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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. finally listening to it at higher fidelity, Yousei is now my favorite. just beautiful. still followed very, very closely by Northern Cross though. i can't place track15. did they ever use it? what ep? in any case, it's a pleasant surprise and a gem of GiTS-tatic awesomeness.
  2. on just the opening track, i got goosebumps. it's the long awaited BGM of the Birdman premier. on the second track, Northern Cross blew me away. again. on just the third track, i crapped myself. may'n adds so much flavor to Triangler as the second voice. track 4 is just groovy. even listening to it from the toilet... track 5 now and i'm as prickly as a hedgehog... epic, just epic... edit: corrected track numbers
  3. oooh, that'll do for now. hope you can remember where you saw it. appreciate any leads. i've been reading up on train scales and it seems a relatively new one (T-scale 1:420) might just be practical for a partial Frontier city layout. at 15km length, the only practical scale for a full model would be 1:5000
  4. undoubtedly. grace probably wouldn't have needed the vajra to subjugate humanity. well at least the male half...
  5. i don't understand all this withdrawal anxiety. we all know space war one will be starting in a few months and we'll get to watch macross on CNN everyday.. anyway, my plan to keep occupied until then - track down macross chronicles. hopefully it's more available where i'm relocating to. i'll probably need to learn japanese or at least get one of those scanlators. - follow the THORA releases of the blu-ray editions. it'll be likely re-living the series experience except this will probably be monthly rather than weekly - build the models. alto already in the post office. just need a break in my travel sched to go and pick it up. ozma pre-ordered. - watch M7 (shiver). it's been sitting on my harddrive for some months now. - rewatch the action scenes in slow mo - watch ep25 ad infinitum
  6. i'm hoping for a foldout map of Frontier city. that might just turn me into a bilrer train-otaku. have any of the chronicle issues had a good top-down (or at least overhead) shot of Frontier city?
  7. where? where? where? gimme, gimme, gimme! gimme the can opener! edit: thanks! sylvester never had it this easy
  8. now if galaxy did a giant holo of that last image instead of using ranka, they might have won. at least half the Frontier/MQ would probably have just stopped and stared/ogled.
  9. THORA's are from the blu-rays and should contain the animation fixes. subs are ok too. only up to ep4 though but they usually follow through as the BD's are released. i'll be following their releases as it is 720p and visibly sharper. still hoping for a boxed series i can buy though, to get the full HD experience. if you're sticking with lunar or gg, look out for their batch releases so you can just leave your comp on while several eps download in one go. also keeps you from failing the marshmallow test and sneaking a view of eps already downloaded
  10. i really want to get into the AC series but i feel i'm doing something wrong. in AC4 i had lots of problems in flying missions. i struggle to stay in the air, much less maintain an effective altitude. is there an altitude control somewhere or perhaps a forum/blogsite about AC flying combat somewhere that i can read up on? i was very comfortable with the ZOE2 controls and was hoping AC would be similar.
  11. if only i knew the names of the 3 blind mice..
  12. i believe only Lunar has done it start to end. shinsen is only up to 14, but may yet complete it.... eventually.
  13. thanks. the slap coming full circle wasn't lost on me. it was indeed a key point. but for some reason my PC just refused to screencap that scene. really... it was my PC's fault
  14. not really about mecha, so not sure if i'm posting in the right thread. but one thing i'd like to see is a city/tourist map of Frontier showing where mihoshi is, the concert hall, nyan nyan resto, ozma's pad etc... this is of course dependent on whether top down diagrams of Frontier city will ever be released, so it's a long shot. would be cool if they sold it as a poster, even better if isometric.
  15. same here. alto already got to kiss sheryl (or at least kissed by), and if he turned out to also be the best pilot, i'd probably hate him! this is why i think brera is one of the best, right up there with max. swooping in like a bird of prey to clear the path for alto.
  16. special thanks to gg for sticking with MF through to the end, delivering quality releases, and quickly! i particularly appreciate that as the momentum built up in the latter part of the series, gg proved reliable and delivered like clockwork, without compromising quality. while initially biased towards shinsen (based on others' recommendations of their accuracy), i learned to appreciate the often more poetic interpretations gg made of the dialogue and lyrics. gg's versions are what i will archive. gg, i salute you sirs!
  17. oh, they're already floating around the internet since a few weeks ago. definitely NSFW though..
  18. yeah, dem Y's create new vocabularies every day. i'm an x-man and had to figure it out a bit when i first encountered the term. just in case you weren't kidding about needing an explanation: shipper/shipping, from relationship. ie if you're rooting for altoxranka, then you're a ranka shipper.
  19. for a while there, you got me thinking if your surname was either Ayala, Cojuangco, Gokongwei, Lopez, or Tan.
  20. excellent, well-written review! i liked this bit particularly, and not just because i'm a sheryl fan. in just two sentences you captured the essence of sheryl. gave me goosebumps reading it.
  21. just dawned on me that while alto had an omamori, brera had a harmonica around his neck. whether it was intentional or not, there seems to be some symmetry in the design and development of these 2 male rivals. we may find out later that they share more similarities
  22. disclaimer: this is not intended to fan the flames of the shipping wars. we see way too much of that already. i just thought it was sublime how this image captures a very tender moment.
  23. your mileage may vary. i've always been a sentimentalist and was foolish enough consider the possibility of alto's death... despite what my mind was telling me. yeah, that watered it down. they could've shown a gaping hole in the vajra ranks that was re-filled more slowly. at first i also thought the vajra shield just shrugged off the attack, but later scenes showing the immense number of vajra surrounding frontier, and cues of sheryl, ranka and alto feeling the pain, led me to think that a lot of vajra did die, but there were simply many more to continue the fight.
  24. at first i thought something got shot off brera, but in subsequent scenes i saw his valk was basically intact. so i replayed it in slow-mo and was surprised to find this nugget. wish they focused on it a bit more, but i guess that might have slowed the tempo and took the focus off alto.
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