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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. There's the root of your problem right there. It's much more exciting if you don't warn her first. ....ouch Sure did work with my chick.
  2. How sure are you that the Ideon transforming toyline is what's getting Graham all excited?
  3. Does the Millia figure come out of the Q-Rau or is it fixed?
  4. Yep! I think it's in the old forum somewhere. It certainly looks nice to say the least.
  5. Can't wait for the finish product. I bet ya it's gonna look great!
  6. I feel so sorry for you. Your kid reminds me of when I was a little kid. I used to do the very same thing, plus I burn the sides with a matchstick. At the same time, it got me thinking, when I have my own kid, should I buy myself a safe and put all my valk toys there?
  7. See my edited post above . Yeah, you would need some sophisticated operating system, and god knows the thing would have to be rife with sensors, and guidance systems to match a contemporary fighter aircraft. But the only way they would bring AI into it would be if they designed a system that would learn from the pilot's repetitive action, and therefore anticipate it, increasing reaction time. But when you are not in it, it is as inanimate as a rock. Therein lies the difference. Without the pilot, the powered suit is useless, whereas a robot (taken as a whole with it's contolling computer) can perform without human intervention. Thanks. Highly imposible with today's technology.
  8. OMG, did anybody see this???? This is sick, WOW. Those are nice valks! and the are... for sale??? Interesting........very interesting......... . . . ViC! Those are cool indeed!
  9. Yeah, but remember, we're not really talking about ROBOTS here. By definition, Robots are machines that move independently, and are designed to perform tasks a human cannot do, or does not want to do. Like spraying paint on cars in a factory. Contemporary robots are designed to perform repetitive tasks that require the same precise motion over and over. What we really are talking about here are powered suits. Suits driven by a human, that approximate the movement of the human in order to perform tasks the human cannot do. So, intelligence really doesn't come into play. Unless you're talking about the boy band members of Wing, who kept talking to their Gundams as if they were somehow sentient, but mute. Forget those band members of Wing! Okay, intelligence doesn't come into play, but in order for a powered suit to work, won't it need a highly sophisticated program or something that'll serve as a nerve center?
  10. Thanks & good luck anyway!
  11. With all the homoeroticisim in sports, maybe we need teams like these How about a valk-girl then? One of Bake_art's valkgirls would be awesome. Vostok 7 That sure works & it's way better than a cola machine or a stinkin' tuna.
  12. Precisely. I'm sure Kawamori tries to plan for these things as much as possible (anime in particular always fall hard under the fanboy microscope), but you have to remember, this is entertainment and in a rule which applies heavily to large robot anime, things are designed for cool factor rather than practicality. Such is the case in Zero, you want to show two guys slugging it out while flying through a narrow canyon. There's no room for them to fight face to face, so you make one guys arm spin backwards and fire away. In Plus, they're slugging it out face to face in the sky and on the ground. It would be kind of boring to have just one guy flying forward while shooting backwards all the time. That being said, the VF's themselves are only limited to what the creator wants them to do. I'm sure if Kawamori wanted the 19's arms to spin completely around and fire backwards, it could. That makes it fun & enjoyable to watch. Besides, like Jeleinen said,"the concept itself is unrealistic". In reality, a robot's intelligence is comparable to a cockroach's. By the time technology advances, still it would be as smart as a 2 year old.
  13. Judging from that, you must have been in the Philippines in the 70's... 1. Macross (SDF/DYRL) 2. Bubblegum Crisis (80's OVA) 3. Black Magic M-66 4. G-Force 5. Ninja Scrolls 6. ThunderCats 7. Gargoyles 8. Dungeon and Dragons 9. GITS:SAC 10. Loddoss War (OVA) Not in any particular order, just the way I remember it, except for Macross... that stays on top! I was there for 5 years from 1977 to 1981. Then my dad decided I had enough Pinoy culture/vacation and brought me back to the U.S. The good old days. I didn't know you're flip too! Mabuhay! Sorry for gettin' off topic here.
  14. 2 weeks? How come? I'm 12k xp away from never having to touch my warrior again.... and you don't know how good that makes me feel. I just hope I don't have to go back to kazham ever again for lving. There was a big power surge and I think it fried my cable modem. I called time warner and they were like, "We can get to you by the 27th. Of course we'll refund you for the downtime..." Wha...? Anyway, I'm gonna try trade in my cable modem during my lunch break to day so we'll see. If my inet comes back I'll try to post some pics of locations you guys haven't been to yet that you may want to check out as you begin to level up. That's too bad! Anyway can't wait for the pics. Did Yohsho change his old avatar to Ashe?
  15. If you want to try to increase stability. Remove the legs from the hip, and put some clear nail polish on the balls. I have two coats on mine, and it stands pretty well. With the backpack, just.... get used to some floppyness. PErsonally, my 21FP is staying in fighter without the packs. The sleeker body shape looks quite nice. I have my older non-FP behind it, in battriod mode. That's what I did and it worked for me.
  16. Nice custom there sbarrett4!
  17. The lasers will be firing from the two gunpods located inside the fastpacks that are attached to the lower body of the fighter.
  18. Nice try Montarvillois.
  19. I think you're thinking of FFX-2 buddy. FFXI is an online MMORPG like SWG and/or Evercrack... There really are no "characters" Vostok 7 Sorry & thanks for the heads up.
  20. Good thing you asked that question. I was wondering about that too.
  21. Dangard Ace beat to the punch, dang! Welcome to Macross World!
  22. couldn't do the perched mode on my YF-21FP either. The legs were too loose, but it was a lot easier to do with the VF-11B FP.
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