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Posts posted by Prime

  1. Thanks fellas. :)

    I don't have a PS2, so alas I will have to stick with Battlecry. I enjoy it well enough so far, especially since I had been deprived of a half decent Macross game as a kid. I play VF-X2 on ePSXe on a rare occasion, but that is about all I have had access to. So in that context, Battlecry has been fun for me, dispite its flaws.

    I do like the cell-shaded look, and I think the animations are pretty good. At least I don't have a VF-19 with one leg sticking in a wierd direction, or too many popup buildings. :D

  2. Somewhat off-topic

    I was flipping through some old Robotech RPG books, and I noticed that Roy had levels in a Fighter Pilot OCC, along with the Valkyrie Pilot OCC. Is this OCC listed anywhere in the books? I couldn't seem to find it. Just curious. :p

  3. Tie Fighter remains one of the best games I have ever played.

    Made me a firm Empire fan.

    Hell yeah. The propaganda as an imperial pilot was the most fun. Damn I loved that game. If they remade TIE Fighter with a modern game engine, I'd go nuts :)

    Not to mention how fun it was getting into The Inner Circle (IIRC). Now that was a video game series!

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