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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. i'm interested. if you want to indulge us a bit more, perhaps a dancing ranka and a sheryl in flight suit too?
  2. yeah, is this LOVE is my fav BGM on the CD, if not all the OSTs. though if you track back a few pages you'll find me incessantly ranting about not finding which episode they used it. got any idea?
  3. still no idea where they used Is this Love (Track#15) ...
  4. i am so happy. i've spent 3 days rummaging singapore for this kit and at the 11th hour i found the very last one in the island. the shopowner was selling me a pre-order for the next batch in november, but when he found out i was flying out the next day, he very graciously let me have his own reserve. at SGD70 no less (very close to HLJ list price). now i have a back-up in case i screw up the one i got from HLJ. this will most likely be for pure fighter mode. i love singapore! and i'm really looking forward to moving here by yearend. edit: a bit OT, but does anyone know if stuff ordered from HLJ attract customs tax when it arrives in SG (say, via SAL)? does it also happen for EMS?
  5. woah, hang on, there's another kino branch in SG?! i think i saw that Liang Court across the hotel. you think they still have MC1? might be able to squeeze a quick look tomorrow just before i leave for the airport. <fingers crossed> what yamato toys are the coupons in MC1 and 2 for? i'm only interested in 1/60's.
  6. yup! managed to stumble into that place this afternoon. no more #1's though. but they still had piles of 2 to 6, so naturally i swooped them up didn't think twice if SGD12 per issue was a good price. i balked at the binders though which were SGD38 each
  7. dropped by kinokuniya in singapore. very disappointed not to find macross chronicles. and the staff didn't register any recognition of it when i asked about the chronicles. ended up buying great mechanics dx5 and 6 as they had sections on SDFM, DYRL and MF. dx6 has an article on vf25 vs 27 but unfortunately i can't read japanese. dang, i regret not buying the chronicles in HK when i had the chance
  8. anyone know which stores in singapore i should check out for this kit? i want another one for insurance
  9. googled it and date is on Nov22-23 at Suntec. cool, that gives me an incentive to hurry up my relocation. hope i make it
  10. hehe, what can i say? beggars can't be choosers. we were one of the few countries where beta arguably won the format wars. then again, it's not surprising considering how 8-track persisted for quite a while here. to be fair, when i was doing my anime thesis and creating a video montage i ended up still using beta even though i had vhs available. the newfangled superbetas then had visibly sharper video and beat the vhs in still frames. fortuitously, i layed off macross for a while so i didn't have to suffer through the VCD era. if only internet shopping arrived earlier and macross LDs more available, i wouldn't have had to go on a macross hiatus. it's really no wonder i ended up being an early blu ray adopter.
  11. and ai-kun did. nanase was hugging ranka and ai-kun squeezes/wiggles between their bossoms. lucky critter..
  12. it's driving me absolutely nuts trying to find where they used Is this Love (Track15) lurked in other forums but find mostly speculation. i checked them anyway, and they don't even sound remotely like track 15. sigh...
  13. from the way he looked, i thought he had zentradi-sized crap on the way, and had to go to folmo.
  14. as i've learned, even with the internet, HK toy hunting is still pretty much as graham as described. hardly any of the shops maintain an online presence, and those that do almost always transacted exclusively by post and do not have any retail shops. it's fun though, i always feel like a kid in the proverbial candy store whenever i transit through HK. i even managed to set up a routine: leave LHR late afternoon>arrive HK 7am>shower in lounge>buy same-day return train ticket>causeway bay in the morning>lunch at my favorite japanese curry place>wanchai early afternoon>mongkok until early evening>back to central and check in a big box (which cathay pacific is always ready to provide) of toys/models>train back to airport and catch flight to manila at either 8 or 10pm. must've done it about half a dozen times since late last year, and it's like clockwork anyway, my intro to macross was via RT being shown on local tv in the 80's. i remember having to fight the help who kept switching the channel to a soap opera. i was a little kid, with a big crush on minmay. i didn't see DYRL until i was highschool in the early 90's and that was when i really got hooked on macross, though at the time i thought RT was the original. i can't remember how many times i rented the Betamax, as without the internet it was nigh impossible to find out where i could buy one. by sheer luck found one at a grocery (of all places), but tragically my kid brother was to mistake it for a frisbee just a few days later. for a brief time i got pulled into Dungeons and Dragons, and thru Dragon magazine learned of the RT RPG. i basically had to beg a cousin in the US to buy it for me and bring it when he visited. far cry from the one-click spoilage i now get from amazon. so understandably, all this time i thought RT was the original one, until i had half-japanese girlfriend in college whose brothers showed me the light. i ended up using DYRL (and Windaria) as thesis for a speech elective class: Animation for Mature Audiences. i aced that sucker. without the internet though, my macross fanboyism did not prosper. well, except for the love triangle bit which i'm ashamed to say happened a little too often during my college days and early working life. i stayed off macross for many years, my only link being a lone yamato VF-1J someone had given to me a present. a few years ago when i relocated, unboxing that VF-1J from storage rekindled my love for macross and i went online to hunt down a VF-1S, and some months later stumbled into this forum.
  15. that's the Don't Be Late remix intro. but thanks for keeping an eye (or ear) out. which reminds me, there seems to be a different aimo version used when the vajra queen (using ranshe imagery) was communicating to ranka back in ep 13 or 14.
  16. some writers actually opt to write that way. build a solid character, place him/her in a basic plot/premise, and just take it from there, letting the character lead the way. this can backfire pretty badly though, but when done right, it's just amazing to behold a character take on a life of its own. i don't know if the rumors are true that sheryl was initially planned as a minor character (supposedly the triangle was 2 males + ranka), nor if the writers subscribe to this style of writing, but whatever the circumstances, i'm thankful to have seen how sheryl and grace developed the way they did, and between the two of them basically stole the MF show.
  17. ep5 date theme is "Twinkle" on OST1 i'm still trying to hunt down where they used track 15 "Is it Love" and ended up doing a semi-marathon (ie. skipping to likely romantic scenes but ended up watching some episodes in full anyway). still no dice. picked up though on other music not yet included in OST1 and 2 and excluding those mentioned above: - Neko Nikki (released though with MF Debut EP) - Ranka's My Boyfriend is a Pilot (also released in the EP) - tyko drum BGM during hydra fight and ozma vs brera in the sewers - BGM after Battle Aimo in Ranka Attack episode - BGM in ep8, sheryl's limo careening into Mihoshi campus, alto used in various hijinx sequences - harmonica and guitar song overheard by ranka in the park as she was talking to nanase (forgot which ep) - Birdman episode opening scene, also when sheryl kisses alto in the hut - music box reprise of Alto's Theme (not sure if same as mentioned above) - BGM when alto was advising ranka "if you think, you will not blossom.." - ep14 opening showing the dimension eater - BGM while bilrer was explaining his dream - BGM when sheryl crashes in on the MQ bridge - BGM when grace was downloading herself into a new body - basara song in pineapple cake episode i'll be eagerly awaiting the next OST (or OSTs given the amount listed here), but for now, i'm perfectly sated with OST2. just realized they mixed in the last part of DYRL into the Lion part of the medley (when alto did a trench run and hooked up with brera). that part of DYRL (when hikaru was flying inside bodolza's fortress) just floors me everytime.
  18. thanks. another one is regarding the fan speculation about the birthmark on sheryl's left leg, seen during the defold sequence when she was first arriving in Frontier. they are actually heart-shaped prints on sheryl's stockings, clearly seen in ep16 when sheryl wakes up in alto's bunk at SMS (btw that scene reminded me of zohan; sheryl giving alto a flurry of fists, then a foot!). she was wearing the same outfit when she arrived in frontier. blu-ray rip of ep1 confirms clear heart shaped prints, which looked like blotches in earlier releases. while rewatching the ep where alto sneaks into ranka's apartment, i picked up what may be another subtle juxtaposition. when alto was explaining to ranka how conflicts and competition happen in the universe, he was referring to the vajra when he says "..even now..", but the camera also pans slighlty to get the sheryl poster behind him in-frame. writers might be alluding to ranka's recent rise to stardom, and/or the triangle.
  19. thanks. i'll try that. if i don't cut it, i'll skip AC4A and just pray ZOE3 gets made. the problem with boosting around in AC4 though, is that it's tough to maintain a target facing. oh well, maybe i'm just slowing down..
  20. finished rewatching up to ep7. a few things i've appreciated more in retrospect: ep5 - when ranka sings at folmo, the captured vajra re-awakening is shown as a glow spreading from its abdomen. now, we know why. - gubaba's theory might be right, about Yousei being written at folmo, on giant meltrandi panties. the scene prior, sheryl exclaims "This is just like a fairy land!". still inconclusive, but i like the thought of it. - sheryl's feelings about alto might have coalesced as early as ep5 at the end of their "Star Date". when she invites alto to her farewell concert, and alto accepts, her cheerfulness suddenly wanes when alto explains it's simply because he has to return her earring. she was probably hoping for something more even then. ep6 - some have speculated wilder might be one-eyed, but there are two clear shots in this ep that show otherwise.
  21. hey, don't mention it. you did welcome me when i first went on these boards. pages 27-30 of this thread has a good discussion of players to use. i've always used VLC until mid season when i shifted to gg's mkv format. been very happy with CCCP+Media Player classic (http://www.cccp-project.net/) that comes with the package. word of advise though: anything less than 1280x720 wouldn't be doing MF justice. my pc is 4 yrs old, so the system requirements for playing these aren't really that high. cheers
  22. yeah ZOE2 rocks. hands down the best and the only reason i'm hanging onto my PS2 (my asian PS3 won't play ZOE2 extended version i got from UK). ZOE was fun too, but a tad too slow, specially if one played ZOE2 first. anyway, back to AC. i can stay in the air long enough, but i can't maintain a constant altitude. i end up overshooting when i boost and fall like a brick when i ease the boosters. frustrating...
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