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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. Ironic or hypocritical? All things Georgish are grand but don't you dare touch my classic Trek? Honestly, I don't see why people get so out of joint about this particular case of a reboot, since all the classic stuff is still around. There's a case to be made against Lucas, I suppose, considering that he won't make the classic versions available, but that's not the case with Trek. Are people lamenting that there won't be anything more added to the Trek continuity they've loved so far? Do they think a reboot somehow invalidates everything that already happened? To me, that would be like saying "woe is me, now I can never watch From Russia With Love again, because it's not part of the new continuity so it never happened!" I mean it's all fiction... none of it ever happened. Perhaps I need to be more fanatical...
  2. I just saw the most recent trailer for the new movie at "Quantum of Solace", and now I'm really looking foward to it. Zachary Quinto looks good as Spock, and the whole style update is kinda cool. I've never been one to dwell on the past or exclaim "they raped my childhood". All the original Shatner/Nimoy episodes and movies and the classic Enterprise that I grew up with are still out there to enjoy, as they've always been, and I'm excited about seeing something fresh and new done with the Star Trek concept.
  3. I have to say I enjoyed "Quantum of Soloace" a lot. It had a really strong sense of continuity from the first film, with Bond in a very dark place after Vesper's tragic end. If he was the same cocky, quipping person he was during the first film it would have pretty much jettisoned any integrity in character development... I think we've got a Bond here that you can actually do character development with, rather than the 2-D action hero he's been before (not to knock the original films that I love... I'm just enjoying something fresh). Personally, I'd be happy if there is ne'er a Q or Moneypenny to be found for the duration. I prefer the subtle nods to the original films... the goofy Bond girl names (Miss Fields' first name, if you watched the credits, was ), the nod to Goldfinger . I do agree with a lot of you on the action editing. The fight with Mitchell around the scaffolding bugged me. There's a point where quick edits cease to punch up urgency and excitement and reach strobing, battling-seizure-robot levels. The instigator of this attention-deficit-disorder editing style needs to experience death by slow torture... with lots of long, slow, cuts ('cause irony is always fun).
  4. If you can, try Gunze aqueous instead of Tamiya. I mixed the clear red and clear blue, with a generous helping of gloss clear, and got a near-perfect pale purple.
  5. I'd definitely go for some Inbit mecha, but not in those small scales. I'm universally disappointed with the Legioss offerings, so having the inbits in that scale is a no-go for me. But, I'm lovin' the cycles themselves. Make 'em 1/18 scale to go head-to-head with my CM's, and you've got a sale!
  6. I'd certainly get them... primarily CMs scale, I think. I had my old Robotech shock trooper up with the CMs cyclones earlier in the year, and it looked pretty good.
  7. I was totally the opposite. I saw the film first, then read the manga 'cause I liked the film. While it gave some good background, the manga kinda dragged on and on for me. Since it was originally serialized, all the events are one-shot, resolved in that chapter, and it lost the sense of a cohesive story. I found the ending totally silly . The movie presented, for me, a more interesting picture of the madness infecting the town, then the supernatural changes start, and finally everything falls apart. I thought the montage of images at the end was well done too. This is what I love about discussions on art and media. People can experience the exact same thing and have totally different reactions.
  8. I'll second that... top notch work, David. You're much more patient than I. When I saw how tiny the pilot was, I promptly ejected him from the kit.
  9. Penguin

    Yamato 1/200

    Maybe they're going to include the complete chase set in a single box. The first release only had 10 to a box, so at best you got 1 of the 3 modes of the chase. With 12 in the box, they could include all 3. Personally, I'm gonna go for them. I'm lovin' the lesser-known valks (VF-9 yay!) and the YF-21 is just plain one of my favourites.
  10. I like "Uzumaki" quite a bit... sorta Lovecraft by way of Twin Peaks. I like the little touches, how spirals appear in the air, the clouds, just at the corner of your eye. Granted, it makes a little more sense if you've read the manga, but I find it creepy and fun.
  11. To give Palladium some credit, they've taken the tack where they remain more or less forever compatible with their back catalog. Good for gamers who are really into the system since their investment remains intact, which might be a valuable factor for a smaller company. Then again, maybe they'd attract more business if they'd update it. I'd give a new Robotech RPG a look see if it was a different system. Though I gotta say, the "manga size" is a real turn-off for me.
  12. I wonder if he fixed the whole "Palladium system sucks" issue... ... sorry. I couldn't resist.
  13. A well-choreographed action set piece and a stirring music track can feed off each other to exceptional effect. By its nature, Macross supports this kind of synergy. Music is invariably central to the plot, as is breakneck variable fighter action. If you get a good director and a good performer, the result is awesome. Setting action aside, music is a key factor in setting mood and emotion to any motion picture, so Macross lends itself to some really great atmosphere just by the fact that music is so central to it every time. Now, whether or not this has anything to do with Kawamori or Kanno depends on your taste and where the credit belongs. It's only Kawamori's credit if he choreographed the action. If you don't like Yoko Kanno's music, then you're clearly insane... sorry. I meant to say if you don't like Yoko Kanno's music, then it's combination with the action in Macross ain't gonna thrill you. My reactions were pretty much the opposite to VFTF1. In case it wasn't obvious, I adore Yoko Kanno's music, from Macross Plus to Escaflowne to Cowboy Bebop to Macross Frontier and all points in betweem. So, for me, Macross Plus was an absolute joy from the hauntingly a capella "Voices" at the opening to the orchestral swells of the final battle. Macross Zero's music had some great high points... I loved the action themes that played during the first VF-0 / SV-51 dogfight, and Arkan is a great tune too. Overall, though, it struck me as mediocre, and didn't grab me like the music for Plus or Frontier. That's all just a matter of taste, of course, and neither of us are right or wrong. Reading the music from Plus described as "dull, boring, hypnotizing" is almost incomprehensible to me. I'd argue against the statement that Macross was "meant to be" a "spectacular epic romance", too (and more so that Shin and Sara's relationship qualifies as spectacular, epic, or romantic). But, I digress... I think Macross is a great vehicle for showcasing music and action, but whether Kawamori + Kanno = WOW is purely a matter of taste.
  14. Actually, I didn't even notice the two-tone white. I transformed it to fighter mode straight away, at which point I was disgusted with it and put it back in the box. It's just so sad. The fighter looks so good in line art... *sigh*
  15. Just got the CM's Dark Legioss yesterday. I've finally admitted to the lamentable conclusion that the design just doesn't isn't fit for a good looking fighter mode in a variable toy or model. If only the fixed-mode models were bigger... Lovin' all the ride armours we've been getting, though.
  16. Hey, skull_leader. If you really want to use markers or pencils, try this thread too. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24994
  17. I struggled with Hard on Guitar Hero and never made it to expert. I think Rock Band's hard and expert are easier than Guitar Hero. In GH, for hammer-downs you had to keep your fingers planted on the other fret buttons as you went down the notes, and for pull-offs you had to have them all down before releasing (which I could never master). In RB, you can just tap the keys for the "small notes" without having other fingers in place. I never would have gotten through the solo on "Green Grass and High Tides" (you know... the last 2/3 of the song ) on hard without that feature. I suppose keeping your fingers in place is more accurate to playing a real guitar... but I never fooled myself into thinking playing these games is anything close to playing a real instrument (aside from possibly some improved manual dexterity ).
  18. For me, it's all about the fighters, so I'll go with the minority and say hell yes to GNU fighters... as long as we're getting something new. I am so freaking sick of VF-1s it's not even funny, and the Macross Plus mecha (aside from the VF-11) are a close second (...despite my love of the YF-21). The 1/200 set that brought the VA-3 coloured me overjoyed. ...'course, if Hasegawa made model kits I'd be even happier, but that's even less likely.
  19. Weird, ain't it? None of the VF-X line art or screen caps I've seen have the fin, nor did Yellow Sub's "official" VF-X VF-4 kit, but the Club-M resin kit, which called itself a VF-4G, came with the fin, as did the SHE VF-4G variable kit shown here. Dunno where that fin came from.
  20. I think the point is that it's supposed to be the VF-4G head (as noted by the tiny distorted text by the top of the left side). The VF-4G has the fin behind the canopy in fighter mode, while the VF-4A from Flashback 2012 doesn't.
  21. Even though I'm a huge fan of the VF-4, I had to vote for the VF-171. I've got resin kits for the VF-4, but nothin' at all for the VF-171 yet. Granted, I'd be most happy with a 1/72 model kit to go with the rest of my fleet, but I'll "settle" for a 1/100 toy in the meantime.
  22. I'll be very surprised if this project doesn't languish in development hell for a few years before fading into obscurity, like ADV's Evangelion movie. I think it'll need someone actually important in the movie biz (sorry, Tobey... you don't count) to get excited about it for it to get any backing... like Spielberg on Transformers.
  23. Pre-coloured probably means the same process they use on the Gundam MG models to have all the pieces molded in appropriately coloured plastic, as opposed to painted. Wouldn't be surprised if it also came with the same style of foil and clear stickers for markings, too (which would suck for me... I always prefer decals).
  24. It's the same here - 7 PM. But, it's Friday at work... ripe for the inevitable 5 PM crisis that keeps me here til 8 PM. At least they're open 'til 3 PM Saturday too, so it'll be in my hot little hands by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
  25. My Blu-Ray set is waiting for me to pick it up at the Fed Ex depo. I'm looking forward so forward to seeing the first F-14/Sv-51 scene in HD! Have to see if I can get out there today, or if I have to do it tomorrow.
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