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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. I think I'll be reserving my verdict on this one untill I see the future pics on the VF-0. I'm slowly cathing some interest on the 1/100 VF-0. Btw, congrats Graham on your newest addition.
  2. Beautiful work Kurt! Especially with the FP. Keep up the good work & keep the customs coming!
  3. Someone call a monkey? Dance, monkey! Dance! *fires pistol into ground*
  4. That & the stand for me is must wait.
  5. No, takes place before... Have you seen Zero yet!?? No and thanks.
  6. I guess you really hate Mac 7 bsu! Btw, isn't Mac 0 after SDF Macross unless I'm wrong?
  7. O/T, Draykov how do you do the double qoute? The one you just did right now?
  8. Real or not @ least it's entertaining
  9. Thank you for pointing that out imode.
  10. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.ad...108053709990007 They also reported that @ CNN Headline News. It seems that the rover detects a hardware problem & it keeps on rebooting.
  11. Jenna Jameson: yes Suzanne Sommers: no (except back in the 70's)
  12. The VF-0 is 18.69m long in fighter mode, the YF-19 is 18.62m long in fighter mode, and the VF-1 is 14.23m long in fighter mode. (according to Macross Compendium http://macross.anime.net/mecha/index.html ) So if the VF-0 was put in 1/72 scale it would be about the size of the YF-19 that has already been released. .......... 1/100 scale...... Give me a 1/48 scale!!!!! (yes, big and detailed, and bigger isn't necesarily better, but DAMNIT I want my valks in the same damn scale!!!!!! ) Yeah! 1/100? What's up with that! EXO, you can tell the future?
  13. What if they are? Where's my YF-19 FP!?
  14. More like "Dangerous Minds" with a twist.
  15. Bummer! Kung Hei Fat Choy to you all of you too! BoBe-Patt what happened to the previous av? Why did you go back to your old av? Did the mods tell u to do it? I was getting to the "bouncin' puppies" av.
  16. It does suck about the rover. But Humanity has to play catch-up with it's own destiny. It was the public's waning interest, even disinterest, in the Apollo program which sucked a lot of the energy out of the space program. What the world, not just the United States, needs is a strong space program. Every time something new happens, no matter who does it, the world gets excited. That excitement needs to be harnessed with the realistic promise of lofty goals, not just words to placate the masses or, as some might say, get re-elected. Instead of the forthcoming "space cold war" against China that's being hinted at, all countries with their eyes set on space should join together and achieve these goals layed before us. The Int'l Space Station was a good start, but it's obvious the U.S. and Russia planned and wanted to have the lead role. The space-race of the cold war was as much, if not more so, a tool of nationalistic pride rather than true exploration. It's time to shed that weak premise and do exactly what a majority of people want to do. Conquer the "unconquerable". Nationalistic pride is not conducive to acheiving these goals. A true space-race only has one opponent: Humanity vs. Itself. OK... I've been long-winded. Time to let this thread get back on track. Very well put! Bravo!
  17. I have one too. What GreenGuy42 had to say, pretty much summed it up for me. I too had to use nail polish to tighten up the hip joints.
  18. Great scoop CF18! I hope that stand can take the weight of a 1/60, 1/48, or even a 1/72. Keep us up to date!
  19. The first was EU's "Beagle 2", second was NASA's "Spirit" rover. Hmm........
  20. Just place an old aquarium upside down (and I'm not talking about one of those teenie "1 goldfish" kind of bowls) That might just work.
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