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Posts posted by Prime

  1. For those who choose not to follow blindly the answers are in many of the threads here as well as in the animation. Watch your DVDs and video tapes and compare what you see to what's official.

    I thought it was all official...

    But I'm not sure what you are getting at anyways...

  2. Well, the US did act unilaterally against the UNs wishes.  That sounds pretty Anti-UN to me.

    Untrue. The UN failed to enforce its own decree.

    I'm not trying to make a political statement here. :)

    For whatever reason, the US acted without the UN. Making them, in jest, the potential Anti-UN.

  3. About DYRL vs. M0...I still haven't gone back and watched M0 again in one sitting, but I wouldn't be surprised, once I do, if I find that I like M0 about as much as DYRL, if not more.

    I was really surprised what a difference it made watching all the episodes at one time. It made it a much stronger story in my mind, and the "magic" elements seemed to fit better, to me at least. I'd say I like M0 just as much as DYRL now. I only came across DYRL in the last few years, so it doesn't have nearly the same nostalgic feeling as I'm sure it does to many.

    In any event, I'd say watching M0 all together would be well worth the time. It certainly changed my initial perceptions...

  4. After watching the entire series again, I think in the end I am quite impressed with it. Certainly the animation (CGI at parts at least) is fastastic. I am a big Plus fan and not a M7 fan at all, but I think Zero does a good job providing a balance. The first time I watched the series I found the "magic" stuff a little over the top. But watching it again just about everything seems to be explained or at least hinted at in terms original Macross concepts. Even though the AFOS was "out there," it was nice to see so many connections to the original Macross (main gun, barrier, etc.) To me, then really helped ground the series in the Macross universe. Not to argue about the quality of M7, but I think Kawamori did a much better job incorporating the spiritual/magical aspects of the story this time.

    I'm not sure I buy the literal fish to human theory. I get the impression that the Mayan legends were metaphor and primitive descriptions of how the Protoculture altered life on Earth.

  5. Just to throw my opinion onto the pile...

    I haven't actually watched ep 5 yet. I decided to watch the whole series from the beginning so that everything is fresh in my mind for number 5. I've only gotten through the first two episodes this time around, but I have enjoyed them a lot more than the first time. I had initially felt that it dragged quite a bit, but now it seems to flow much better.

    For me at least, I feel it fits in very well with the other Macross series. I like Macross much more for the mechanical designs, characters, and war themes than the "spiritual/magical" stuff. As a result I much prefer the original seris, DYRL, and Plus over M7. But Zero provides a nice balance between the two extremes and ties everything together well. I'll see how I feel after I finish the other episodes.

    One thing that struck me is how much knowledge the UN had about the Protoculture before the Zentradi ever arrived. As a result, I can see why the Council was reluctant to acknowledge Global's and Misa's findings regarding the connection between the Zentradi and Humans. Presumably they feared that eventually the truth would come out about just how much they knew.

    Does that make sense? Perhaps it is common knowledge, but I haven't seen the original series in its entirety (apart from Robotech). Or am I way off base?

  6. Woohoo! Only after a day and a half of downloading, I have 33%! C'mon the previous one's were distributed MUCH faster than this :(

    I was able to download it pretty quickly. Good timing or something? :unsure:

  7. I just found M7 to be a little too "out there" for me. I hated the songs, and I just couldn't get into the characters and mecha, mainly because the other series do such a good job of making everything seem plausible.

    That being said, I don't mind Kawamori trying different things. I might not like everything, but it prevents the genre from becoming stagnant.

  8. Then Lucas came back in and screwed it all up.
    Opinions on the new movies aside, I think that it is safe to say that the movies and the merchandise spawned from them have been a commercial success. He has screwed it up in the eyes of a certain segment of the fanbase, but there is also a significant portion that like the new stuff. From what I have seen, people seem to think Jedi are a lot cooler now than when it was only Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda...

    Many seem not to like it because it is so different from the feel of the originals. I suspect the same would happen with Macross if they deviated too much from the originals. Hell, Macross 7 is pretty different, and look a the mixed feelings that gets. :)

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