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Posts posted by Panon

  1. That's why (and I know a lot of you are gonna disagree with me) I think it's better that, for the sake of anime's reputation in the US, this one DOESN'T get released uncut. Fandom's only just recently succeeded in living down the early glut of "tentacle hentai" titles that appeared in the early '90s leading certain pundits and religious figures to condemn all anime as that. In this country, the activities in those cut scenes are so repellent (and that includes me -- I have zero interest in seeing that sort of crap, and I'm no prude) that the mere mention that someone's depicting them, even in a form that does not put a real minor at risk, will set off a firestorm of anger, one that could possibly be loosed at anime in general.

    Please. Not only is that overly dramatic, but it shows a lack of knowledge of the current hentai market.

    You may not have noticed, but this kind of content is already quite commonly available.

    People just either don't realise it (see the mentions of Kite's main character being 19 in this thread? She's actually 16, they just change "high school" to "college" in the subtitles and dub to mask that fact) or are unaware that it can be bought.

    If the idea of 20 seconds of unpleasant material being restored to Kite is offputting to you, you'd likely have an aneurysm over something such as Princess 69 which I call tell you is much, much worse.

  2. I do not know anything about this anime.  However, US law prohibits any media displaying or showing sex with minor, usually known as "Child Porn".  If the company distributing the anime is located in the US and/or company associated with having this anime release should get ready for enforcement activity by customs and/or postal boys/gals

    The law does not apply to animated works, hence this new completely unedited release.

    The difference between this and the "directors cut" that was released two years ago is that while that release restored the sex scenes, it left around twenty seconds or so of footage cut that involved a flashback to the main character being molested when she was much younger.

    This release will likely restore those scenes.

  3. What's wrong with Fumoffu?

    I personally don't like it all that much as it practically destroys the comic/mecha balance that existed so skillfully in the original series. What the second series basically is, is a full on goofy high school adventure as opposed to a pseudo-serious mecha title with lashings of humour.

    I'd agree.

    Sure it had many very funny moments, but it just went to far towards the ridiculous, which meant it also ended up with a lot of extremely not-funny moments.

    It forgot that it could be funny on the strength of its characters and just got stupid. It mostly ignored the other characters from FMP, grossly under using Tessa, Mao and Kurtz, and didn't even bother with any semblance of character development and devolved Souske into being a borderline moron at times.

  4. I'm always amazed at how much anime dubbers always try to "americanize" the subject matter they are translating believing that somehow a super mainstream American Idol watching hayseed is going to be viewing it and have such a hard time understanding the subtleties of japanese culture.

    Amazing, that they would make their product more suitable for it's target audience.

    It's as if they want it to be successful. Sheer madness!

    They still miss the point that most of the people watching anime still to this day know it's anime, know it's from japan, know it's translated and know that massive changes are being made.

    You could not be more wrong.

  5. The VF-19P is based on the VF-19 Custom. The Patrol version of the Excalibur appears to have a clear dome visor and possibly a second sensor assembly infront of the main optical sensor unit. The "face" is too well defined, with curves and edges that look much different than what can be seen through the out clear dome-shaped visor which Basara appears to slide up.




    Like I said, hard to tell. But it really looks a lot more like blood stuck on the outside of the visor is what's giving it the facelike appearance.

  6. Actually, he's removing the clear protective visor which covers the eyes.  It being covered in whale blood and all.

    Wiping wouldn't work.  VF-19 fingers aren't equipped with a squeegee function :p

    It's not the easiest thing to see since it happens quickly but Keith is right.

    He clears two gaps on the visor that in combination with the other splatter left on there makes it coincidently look like the face of his old VF-19.

  7. I am suprised HG couldn't get Robotech on Cartoon Network if they are trying to hype a new series.

    Last year Cartoon Network did a "Giant Robot week" where they showed various anime that had giant robots/mecha, including Robotech.

    It backfired quite badly with all the shows getting poor ratings, pretty much killing off any chance of them putting on repeats of Robotech or any of the other shows (Evangelion, Dai-Guard, Nadesico, etc) that it featured.

  8. The subtitles on #ass encodes were so bad.

    Yeah, those subtitles are dreadful since they're just direct rips of the subs from the Hong Kong bootlegs.

    There is a set of high quality fansubs around, but they're not extremely common and they only appear to go up to episode 30 that I've been able to find to date.

  9. I was aware of the armament differences, Hikuro. All you have to do is look at them. I just wondered what made the gold frame special.

    Gold Frame is was the damaged Astray prototype restored and upgraded by Orb with the remains of the Blitz Gundam and having it's abilities at it's disposal - mirage colloid, partial phase shift, and the shield/beam rifle/sabre/spear launcher weapon, plus more.

  10. I highly doubt that. Jamming birds being able to be trained to become as good as Mylene , Veffidas and Ray is very possible, yes. But they can't be trained into Basara. Like you said. He is an abnormaly. He is Anima Spiritia.

    I don't think you can "train" to do what Basara and Mylene did, kind of the point behind the Jamming Birds - attempting to harness song energy purely as a weapon was a spectacular failure.

    Yet, in the time of real need, the Mylene led Jamming Bird were able to generate it, if nowhere near on the scale that Mylene and Basara can.

    Song energy and normal Spiritia I think are a different thing from Anima Spirita though.

    My intepretation from watching the show was that Anima Spiritia was that it was a higher level of Spiritia, a more pure form that only Basara achieved in part because he is the one who for lack of a better way of saying it "truely gets it". Mylene is likely someone who could potentially become that, as she grew from not understanding to being someone almost as strong as Basara.

    Spiritia is something everybody contains. Anima Spiritia is for the exceptional - the heroes, basically.

  11. Talk about a complete waste of time project - a compilation of a 20 year old series that doesn't need redoing.

    Funny how all the UC Gundam fans who endlessly railed on SEED for being "unoriginal", and bashed Bandai for being sell outs for doing something 'safe' to make money are fawning over this, the ultimate low risk pandering to the UC fanbase to make a quick buck.

  12. As one of the "been there, done that" crowd - all I'm saying is that we should have a pinned thread for M7 debates.

    Hey, if the idea behind a thread like that is to keep the trolling dipshits out of Macross 7 threads that actually want to discuss the show then sure, great idea.

    If it means every Macross 7 thread is going to be greeted with a "post this in the pinned thread" then no thank you very much.

    Pinned threads as a whole are mostly a complete waste of time. There are probably some interesting things in that "newbie thread" but no way am I wasting my time trawling through that heap.

  13. Anyway...as I have known, the Red Frame kicks ass. I love the katana...however impractical it is. I'll definately get this kit.

    I don't even think it's impractical, at least not in a world where sabers are common.

    In Astray it's more practical if anything as Red Frame uses it instead of beam sabers to conserve the suits limited power supply.


  14. It's also not the old SDF Macross series on DVD, it's an OVA version with new animation.

    Yes it is, and no it isn't.

    Read the item description before you say, "No it isn't."

    Click on the link at the bottom of that page that leads to the Japanese version of that page and read that description.

    Read the Macross compendium, and you'll see that the first of three box sets of the original series was released 25/1/2000, just like what you've linked to.

    Do you somehow think a reanimated OVA version of Macross was released four years ago and Macrossworld just somehow happened to not notice it? Use your brain here.

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