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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Since I have no desire to see this flick, I went ahead and read a spoiler thread on starshipmodelers forums. After that, I only have one thing to say:

    "Dude, this movie is going to be rock-tacular!!!"

    If it's possible to elaborate on that without spoilers, could you please do so?

    ie: is "rock-tackular" a good thing or bad?

  2. kevin is shipping today. for thoes who ordered through him

    This is my first time ordering through Kevin (or any web-dealer, honestly). About how long can I expect to wait before he asks for the payment?

    I don't think I've ever quite been this eager to send someone else huge gobs of money before :p

    he should have already emailed you about payment. email him and ask

    That did the trick, thanks.

    Apparently, VE is having trouble with giving a message to Paypal memebers.

  3. I for one am going to see AVP with an open mind. Also, I refuse to watch any 'making of' TV specials before I see the movie as I want to go into the theatre with as few preconcieved notions as possible. I think most of these 'making of' movies tend to give away far too much of the story and usually show all the best action bits.

    I thought Paul Anderson did a reasonable job of Resident Evil. True it wasn't up the stand of a Romero zombie movie, but I did like it enough to buy the DVD.

    I'm going to remain hopefully optimistic until I actually see the movie myself and avoid reading all reviews.


    I'm quite impressed with Event Horizon. Most creepy movie, that one. Haunted house set in space = great popcorn flick.

  4. Dammit, what's with all the rape?!? :huh:

    It deals with an alien species that reproduces through a slightly stylized version of rape, that's why :p

    Ew... unless the partner is a willing Ripley... *shudder*

    Not that Ripley isn't beautiful in her way, but alien humpin Ripley is not only disgusting... but it kinda... I dunno.... went downhill from there. I mean... the "last boss" in that movie was so lame.

    I was referring more about the facehugger than anything else, but I agree with you on that sudder bit.

  5. kevin is shipping today. for thoes who ordered through him

    This is my first time ordering through Kevin (or any web-dealer, honestly). About how long can I expect to wait before he asks for the payment?

    I don't think I've ever quite been this eager to send someone else huge gobs of money before :p

  6. Nothing says "future" like good old medieval weaponry.

    Looks fun. I'm definitely in. Screw the Alphas, I want the Cyclone/Power Armor to be as much fun as it should be.

    Actually, they grabbed the idea for that mace from the RPG, which states that the Alpha fighters can also use a Gladiator's mace.

    The gamemakers wanted to give some extra variety to the Alphas and thought that'd be a nice way of doing it.

    And they used the Havok engine for more realistic physics, so driving the Cyclone around is a blast, especially to a 'bike head like me :)

    Guess you can take out any enemy by shooting it in the eye. No problem, but it looks too easy in the game.

    I just played the demo, and it's a lot tougher than it would seem. Besides, the Invid have a nasty habit of covering up their sensor eyes when you shoot at them :)

    All in all, I had a blast playing that demo. Good fun.

  7. you onlu control ride armors in this?

    so no alphas?

    Nope, the game is Alpha-less. And good riddance, too. Cyclones are where its at. Cycs, baby, CYCS!

    I thought i saw a rendering of an alpha with a mace as well as you can fire from an alpha or something like that.

    Well, the game is Alpha-less in regards to playable mecha, but there are NPC Alphas and background mecha.

  8. i robot, the starwars DVDS and more or less all Robotech games DO suck!

    so what if we bitch about it.  i like robots, starwars and videogames, when they arn't intresting and fun, it makes me want to bitch about it!

    Oh, be my guest to bitch away about stuff that you don't find interesting and fun.

    Just be kind enough to experience said stuff for yourself, first. I'll have to take your word on I, Robot since I haven't seen it myself, and I'll withold my judgement on the Star Wars DVDs and the new Robotech game until their released.

    So far, I've been impressed with what I've been told about each of those things, but any real judgement will have to wait for now.


    Where did you hear that AvP isn't rated R?

  9. Since when an either the Alien or the Predator survive being flung through a wall?

    Predator 2, towards the end when Harrigan gets the disc and uses it to slice of Preddy's arm. The Predator goes hurtling down the side of the building, catches on a downspout, swings across the alleyway and through the hefty brick wall of the neighbouring apartment building.

    Oh come now. Macross World is hardly the lone voice of dissent in regards to AvP, and while we've made some cracks at is expense, I'd hesitate to call all of our comments "mindless." Is it so wrong to have an opinion that's negative about something? If there's anything "mindless" it's the cheerleaders who seem to come out of the woodwork in topics like this, who simply parrot things like "This looks good" or "I like Alien. I like Predator. Therefore AVP will be a good movie."

    Mindless enthusiasm without any critical thinking is what's really sad.

    I'm not referring to just AvP, sadly. I'm talking about all the yakking going on in the I, Robot thread, the multiple "me, too" posts in the Star Wars DVD thread, the majority of the dissenting voices in the MPC thread about the Alpha, the Robotech game thread, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

    It just doesn't seem to end, really.

  10. Where can you get the demo? I heard that it was going to be in XBOX magazine or something...has this already happened? Or are you getting the demo from another source? Thanks


    The Xbox demo will be in the September issues of Official Xbox Magazine, which has been released in certain areas, Canada not among them as of yet.

  11. This really should be a lesson to all not to jump the gun and bash something you haven't seen or already form negative opinions right from the start. I don't understand why people still do that when you can simply stay neutral and wait to form an opinion after seeing it.

    This is MacrossWorld, that's why :p

    It just wouldn't be the same place if everyone were nice, polite, courtious, and didn't judge books (or movies) by first impressions :)

  12. I'm voting for Best Buy, since they own Future Shop

    Future Shop *shudder*

    Don't get me wrong, I like the products they have and their prices usually are very competitive. It's just that I dislike being beset by jackal-like vultures that wear the skins of salesmen the second I step one micron into the store.

    Now, it's understandable that they'd act like that because they're all working on comission. No sales for the store = no money for them.

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