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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. That sounds horrible. I understand it would probably be on Earth, but that sounds utterly ridiculous. More ridiculous than magical robot lions.
  2. Isn't that Assault Horizon? Or was there another one?
  3. After seeing the third photo with Blue Lion I actually am starting to like the lions that way. Yeah, sue me.
  4. Sorta looks Transformers movie-ish. But this is only pitched concept art to the studios. With the success of TF at the box office, I'd probably pitch it that way too, honestly. Doesn't mean you'd have to keep those designs. I actually liked Voltron so I kinda hope this gets made some day. But I'm not naive enough to think it won't be updated for young kids of today.
  5. The early gameplay sample was admittedly kinda cool, no doubt helped by the fan cheering. [
  6. Never cared for Tekken much....was always a Virtua Fighter Fan myself. Capcom vs Sega please.
  7. If it's like the recent re-release of Predator, we'll get ultra sharp house of wax with lost details.
  8. Just saw it on a whim. I liked it. Not a fan of Adrien Brody though, so he being the lead was the weakest point for me.
  9. Kojima has an exclusive PS3 game to unveil at Tokyo Game Show. It was going to be unveiled at E3, but he wanted the demo to be perfect. It's going to be a big title.
  10. Namco has been silent on AC on PS3 for awhile. There was the rumor that AC7 would be on PS3, but not a word in over two years.
  11. I don't think Kojima is involved with this one. At least not yet. Edit: My bad, he is but his involvement is small.
  12. SHould have no problem if you install, but you'd think by now they'd have solved some things especially since they are pushing a re-design.
  13. Got to hear and see the new one. It's slightly quieter...not "whisper" quiet as MS says, and not as quiet as a PS3 either. But the disc drive is still noisy. In fact, it sounds the same if not louder. I don't know why people are calling it "slim"....it's more like..."short". they just chopped a couple inches off the side (or top if vertical. Still has a power brick too, but it is slightly smaller. And the internal HDD is removable but proprietary...I suppose you can crack the casing open, but seriously...
  14. I agree...it looked very dark and now it's all cartoony looking. Guess Disney didn't want to take it that far. My interest admittedly dropped off completely once I saw it at E3.
  15. The "new" 360 HDD's are still proprietary ones. They might have a 2.5" drive inside, but you can't just swap them with any standard ones.
  16. 1st season is cool. 2nd not so much. 3rd I can't even remember....4th...is this thing still on?
  17. The Real Arcade Pro's have Sanwa parts already. Either a Sanwa stick and easy swap out buttons (RAP) or complete Sanwa parts (RAP SA). RAP's used to be $79 and are a great base to modify/play around with. This is a Hori RAP I modded last year with Seimitsu buttons (they snap right out) and I also changed the ball top (but kept the Sanwa stick with square gate) and added artwork.
  18. I think I prefer Biohazard in this case. Only name change I really preferred was Mega Man.
  19. Which Hori sticks are you referring to? RAP's are not hard soldered. Just as easy as pulling them out. And your SE had button sticking? That is hardly a sign of quality. I've had sticks for years, of all types, modded and unmodded. The Mad Catz SE's are ok but I wouldn't say they are superior. And you can get a Hori with Sanwa parts already for cheaper than a Mad Catz TE off the shelf.
  20. Hori sticks with Sanwa parts are superb. Hori ones without Sanwa or Seimitsu are better than Madcatz standard ones though.
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