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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. "Ikuze Kawaiiko-chan. Yahooooo!" - Isamu Yeah, I really want it in 1/48 scale. Buy two instead. One with SMS markings and one for loaded Macross Plus version. And cheaper too. Win-Win, right?
  2. What a lovely translucent glowing hair. Can't wait for mine to arrive.
  3. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup, I bought an extra one for the 31F. Me too. Looks nice, right? Hope it's really is more orange rather than yellow. Nah. Most of the people here doesn't think that way. Making profits out of each other. Most members here pose their 3 in each mode. 1 extra to keep it MISB. And 1 for just in case. Don't worry, chyll2. I just made one for you.
  4. And already painted too IMHO.
  5. True. A 'holder' that Kawamori missed putting it on YF-30 if ever you needed the missile pods open in Fighter mode. Funny that when I was playing the Macross30 game and seeing the YF-30 in fighter mode using the missile pod, you can see from under that the gunpod is just hanging in the air between the legs.
  6. Then they have to wait for it to get released first, right? By then, it's pointless to wait for the MC one because people already bought the originals. Unless, MC going to release only the sword as an accessory and not part of a figure set, then I'll get one so I have extra.
  7. Ok. Now I understand why you said 'is the best news...' Becuase now you will have a bigger chance on getting some. But yeah, 1/12 scale is not bad. Atleast it will be in line with most Figma/Figuarts/6 inches figures.
  8. Ok. Seeing there's an 'official' GN Buster Sword II, it means that I don't need to wait for the 3P one and I need to unload my extra Metal Club 7 Sword too once I get a PO of it. Hope that they fixed the joints for this release.
  9. I take it you never heard of Beagle releases few years ago? That one is superb even if it didn't last. And it's big at 1/10. 1/8 would be nice though but 1/10 is fine. Transformation and the proportion is not as anime accurate but it's perfect as is. Like I said too bad it didn't last since they only released the 2 main guys characters. I wouldn't mind too if this New Mospeada is the only one they will going to release since it's just a stand alone. But how I wish that this one will be succesful to green lit the others if they're planning on releasing it as well.
  10. You have to try it harder... Yeah... we have to cheat a little.
  11. TBH, I like the YF-30 pods more because it's awesome and it's not useless.
  12. I see. Fixed form I guess is ok as long that it comes with both in Ride Armor and Armor Cycle. But since it's a 1/12 scale figure there's a possibility that it might be a parts-former kind of transformation. Megahouse did it in 1/15 so I think it's a safe bet that it will be another parts-former figure.
  13. Nice. So Figma will start with Ley. Though I wonder if it's transformable or fixed. Mospeada photo says 'Armor Cycle / Ride Armor VF-052T & Riding Suit' in katakana.
  14. If you look closely towards the sides of the tail fin on the side wings you can see a subtle pattern.
  15. Well, atleast what we see with Evolution Toys prototypes, we still see it in their final product. Not some like 'big' companies who retouches certain marketing photos only to find out it can't be done or display in the actual product. *cough* <VF-19 Advance> *cough*
  16. Didn't notice that Chronos have camo pattern in the game.
  17. You're planning on replacing your 3 Yamato's with the Arcadia's, Spanner? I remember that one as well. That's an easy swap for Fighter/Gerwalk mode, not sure if the 0D fuselage will fit on 0A chest/heatshield area during Battroid mode.
  18. That is so SWEET! Thanks wmkjr! So it's not a product error then. Just a printing mistake. Don't want to receive item that has a defect then read this notice afterwards. Hehehe. As for the shipping cost discussion, here's my only take. Overall, HLJ somehow have a cheaper shipping cost, but don't expect an AmiAmi or Nippon-Yasan level of protection. HLJ doesn't give 'value' on the box/packaging of your toy. Just saying.
  19. Think positive guys! Legioss... Check! Evolution Toys... Umm... Check!
  20. Wait. What corrected sticker for the box image? Was there a recall?
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