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Posts posted by Prime

  1. the one scene I would cut if I had a magic editing wand was the podrace sequence. Sure it's fun, but it's more like a dumb intermission that does nothing for the 'story'.

    For the most part that's true, but it does help to show that Anakin has abilities that are indeed above and beyond other humans. It also allows the audience to be much more accepting when he is in the cockpit at the end...

  2. At least Howard Hughes had the decency to stop making movies when he lost it.

    I'm sure many a director would like to have "lost it" to the tune of $740 million in ticket sales. If everyone hates the prequels so much, why are people still going to see them?

    The biggest bloated digital POS movies ever made and they aren't even fun to watch.

    Well, I think they are fun to watch and obviously many others do, so I guess this statement is also false.

    And what are all the great movies you enjoy?

    I hope Revenge of the Sh!t has more scenes in:

    - The Jedi Library

    - The Diner with Obi Wan's crack head fat ass cook friend

    - The Senate - can't get enough of it - why have dynamic battles with aliens when we can    see them sitting down and talking instead - Genius!

    I actually liked all of those scenes. And really, they account for what, 10 minutes? But I know you want to get to the stuff blowing up...

    Personally, I like the fact that the Sith are taking the galaxy over without using military force to do so. To me it makes them much better enemies.

    But what do you care now anyway? You aren't going to see tha last one since you didn't like the last two. So if it is entirely senators in the library it won't affect you in the slightest. And if TPM sucked so bad, why did you go see AOTC?

    Personally, I think Phantom Menace was a far supreriod movie than Clones. Put a good editor on Phantom Menace, and the movie would be looked at in an entirely different light.
    I always wondered how they would be viewed if there was no Jar Jar (or at least altered) and a slightly older and more mature Anakin. TPM may be considered the worst, but some of the scenes in it are the best of the entire series.
  3. The jap voices was ok except for some parts like isamu making the high pitch noises like hes having sex with a gerbal during the high speed turns.

    Which is pretty much what real fighter pilots sound like, thanks to the g-forces.

    Sounds missing? No, the Japanese just don't need to fill every waking second with senseless noise.

    Indeed. Most dubbed anime has every character going, "huh?", "whu?" or whatever every time they turn around...

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