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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Hmmm... I'm a bit of an OT kinda guy, but I admit I really enjoyed Ep III. I'm not totally sure my opinion isn't at least partly due to lowered expectations from the last two prequels, but all in all - it's the first of the prequels that I can see watching more than 2 or 3 times. Honestly, I really wish (and yeah, I know - it's Lucas' movie, not mine, and he can do whatever he wants... but still I have my own opinion) that the prequels had started around Anakin as a teenager and all three movies were a bit more like this one. ROTS basically delivers all of the "Star Wars vibe" that the last two films didn't. I could see popping it in, then watching the OT and not even bothering with Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. It's not as great as the original trilogy by a long shot to me... but it's got some really wonderful stuff in it. Except for when Lucas made my beloved Wookies yell like a certain serial icon. That was really just f-ing wrong. Still, no movies featuring Wookies can be anything less than great.
  2. Well, Shaw added something for me by actually being there when the footage was shot. The new version looks fakey, like all of the Special Edition crap, which makes the movie look seven kinds of funky. Anybody over the age of 3 can tell the difference between the CGI and the minature models... new effects are cool, but they should really not try to stick them in 20 year old movies.
  3. I agree with Abombz!! Its time for some new blood. But of course Sony is going to use existing franchises to get people to buy the PS3. They did it with PS2 and the PSP. Hopefully some new innovative titles will be mixed throughout the launch. Tekken 6? Gran Turismo 5? Neither of those two series has evolved much. Especially Tekken, which I love. Another GTA game? yawn snore zzz Well... GTA has yawned and snored it's way to selling a pretty insane amount of games, bud. But coming from a marketing perspective, it's really too soon for them to push new games yet. From where Sony sits it's a smarter move to push this as an advancement on all they've already built, rather than tie the PS3's future into a game that people may/may not love/hate. Also, smart marketing would be to sell one thing at a time. Now they're showing off the console itself... the last thing they want to do is divert attention to explaining a whole new game. The way I see it, new games come out every 5 minutes for both Playstation and XBox. The vast majority of them... SUCK. The vast majority of them also mimic what more successful games have already built. I don't worry too much that new games won't be coming for the PS3 and XBox 360... I'd worry if any of them were worth $10, much less $50.
  4. Well... a proven game has an audience and that audience is who you can count on to buy the system. Since the system is extremely beta at this point, if they were trying to shove a new game down the audience's throat, the only thing the audience would have to tempt them would be Sony's "word" that it was a good game or a show off a decent trailer. And we all now that kickass trailers can be made for suckass games. Also, by not trying to push new games, Sony isn't tying the success or failure of the PS3 to games that might perform poorly and they avoid having their system linked with a game that everyone hates. Returning franchises are pretty much the ONLY reason I'll spend my money on something like this. Basically, all Sony needs to tell me is that Grand Theft Auto will be coming on the PS3... and I'll buy a PS3. It's that simple to me. Controller looks fine to me, btw.
  5. Seemed like a good opportunity to post my favorite picture ever.
  6. And they probably had an unlimited amount of men as well ...lol Well... it was the 70's... who knows? But I doubt it. Barry's a ladies' man, through and through. The other two... not so sure about.
  7. The Biggs footage is neat from a historical perspective... but it really doesn't do anything for the story, except make it more confusing, really. Also, since seeing it involves looking at crappy 400th generation video... it's a bit of a letdown.
  8. Barry Gibb rules the planet. Not only does he have more machismo than any other 70's disco star... he managed to write & produce huge hit songs for other people while "disco backlash" caused people to burn Bee Gees albums in the 80s. That's a smart dude. And let's face it... he rocked the medallions well.
  9. Yup. I liked Narnia when I read them at about 10. Then in high school, Narnia was the "less dense, more christian" for people who found LotR either too dark or too wordy. It's a cute story, but the overt religious allegory kinda makes it obvious, predictable, and stale to me. I doubt the religious aspects will be taken out - particularly as religion has been doing well at the Box Office and in our government as of late. Also, I doubt the Lewis estate would really want that. It'll be a cute movie(s), but no LotR.
  10. Agreed, Disco. Again, I have to say that Chloe is easily becoming the most entertaining part of the show. My other favorite line was when CTU Director Whatshisname was all like, "Chloe, we don't have time for your personality disorder right now." I am getting a bit worn out on the office romance "portions" of 24, though. It was bad enough with Jack and his increasingly more whiny and annoying woman... now I got sit through Tony laying the mack down on Michelle while nukes are loose in the US? "Baby... you know I miss you, girl. Now, let's cross-reference that CIA watchlist... but later... we gettin' all freaky. You feelin' it?"
  11. Legend fan here too. So many people hate this movie and I'll ask why and it can usually be summed up by them despising the idea of Tom Cruise running around with faeries. Come to think of it... that's a pretty good reason to hate Legend. But if you get past that and appreciate the visuals, the tone, the sheer artistry involved in making the film... and it's pretty awesome. The whole sequence when the world goes dark after Tom retreives the ring from the lake is one of my favorite film moments around. It's a great movie, you just gotta get past Tom and the faeries.
  12. Big Charest fan here. Met him a few times back in the late 90's when I was writing/self-publishing a comic. Serious artist and waaaaaaay too good for his material. What's he doing now?
  13. Hmmm... I never cared about the Cyclops is too young, too weak and Jean Grey is too old crap a bit once I saw the first two movies. Singer did a smart thing by making the movies noticeably and substantially different than the comics. IMHO, Marsden and Jannsen both do excellent jobs in their roles as their written. Seems a bit silly to me to blame the scripts on the actors. Haven't seen Layer Cake, but it's gotten good press - mainly as a Lock,Stock/Snatch lads heist film. Hard to imagine that being a great fit for the X-Men. It seems more like a case of "grab the hot director" on the studio's part. Either way, this installment was facing an uphill battle the moment Singer walked out to do Superman. At this point, I'd have to hear a pretty great review of the movie before I put much faith in it being anything beyond "filler".
  14. I've never owned a toy lightsaber. We just used to use sawed off broomsticks when I was a kid. I bought one for my godson a few years back and I played with it a little. I'm holding out until one day science catches up with what's actually cool and I can get a real one. I'll probably be 113 years old.
  15. I agree that Lee has progressed wonderfully. His Batman stuff is excellent - those pics above are proof of that. I just think he and most of the current crop of artists owe a great deal to Adams, who was years ahead of them. Not to mention Simonson, who also deserves a great deal of credit for that "style." Adams has never been one for regular monthly work, though - a trait that also seems to have been passed down to most of the Image staff But that Classic X-Men cover and his work on the Asgard/Xmen/New Mutants crossover was my favorite X-men work to date.
  16. I've experienced it. Hard drives are not as unfallible as we'd like to believe. Externals even more so. I'd recommend setting up a SATA drive or two and using IDE for backup on your next machine. It's worked better for me than external drives.
  17. I guess it's not much of a surprise. I haven't paid much attention to Bandai's Gundam offerings since they quit making 12" DX toys alltogether. I'll always be glad they at least tried to offer them here because it saved me quite a bit of money and headache not to have to import each larger DX I saw. Once they stuck with the overpriced ArchEnemy, MSiA, and SD stuff, I could really care less.
  18. Lee/Claremont is great... but I'll always prefer Arthur Adams over any of the Image clones he spawned with his style. At least Lee and J. Scott Campbell were pretty honest about their Adams influence. I'll die a miserable excruciating death before I buy a comic featuring any Liefield art... I remember having to buy a variant cover of Alan Moore's Supreme just so I didn't have to look at Liefield's tiny screaming mouth, giant neck, tiny head misbegotten, mutant child, bad proportioned excuse for art.
  19. Chloe F'ing Rules! I've said it since Season 2... she's really the most entertaining thing about the show. Certainly the most realistic, as everyone has that one really annoying person in their office. Her behavior is so much more believable than the soap opera antics of the main cast. I want the next episode to start with her nudging the corpse with her boot and saying (obnoxiously, of course) - "are you like, dead, or what?" CTU Escorts = Star Trek Redshirts Seriously, if you have an earpiece, a suit, a blandly american last name, and a real character tells you to watch the door... you are SO dead.
  20. I'd want one simply because I understand the design and it seems like a giant leap forward from my traditional Kenmore cheapo-vac. But then again, my house is 90% hardwood floors and they've yet to make a vacuum that can outperform the standard broom and mop.
  21. Word. Double Word. I mean, who really cares if they try a crappy launch of a "reimagined" hardcore extreme Bugs? The classic Bugs has been around forever and never once has been improved upon. The only thing that's changed about those cartoons is that they've been censored to the nth degree because kids supposedly can't handle seeing Daffy Duck take a shotgun to the face anymore. Kids watch crap. We did it. The next generation did and so on and so on. I watched 'effing Silverhawks, for crying outloud. CRAP! But you're a kid, that's what you do. Either way, classic Bugs, even it's most neutered form has endured as fantastic american animation and entertained kids since it's debut. It's gonna take alot more than a bad marketing idea featuring "Bugs9000" to ever mess with that kinda legacy.
  22. Arrested Development is every bit as good. Of course, it might get the axe after this season... but it's funny as hell. Scrubs is also pretty funny.
  23. He's definitely a nut. And hairy. But unlike Lucas, he's actually directed a few good movies. If your fanboy heart is too hardened to enjoy LotR, then I suggest heading up to the video store and renting Heavenly Creatures. It's got great direction, great script, great acting... and a pert young Kate Winslet to boot.
  24. Too obvious. It's very likely that his right hand of evil is probably somebody you've seen before. He'd be younger, sorta charismatic, yet still capable of great unspeakable evils. He'd be where you least expect it and probably from some nowheresville like, say... uh, Crawford, TX.
  25. It just reminds me of the Newsradio where Phil Hartman tried to learn ebonics and was instead given words of nonsense by his assistant. "Gazizza, my brothers! Rocket Fuel... damn."
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