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Everything posted by Kamion

  1. I like moreeeee...... Dang, looks like these fairs are a lot of fun... I like even more!!!
  2. How the heck did he turn that into a Mospeada custom!?!? It's fantastic!! I want one!!
  3. Yeah, missed opportunity, I must admit that I would have gotten her autograph without a doubt. I grew up with Robotech rather than Macross. Of course I would also get Mari's autograph since I like Macross' songs a lot. What's C/FO? I wonder if Reba has met Mari before? Was there a chance for you to actually meet Mari? I think it's great being a Macross fan nowadays. What with all the new toys. And also, with voice actors like Mari whom you can meet/see perform live. I don't think there are many other anime fans out there who have opportunities like Macross fans (outside of Japan that is).
  4. Argh! You guys are so lucky in the US. I suppose you didn't get Reba West's autograph... or don't dare to admit that here... haha...
  5. 1/60 pic. Feeling a bit nervous about the angle of these two... Hope the stands don't give out!
  6. nice RX7! does it cost a lot to keep it on the road? Guess I can't afford one if I have to ask.
  7. Just spreading the word... Same look and feel but different people running it.
  8. Kamion


    Yes yes! I want those features! I wonder how much technology will need to go into a fully self transforming toy (doesn't matter if it stands up at the end). That will be a hell of a custom.
  9. I have a VF-1S chunky - tried to get rid of it on Ebay but no one was interested, tried to put it up for sale here, no one was interested.
  10. I remember very clearly seeing this toy in a department store when I was very small and asking my mom to buy it for me - she flat out refused. Poor me.
  11. Someone not having the skill is not a problem... unless, like me, someone has no money to pay people WITH skill to do it.
  12. wow... you guys have too much time on your hands to have such an in-depth discussion that goes off topic and into word definitions and other stuff. Basically, some people will think it's "wierd" to have mystical/magical stuff in Macross (me) and others think it's all just fine. It's just how each individual feels/thinks. The end.
  13. Beautiful baby! Congratulations!
  14. I think it's a bad idea to go down the supernatural way with Macross Zero. They should have stuck with the original Macross theme. Just sci-fi - alien technology, robots, humans, aliens, love, music. All this supernatural stuff just detracts from the charm and strength of the original Macross. Flying rocks? Puh-lease.
  15. Oh yeah....I remember now. The last time Infusion was here commenting on their new fansub, a bunch of trolls popped out of the woodwork to harass them. Whatever the hell that was all about. I remember that too... Probably the dudes sellin the boot DVD. That situation was lame. I hope that didn't scare them off. I loved that sub set. Yeah, I think Infusion will get out their subs quickly and good quality too. One of their members here is called Spikey or something like that? Wonder if they're still around....
  16. Better yet, add Chronopost blood.
  17. haha. There seems to be even a shout out from the artist to a "Saki-Hiwatari" asking the person to "Ganbare!!! - 100%"...
  18. Wow... that's really good!!
  19. Kamion

    How lucky were you?

    Your dad is one smart dad!! What is he buying double of now? Any hot share tips? haha.
  20. Cambridge, UK Hope this is right: Lattitude: 52° 12' 30.5910896612 Longitude: 0° 6' 39.6059510152"
  21. Wow... now just make it into a clip and make it fly up, stop suddenly, open missile ports and FIRE!! and zip off in the zig-zag way that it always moves... Kidding... great work... I'll be interested to see more please!
  22. Kamion


    Who wants to start a pawn shop in MW? Tag a 15% to the buy-back price or something. haha.
  23. My low-vis in Gerwalk crouch with FPs fell forward as the left ankle gave way to the weight of the pose (and I thought Gerwalk was the sturdiest of forms). It fell forward off the shelf about 5.5 feet up and crashed down 2 feet onto the top of the drawers and then rolled over and continued down to the floor 3.5 feet down. Bits went flying everywhere and my heart just dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Quickly gathered the bits up and examined the thing over. The only thing that was wrong was the backpack latch holder thingy popped out of its sockets and nothing was actually broken (one of the missile housing of the FP was scratched slightly). Was able to pop the latch back in and breathed a sigh of relief.
  24. It might be on one of my Macross albums (see attached photo). Unfortunately, my record player is packed away and I can't read the Japanese song titles. *drools at J A Dare's collection*
  25. Hmm... no thanks... Just valks for me will do.
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