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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. DAY-UM!  That is TIGHT!  Good job Joe! B))

    Would it be too much to ask if you can make us another that is similar except that it features DD and Nora and either one of the SV-51s? :unsure:

    Thanks for the commentaries.

    I have to think what it is possible do, but I need time to be able to do something of acceptable quality.

    Bah. Less V&F, more T&A :D

  2. As for the pics, I've seen the remaster through fansubs, those pics look awful by comparison. When I saw those pics the first time, I thought that all they'd done was up the contrast, darken the brightness, increase saturation, and add a yellow tint. <_<<_<

    So how DOES the remaster actually look? Better or worse than those pics?

  3. Sci-Fi is just so predictable these days.  Too many formulas that everyone borrows from. <_<

    Go watch Firefly for a good change of sci-fi pace.

    Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. :)

    It's funny, but I used to praise SG-1 for its witty dialog and top-notch writing. Now that I've seen Firefly, SG-1 just looks flat and dull.

    And who dares to knock SAAB? Watch out, or I shall be forced to smacketh thee :)

    As someone who simply cannot stand the original BSG, this miniseries completely surprised me. It had a serious tone and great attention to detail, such as the briefing rooms and such. Most sci-fi shows just gloss over that part. And since I have total apathy regarding the original in my favour, I have absolutly no issues with the female-ized characters. While I found Starbuck to be a tad over-the-top for my taste, that just shows there's room for character development throughout the series.

    All in all, things are looking up for this series.

  4. There will be no VF-0D because that would require Yamato to resculpt large sections of the toy, instead of just swapping heads and charging for a new toy.

    They must be getting an insane profit margin on the different styles of VFs :)

  5. Edit: On further reflection. . . it actually does seem likely that Vader already knew he was Skywalker and is trying to protect his son from the Emperor. Hence his suggestion that he be turned rather than killed. So, I guess no harm done at all. Ignore me. :p

    For an excellent third-party observation of this scene, take a look at the prologue/first chapter of Shadows of the Empire, one of the novels. Heck, just read the whole book. A very entertaining read, and the only EU novel set during the actual trilogy.

    It's also the only EU novel with Vader, still alive and wheezing :)

  6. I like the weight that it has for a toy this size. The attention to detail and its overall appearance is better then the MPC VF-1 was.

    You can say *that* again. This thing just blows the sculpt of the VF-1 MPC out of the water. (and I'm a guy that doesn't mind the VF-1 MPC sculpt...)

  7. Since there is no plastic in a resin kit, it obviously won't work.

    *twitch* *twitch* *twitch*

    Sorry, but the polymer chemist in me just can't stand that :p

    Anyway, another thing I've seen tried is five-minute epoxy if you're going to bond large surfaces together. Haven't tried it myself, but it does look like it could work.

  8. Now, is it just me or do the arms just NOT want to fold together and lock in with the legs as snuggly as they did when it was first boxed?

    Yeah, I just noticed that problem myself, with the arms. It looks like maybe the legs aren't retracting far enough in fighter mode so all the tabs line up as well as they could.

    Also, when transforming from Battloid to the other modes, does any one have a problem getting that back "hatch" to come back up? When I was transforming from Fighter to Battloid, the only way for me to get the cockpit/canard assembly to fit flush onto the back was to get that hatch to ratchet down. Now that I'm going the other way around, I can't get the darned thing to come back up flush with the fusulage.

    Anyway, on my own personal scale of Lego to Binal Tech

    That's actually something I don't understand. The Binal Tech/Alternators are designed purely to look as cars, and the robot modes are awkward and disjointed clumpings of parts, only superficially resembling the robot they're designed after.

    I'm looking at my Sunstreaker right now, and his lower legs/feet are simply horrendus.

    But make no mistake, I love him and I'll be getting a few of the others (when they arrive up here in Canuckistan, that is), but I just don't see how they are consistantly ranked as the best when it comes to transforming toys.

  9. I just got my two Alphas today from Kevin (all hail the great god of toys known as Valkyrie Exchange *bows his head in reverence*).

    Unfortunatly, all I had time for was to admire the outstanding packaging and pick up the toy in Fighter mode before I had to go to work. I spent the whole day, dreaming of my new toys and envying/hating you office people that get to sit around and stare at your new stuff on your desk :p

    I'm truely surprised at how heavy this little guy really is. It's small, but feels like an old G1 transformer toy, though much better sculpted. Having been an active participant in this thread right from the get-go, I knew well in advance at how fragile some of these parts can be, so I was extra, extra, *extra* careful when moving anything.

    I am most happy to report that my Alpha is pretty well fault-free. Nothing has fallen off yet, no visible paint smudges, and though I haven't looked too closely for overspray, I haven't seen anything major on the toy.

    Though I will admit I was smart and opened my #3273 instead of #00420. Didn't want to take the chance of getting a pre-3000 lemon in my hands :p

    Overall, I'm very, very pleased with this toy. I will definitly be picking up more of the other three types.

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