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Everything posted by Ork_dreadnought

  1. And then Micheal and Nanase will reveal themselves to be Max and Milia, having now succeed in putting the aging process into reverse, and desperately turing to find a cure before they come to a sticky end.
  2. Oh, oh, and Basara will turn out to be Ranka's father too.
  3. I predict that an aged Shin Kudo and Sara are controlling the Vajra, and are currently engaged in attempts to stop the spread of Humanity, Kaduns, and war in general. The series will then shift its focus to these two characters, as it worked so well for Gundam Seed Destiny, and will end with NUNs, the Vajra, and however else may show up disarmed en-mass, but left alive. Kidding (or at least, I hope that stays a joke)
  4. Regular onsens are fine, I'd just be worried if they provided 12 year old girls to bath me. But then, I'm english, and my only experience of communal bathing is a swiming pool, so that's not unexpected.
  5. Wow, I've really stired things up. As points go, that's a crude, but valid, one. I definately could have worded my post better as I don't condone fan service. I just took issue with yellowlightman's implication that Frontier was especially bad for it. The level of fanservice up until the panties episode didn't even draw my attention, and the example I gave feature far more fanservice. I'm still having a hard time processing how someone could take offence at it, without being very conservative for an anime fan. Fanservice literally means a service to the fans, its not tied exclusively to the gainax bounce or the panty shot. Given that both the scenes in Dynamite 7 don't really add anything to anime, and are of a vaguely sexual nature, you could argue that these were of a fanservice nature. The only question is which fans, but I think we don't need to go there. Its a matter of acceptable targets. Legal adults are ok, as cheap and lame these scenes can be. Kiddies, no. That's not a double standard, its just a matter of drawing a line between what should be considered sexual and what should not. I don't recall the Totoro scene, so I can't comment, but the Dynamite 7 seems to cross that line. I'm going to leave this thread alone now, I've derailed it enough.
  6. Japanese baths are still divided by gender, so claiming that its a purely cultural misunderstanding is flawed. I also notice that you've avoided mentioning the yuri scene, in favour of attacking my references to other animes. At this point, I can't really debate the issue any further on a supposidly worksafe board. However, I find it fundamentally odd that someone will complain about stereotypicaly male fan service, but will let slide fan service for more, erm, specialised tastes.
  7. I am going to have to explain exactly why a grown man bathing with a young girl might qualify as exploitative? Especially as she was a groupie? Is the concept of Lolicon not know to you? Or exactly why someone might enjoy seeing Mylene getting sexually assaulted? Are trying to argue terminology or are you just naive? To be completely honest, I've hardly registered the bits you've mentioned in Frontier. Bouncing boobies have been around since Gunbuster, and that level of fanservice has been the norm for at least five years. Look at Gundam, Code Geass, Gurren Lagann and Heroic Age.
  8. I think, perhaps, you are confusing fan art with the anime that inspired it. Fronteir is naughty at times, but it has yet to cross the line Dynamite 7 crossed (i.e no lolicon bath scene, and no yuri attempted rape scene). By comparison, the lost panties scene recently was innocent.
  9. No kidding. Either thats some dead baby humour or a fetish I haven't encountered before.
  10. You should, she's a weapons grade catgirl. Oh, and the series is fun too (Shoiji K did the the design of the actual Outlaw Star)
  11. A good episode, the scences at the concert were important as set up, but were a bit at odds with the action. I'm still a little bit worried with the progression of the series though. With respects to the Love Triangle, Ranka just seems to be getting hurt thanks to her own immaturity, as its increasingly looking like a crush on her part. Sheyl and Alto actually seem to have chemistry. I'm not really keen on how the Vajra are still simple monsters. Yes, its still early days, so maybe I'm worrying unnessecarily.
  12. I can just imagine the following conversation: Mikal: "Look officer, I swear she's over 18, she's just got this weird genetic condition that means she ends up just looking like she's under!" Cop: "Yeah, right, get the hand cuffs." Mikal: "But I swear.."" Klan: "It's true, waaaaaa!" Cop: "Look, buddy, even if we did buy this story of yours, you're still in bed with someone who really really looks young, so there must be SOMETHING dirty going on with you" Mikal: "I'm NOT, look at her picture in uniform." Cop: "Oh, right, your porn collection, get social services!"" Klan: "You see, I told you, you should have just paid up the cash for macronisation!"
  13. I think, somehow, that people are less worried by her gigantic hooters, but more by her lolicon form and the dark places that leads. I personally find the number of fetishes macross frontier provides for to be very amusing. Almost as much as people swearing blind that their interest is totally innocent
  14. Full marks for getting to the heart of the matter. No doubt we will soon be having the same discussion about Alto in the near future one the yoai and transgender fans get hold of him.
  15. I first watched Dynamite 7 because it was a short OVA, and I thought it would be good way to "get" Macross 7 proper as I having difficulty with the main series. I have to say, at best, its average with some really dodgy bits. The Good: Visuals Moby dick theme Assorted lesser known VFs Opening song On reflection, seeing Basara getting beaten up, although I didn't consider that a plus at the time The Bad: Lolicon fanservice Yuri rape fanservice and the plotline that spawned it Basara singing at the whales No real indication of change following the end of the tv series
  16. I hereby react my previous comments about pacing I made in reference to episode 5. Sure, little actually happened this episode, but all the threads came together. The love triangle advances a fraction, Ranka and Sherl gets some development, the secret is out about the Vajra, the new UNS seems to something useful finally, a new Macross class ship is introduced, and the promise of some Konig monster action next episode. Kickass.
  17. Please don't roll your eyes at me. We're still at the point where A) the Vajra are just mysterious weapons with no personality and B) the love triangle has barely started. Compared to the original series' frantic attempts to launch the Macross, things are a little slow. Alto has changed, sure, but know is the time to do something with him. That's the only issue I have with the series, its not a big thing, but the series can't rest on eariler successes. I really really don't want this series to decline.
  18. Good so far. The characterisation is ticking along nicely, there's a big battle coming up and it looks like we've found out what that other plane in the intro is. Seems to be a VF4 clone. However, if the anime IS indeed 26 episodes long, they really need to start moving things along now. Mysterious aliens and love triangles get old quickly if an anime relies on them.
  19. This doesn't surprise me, and neither will the enevitable Alto yaoi and transgender doujins. The series provides for something like seven different fetishes. Which probably means its going to be hugely popular
  20. Let's hope not. The characters deserve better than being appearently killed off screen, despite my own intense dislike of Basara. (Hikaru, Misa and Minmay are just missing, before someone makes the comparison) I liked episode 4. The story is ticking over nicely, the combat was absolutely beautiful and the comedy was welcome. If we can get some background on the NUNS situation next episode, I'll be very happy indeed.
  21. As a whole this is proving to be quite good. I got disenfrancised with Gundam 00, Code Geass, and most of the real robot genre. Its about time we had something like this, though I think it will live and die by how these dangling plot threads are resolved.
  22. Careful, I think people will be more upset at this than the Jesus comparison. Despite the fact its faaarrrr more vaild.
  23. Wow, this is by some margin the dumbest post I've seen outside of 4chan. You've confirmed what I suspected for sometime, that you have passed beyond simple fanboyism in to realms of complete self-delusion. The mere fact that you've brought god junior into this is bad enough, but comparing Basara to Jesus is both totally groundless and flamebait of the highest order. Even by the standards of Macross 7 arguements on this forum. I'm not going to dignify this self-indulgent twaddle of a post with a full response, except to say, step away from the keyboard and take a reality check. Next time, try comparing him to John Lennon, although that's possibly worse.
  24. What can you expect from Macross 7 fanboys? Both sides are as bad as each other. Seriously, we need a Macross 7 forum just so those of us who are sick of this arguement don't have to see it every 5 minutes.
  25. Well, I did have some thoughts about that. The journey of the SDF-1 has plenty of space for a party of PCs. The VF wings were composed of 300ish machines (before we get into destroid territory). Given the amount of action the ship was seeing it would not be surprising if there were more pilots than that on rotation, and thus the chances of the party running into the regular cast should be fairly small. The post war period has more space though, plenty of angry Zentradi, more cities, and new mecha coming into it. A colony fleet seems a good idea seems good idea until you realise what that would likely be involved. Long periods of travelling, and you'd either have to use the zentradi (which likely means a huge fleet followed by the Minmay effect), the Protodevilin (a hard sell) or create a new race (just hard).
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