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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. wonder if the dropship is close to 1/144
  2. IIRC, Robotech Tactics is 1/270? if the Regults are undersized, i wonder if they'll do for 1/350? hmmmm... nah. i'll just wait for MechTech's awesome Regults. would be nice if they were also accompanied by N-Gers and QRs anyway, i came across these diorama accessories series called Tiny City by an HK company called Tiny. They're 1/64 but probably can be fudged for 1/72
  3. they're called figma archetype i opted for the clear versions
  4. they're still in private warehouse. probably won't see them in at least two months, but i'm sure they'll be amazing. such is my faith in the Gimix line, based on my previous purchases. for folks who really want to avoid assembling parts, there's Aoshima's JGSDF Truck series of finished models with detail that is mind boggling at this scale, and working parts to boot. and there is also Pro-Hobby metal cast and pre-finished ordinance loader : http://hlj.com/product/PRO81071/Mil both are OOP but still available on ebay, amazon, etc. 1/144 scale is indeed very extensive, and if you fudge it with the very popular train N-scale (1/150) it is an even bigger and wider world. but so as not to clutter the discussion, i'll probably just start another thread on diorama resources.
  5. Celty is the central (relatively) figure in the current season. isn't she just adorable?
  6. check my post on the first page, then check out this link: http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_seriestitle=Building+Collection&pagemax=40
  7. long resin wings will be problematic. i would think that they would just contract out the production, pretty much like Arcadia and many toy companies
  8. more like, i'll use them in gerwalk and have decapitated torsos lying around
  9. thanks for the clarification guys. unfortunately with this bundling, fighter legs and battroid torso would be completely wasted for folks who are just after gerwalk. it's a good upselling scheme for folks who would just get 1 or 2 but prohibitive for army builders. would have been willing to pay 1.5x fighter price for a pure gerwalk, but 2x is steep. so now i'm just ordering 6 gerwalk bundles instead of 9
  10. a bit confused by this image: so this set includes 3 complete figures? (fighter, gerwalk, battroid)?
  11. bring it on. there's a whole bunch of MaK stuff to display it with. not to mention F1 cars and their accompanying pit crews.
  12. never played the game but i knew about the Atlas when it went for PO. passed on that because the design looked too "humanoid". being a non-player, i never heard of the Stryder previously, much less that ThreeZero made a sequel to the Atlas. there was just this big box behind the counter when i was paying for my other orders, and so i asked what it was. robot love at first sight. quick check that it was a little under BBTS price and much less than HLJ, next thing i knew i was carrying it out of the store. really got to keep this buying impulse in check. sadly, i cannot display it yet until the mezzanine is finished, or the house for that matter.
  13. went to a local store to pick up my Chogokin Melody PO went home with a much bigger box
  14. don't get intimated. it's easy enough to put together in an hour or so. unlike traditional aircraft model kits where gluing fuselage halves/puttying/sanding can really be screwed up, here, it's simply inserting, sliding, tabbing, snapping, pressing parts together. the fact that it's pre-painted and tampo printed practically guarantees that it will look good and does away with the headaches of botched paint jobs and wonky decaling. so long as assembly is completed, there is zero chance it'll look ugly. however, if you have extremely poor eyesight and/or very shaky hands, then you may not be able to put it together at all. this is 1/144 after all, so many of the parts are tiny. goes without saying, no sneezing during assembly. suggest you get one of their kits to try it out. they've released Ace Combat aircraft fairly recently.
  15. i really wish they just made the 01 unit in Fokker/Ozma colors
  16. most likely one of their previously released lighting units. good to know the VF-1 (and likely other valks to follow) are being made to be compatible with this lighting system. Tomytec, please make the VF-25. then you can make San Francisco buildings for your N-Diorama Series, which will attract an audience beyond Macross. and while you're at it, please make your fuel trucks and military transports compatible with your amazing Moving Bus System.
  17. has there been any confirmation whether this will be sold as add-on parts? or if it will be bundled with an 0S? on the fence about getting a second 0S
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