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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I probably did miss a lot of the background in SDF, and I'm sure DYRL would probably be better after seeing that whole series.

    And that is my main issue with DYRL. It's got gorgeous animation and eye-candy... but little story to go with it.

    Everything in DYRL *requires* that the audience has seen the original series, and it doesn't even bother explaining what they changed from SDF (the ARMD arms, for example**). DYRL is a failure because all it is is pretty pictures and semi-decent mecha scenes with a thin versimlititude of plot and character development thrown on top of it, and plot & character development are staples of SDF Macross.

    Macross Plus did it right, even though it was a shorter running time than DYRL. We got all of the characters and background information AS WELL AS muchly uber cool mecha scenes.

    ** yes, I know exactly WHY the ARMD platforms were mated to the ship. It just bugs me that that wasn't explained in the show itself, requiring the audience to use the Compendium instead. I'm still the same "canon dialog boy" that I always have been :D

  2. Mac + is one of the most enjoyable animes around, regardless of the style of show.

    But I don't enjoy DYRL, Mac 7, or Mac 0 at all. SDF Macross is enjoyable, but hardly perfect.

    For me, Mac Plus will always be the definitive Macross show, with all the others just failing to live up to the excellence it used in storytelling, plotting, character designs, and action sequences. It raised the bar so high that nothing else in the Macross Universe has been able to match, let alone exceed.

  3. Isn't anyone watching Stargate: Atlantis? I've been liking what I've seen of it so far, but I'm a big SG fan to begin with.

    Damn skippy have I been watching Atlantis. MUCH better than the useless drivel that is SG-1 Season 8, and I've been following Stargate right from the start.

    I like Dr. McKay. Just enough annoying to be entertaining, but he's actually GOOD at what he does. Makes for a great character.

  4. Hey, Men In Tights rocked.

    Carey El-he-with-the-last-name-I-can-never-spell-properly-ays was an absolute riot as Robin Hood, but the Sherrif of Rottingham just stole the show, by far.

    I find that Mel Brooks is more hit than miss, though I have yet to find a way to enjoy Blazing Saddles.

  5. I still think that a teen dramedy/coming-of-age story set in Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy would be the best way to go.

    Sure, have it about the Jedi and their coolness, but have the main focus on the characters and how they undergo the trials and tribulations of learning from Skywalker.

    Becase, let's face it, SW is nothing but one long coming-of-age story. I think keeping that idea in a TV series would be the best thing possible (and keep the Jedi coolness, too).

  6. [Complete Dork Mode]

    Hey did anyone watch the "Birth of the Lightsaber" special yet? Did anyone find it ironic that GL goes on about how the lightsabers in the early movies where "two handed weapons" and his direction to the actors was that they were "very heavy and required two hands to propperly use" with the actors going to one hand later on and then showing off the feats of the early Jedi in the newer movies?...

    ... then how come the first time you ever see a Lightsaber in the darn movies Luke is one-handing it like he's playing with a sparkler? I found that just totally weird.

    [/Complete Dork Mode]

    Though I'm probably going to be joining you on the Dork Side for this, it really does make sense to me how using the lightsaber has been handled in the movie.

    Since the blade weighs nothing, it's very easy to swing the weapon around one-handed, as Luke does in ANH. But with the blade extended and actually hitting something (another blade or whatnot), all the torque generated by that impact would take a great deal of arm strength to use one-handed.

    Notice how Vader was strong enough to use the blade with only one hand for a while? I thought that was cool :)

    On a slightly different note, a thought occured to me during the boredom of work: With all the people on this site bitching and whining about how Lucas is changing things and ruining the way it went... why do you people support DYRL? Or want a reanimated SDF Macross? Since that would be doing what Lucas has done with SW, shouldn't you people be up in arms over how DYRL "raped" the concepts of SDF Macross simply to make a quick theatrical buck? About how a reanimated SDF Macross would take the good parts and screw them all up based on current-day concepts by the creator?

    Just some food for thought...

  7. Saber Rider was the definition of cool at the time. I watched the first episode to see if I'd like the series, and promptly taped all the others. Unfortunatly, I never got to see the first one again.

    So I've got most, if not all, of the episodes on tape *except* for that one, which I want to see simply because it's been bugging me for all these years.

    And I'm down in Surrey. That hasn't been evicted from the GVRD yet, right? :p

  8. Another thing is that the Jedi grab whomever they can lay their grubby little hands on that shows any hint of Force sensitivity. That could easily mean that they grabbed from the same family line mulitple times over the last who-knows-how-many centuries.

    Family != parent to child. There are such things as "siblings" and "uncles" and "cousins".

  9. Spy Troops was actually pretty good, got to see it when it aired on Cartoon Network. Looking forward to Valor vs. Venom as well. I did feel Spy Troops was more serious then the cartoon and Valor vs. Venom looks to be as well while. Also I heard Valor vs. Venom is suppose to be 80mins long while Spy Troops was 60 or 50 I think.

    Spy Troops is 44 minutes long. And you're right about the (slightly) more adult storyline, and it did make the show much more interesting than the cartoon.

    I'm even more pleased with the Scarlett/Snakes pairing. I spit upon Duke/Scarlett stuff :p

  10. i was always under the impression that the red and green lions were a bit smaller than the yellow and blue ones.  i mean... sure they are all the same size in lion mode in that one pic, but i'm pretty sure that was just lazy animation.

    arms are smaller than legs, it makes perfect sence the green and red lions would be smaller.

    you people! be happy damn you, just .. be... happy... !  (me too,  i need to be happy for a change)

    Dunno bout you man but I ain't never happy about toynami's price and suspect quality. It does look nice but it ain't perfect, a must buy@50$ but a definite pass or wait n see for 150$

    i mean in general.

    With an avatar like yours, it's kinda hard NOT to be happy :p

    Though I have to admit, all I need is one look at Wabbit's avatar and that gets me smiling :)

  11. This isn't the first CG Joe flick done. The first was called Spy Troops and it was done a special toy release boxset of 12" Snakes and Stormshadow.

    Pretty well what you'd expect from a Joe production with the exception of having some really nice animation. The models weren't the best, but the way they moved was nothing short of superb.

  12. The novels, if you discount the "liberties" taken by the authors, are a great reimagining of the series. I personally despise the whole mystic and magical side of their ideas, but they do give a good amount of detail and fine points that you just don't get in any of the shows (original Japanese as well as Robotech).

    And the authors actually had a few good ideas. Not many of them, but a few.

    Still, I'm an RPG purist above all else, so that means I'm disliked by both Macross fans AND hardcore Robotech fans :p

  13. I think if they couldn't get J.E.J. for the TV Vader, Sisco from DS9 would be a cool intermediate version....

    I've always thought his voice was cool and vader-esque...

    Indeed. He could probably play a wicked badguy.

    Will the original Trailers (during their first intial releases into theaters before the SE's) be available in the new set?

    Good God, I hope not! Have you ever *seen* the original Star Wars trailer? I'm amazed that they could get ANYONE into the theater!

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