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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Just wait until you get to some of the Romulan / Reman quests!
  2. Just finished Lagann-Hen. It was so epic I'm at a loss for words, the last half of the series was distilled down to its most awesome parts, then more awesome was added to the last 20 min. Then, after the credits, we see Simon is happy, and carrying out Nia's wish would the world. the last 30 min were so epic... the Anti Spiral battle just kept getting better. Not to mention they actually made the loss of Kittan even more heartfelt by showing his memorial service.
  3. Here is a picture of my captain on the bridge of my Defiant class. Yes, I know its unreasonably large for a ship with a crew of 50, but I decided that giving up the first 3 decks of the ship were worth it.
  4. Malcolm@one.klump Add me to your friends list, mention Macross World so I know its not a goldfarmer Cptn 7 right now, and loving every second of the Defiant.
  5. Halfway through Captain now, opted for a stock Defiant class. The USS Argus blows away everything else I have flown so far. Her damage output is amazing, and her turn radius is tight enough to go straight cannons / torps. Doing exploration missions seems to be the fastest way to get decent green gear for your ship so far, but I have to say, some of the story missions are straight up EPIC! lol Pics of my Modified Akira class, the USS Thunderhead and the Defiant class, the USS Argus:
  6. Finally hit Commander, Love my Akira class. The USS Thunderhead is an absolute beast. Was looking at the other T3 escort models though, they really screwed up the Norway (Oslo) and Steamrunner (Zephyr) models... very wrong. The Steamrunner is not sleek anymore, and the Norway just looks awful. Once I hit T4, I hear great things about the Defiant, but I'm interested in a Science ship as well, so I'll buy an Intrepid class to tool around in. The stats are alarmingly similar for Science ships and Escorts, but Science ships are a little better in all the important areas...
  7. Got mine from Steam, had it downloaded and installed in a matter of hours, all 10 gigs. I'm just a few missions from my Akira class, can't wait Love flying the Rapier class, but its so small. Just started fighting the Romulans, their Bird of Prey packs a bit more punch than the Klingon's. Also, don't mess with the Scimitar class dreadnoughts, at least not in a T2 escort lol.
  8. Just joined a random invite from The Armada fleet, nice people so far, nice to have someone non-retarded to chat with in the game. lvl 16 whoo hoo. Just finished the time travel mission with the Guardian of Forever. epic. Just thought about this, I bet I could create a macross type uniform for my crew to wear... multi colored pants ftw.
  9. Hit level 13 last night on my Tac toon, love flying my Escort, a Sabre with an Ushaan main hull. Where my Miranda was a mule, the Escort is a beast, the USS Gurren eats through other ships so quickly. Just have to keep an eye on my shields, cause she is a bit squishy in a furball. Can't wait for an Akira class at Commander, one of my favorite ship designs out of Star Trek. Malcolm@one.klump - I'm on most nights, give me a holler!
  10. Bought the digital deluxe version over steam, gave me a key and I just patched the beta install. The bonus items are not active until tuesday tho Malcolm, USS Arcadea
  11. I played EVE for about 2 weeks, and I really have to say, if you are not connected to someone higher up in the game, you are space dust. its like a LaborUnion in video game form. Also, just read some history about the Steamrunner and Akira class ships, and I really think that the Akira will be my baby. A fly through shuttlebay from which 40 Kaneda Class fighters could be launched. That's awesome.
  12. I think my biggest decision is to get either the Akira class or Steamrunner class for my escort...
  13. reminds me of the generation 1 starscream cybertron mode
  14. Final day, finally got Lt Commander, and my new ship. Escort class, USS Arcadea. Way more maneuverable than the Miranda class, and packs a bit of a punch. I really like that if I wanted to, I could kit out my old clunker with the new equipment and be viable. Escort is fun, I may try cruiser in live tho. I wish they would give you a preview of the ship's appearance before you had to commit to one of the 3 though,
  15. I would totally be down with a Macross World fleet arg, another emergency maintenance, for 2 hours, and I', so close to getting level 11... Might not make it before the beta is over, not with my WoW raids on mon-wed >.<
  16. Captain Brad Von Rictenstien - USS Arcadia
  17. I think I flew past you last night! I was looking at that exact ship, and I was thinking "hey, that's a really nice looking boat there"
  18. Gah! I just bought the MkII right before the server crashed. 1 level away from a new ship too lol Whats better, selling items to the replicator, Ferangi, or Stardock? I think I might actually pick this up a month after launch, I really enjoy both the ship battles, customization, and the amount strategy that goes into equipping your ship / away team.
  19. Will pick this up after I finish Darksiders. Might as well give it a whirl
  20. I really enjoy the space battles, I like positioning my ship to fire fore and aft phasers at the same time. Still in a broke ol' Miranda class, but she's a mule. Ground missions, I'm not as crazy about. I'm sure with some other players it gets better, but I'm pretty much soloing everything atm. I do know that having a few extra players with you on space missions is a blast, 3-4 Federation ships plow through everything.
  21. Watch the deleted scenes on the Episode 3 DVD. Not directly stated, but I made the connection as soon as I saw her in Clone Wars.
  22. I enjoy Yhatzee's sense of humor, but I don't think he likes ANY game out there lol
  23. I am basking my my nerdiness as I read this, and it is good. Downloading STO beta now, supposed to have a key from Nvedia friday. If it dosne't pan out, I may need to snag an EB key.
  24. Bought Darksiders, then downloaded the demo for Bayonetta. I'm enjoying the depth of game play in Darksiders, where Bayonetta feels like a button masher with an evade button and crazy hair monsters. Not that I don't enjoy Bayonetta, I just see than as different types of games. One is an action Zelda, the other is a fast paced Devil May Cry. Both are great, I just prefer DS. I did not see any of Bayonetta's "issues" on PS3. Then again, I'm not a professional gamer, and maybe my eye didn't pick up on it. Both have quasi-religious overtones, but that's no biggie, there is some great lore to work with. My biggest gripe with Bayonetta is that the attacks seem very short ranged. I'm used to GoW, DMC, and now DS, where my attacks had some reach, but thats not a mark against her, just a style preference.
  25. when ya got TAFAP, ya got TAFAP. Good taste
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