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Posts posted by vlenhoff

  1. Agreed, why not both!!!

    but... I can only justify one for now, so the TV it is. i just like the TV version so much better. I think the arms being an improvisation, gives it so much character. Oh we lost the ARMD, so lets put an aircraft carrier in there, lol. It gives it so much character, and it has a story to tell. It would have been so cool if they kept the TV Macross alive in all subsequent series, but that's just IMHO. It would feel like home, every time.

  2. Must resist buying this DX VF-1s. I was thinking, i should maybe buy another DX MAx instead, and make it into a Kakizake, and call it a day. 

    edit in: Like others here, i am sort of fed up with DYRL colors. I just want my darn Vermillion complete. I got plenty of Yammie 1/48 brownies for background filler.

  3. 5 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

    Man. I miss mine. Had one since I was little. It got some breaks and scratches over the years, two of the cannons on the shoulders broke off, the main cannons snapped and were repaired more times than I can count. 

    around ten years ago we had an earthquake. Smallish and very uncommon for where I live. But itwas close enough for things to shake a bit. When I got home from work that day figures that had been perched on the top of shelves were on the floor in pieces, including the sdf-1. 

    So I appreciate seeing some in such good condition!

    That sucks! Maybe you'll get another some time.

    5 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    I now have a new found hatred for you @sqidd. :hail:GREAT addition!!! I had mine since childhood but sadly about a year ago both his arms snapped off moving him out of my display case. Plastic had just gotten to brittle over time. :sorry:

    Yeah, It looks amazing!


    @sqidd thanks for sharing! I may detail / weather mine one day. That Macross is great looking!

  4. 15 minutes ago, VF-18S Hornet said:

    Matchbox licensed the SDF-1from Bandai, after they acquired the Takatoko molds. So yeah that is a Matchbox by way of Bandai SDF-1. I Still have mine for three decades.

    ^ That's what it was! Thanks for the info! (this may sound cheesy, but that Bandai logo always made me happy, when i spotted it in a toy, back then)(Like Jetfire, etc.)

    You are lucky! I had to grow old, grow a beard, and then i was able to find one at a reasonable-ish price. It's radar array is hanging on one side, partly broken, but it reminds me of that episode when they go dark. I was going to fix it, but I never got to it. This is how i got it back then, and i am just grateful I have it at all.

    I know this is a pretty simple toy, but it has the spirit of the Macross, and that's enough for me. Every once in a while i think about weathering it, but i have not made my mind up yet.   

  5. 19 hours ago, sh9000 said:


    Updated.  I’ll keep the VF-4G in this shelf.


    Most of Macross' historical Valkyrie progression in just one formation. What else could you possibly want. This is why Macross valks are so much fun. 3 modes, several armors and set ups. It never gets old to me.


    Great pictures everyone. Interesting sideways display there Lordrancid. Also, Saburo's and Kuma-style's photo work, should be in magazines.

  6. 4 hours ago, bbilly29 said:

    to be honest theres a reason my girl at bandai gives me the inside info....she says its that theres something about having a boyfriend thats a pilot...and she always sings me a song after we....well you know....She says it in Japanese but one part is in english  and it goes, " i love you...you love meeee"   and then more japanese. lol.           (私の彼はパイロト

    Maybe she can give you Bandai's pictures instead of Hasegawa's. People here know their valkyries, and they wont fall easily to trolling.


  7. 15 hours ago, sh9000 said:


    Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...Duuude... Sweeet...

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