget for a tv series.

    That said, the second season so far has had even better animation.

  10. THE main reason i like the valks is that they arn't ambiguously made to fight other big robots, they have a PURPOSE for being the way they are. and Mac Zero is stepping all over that.

    How is it stepping all over it? The purpose of the valkyries hasn't changed at all.

    And if you're unimpressed with the retro-ness of the designs nothing would make you happy. They've done an excellent job of remaining faithful to the original designs whist making them look more advanced than current day technology.

  11. So what if, and this is a stretch, Kowamari (sic?) and Big West liked what HG did and saw it as a different take on what was originally intended. Maybe BW and the hoary froating head might want to see what HG can do next.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  12. I read the the HK boot's subs were god awful for Turn A. I'll wait until a better version comes out or Bandai releases it in R1. It's not a question of "if" so much as "when" they get around to it thankfully at least.

    You heard correctly. I've seen examples of them and they're completely awful. It's better not to watch it than subject yourself to those.

    Unfortunately Turn-A has been passed over by fansubbers so good quality releases only exist up to episode 6, and not so good quality releases up to 11. After that, nothing.

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