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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Someone posted a link to this on another board: http://www.force-3.com/ It doesn't look like it ever actually aired, but man mea at 10 years old in 1983 would have loved it. Heck, as cheesey as it looks, I'd probably still like it now.
  2. Middle Earth is a continent. Specifically Europe in a distant, primieval time. They aren't really mentioned, because geographically they'd be living far away. Some think the Easterlings and Southrons might refer to men of different races, but there's no direct evidence of this (see my post above). Some of the humans worshipped Sauron as a god. Many had been enslaved by him. Others were simply mercenaries.
  3. There's some debate about this, but my understanding is that Middle Earth is very specifically Northern Europe and descriptions of the people to the south and east should be taken comparitively. In other words, Mediterranian and Slavic (respectively) would be a better reference for how they look.
  4. I've been getting more and more into board games the last few years, so I'll probably grab this. I remember playing it back in college (probably 2nd edition) and enjoying it, but it got old after awhile. I think it was too luck dependant and there wasn't a whole of decision making involved.
  5. How long have people's batteries been lasting? I went through my first set rather quickly, but that was because I screwed up and didn't store the remotes properly (they were left in a duffel bag for a week after taking my system to a party and so the buttons were constantly pressed). My second set have lasted a good three weeks, but I don't play daily, so I have no idea what kind of life I should expect.
  6. It can be, but destiny might be a bit more accurate. As for the show, have you seen the cat chase episode yet? That one is where I stopped watching it at.
  7. That would be great, if they could pull it off. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to, so it just comes across as them tacking the school stuff on because high school comedies are popular right now. A geas is a a vow, obligation or doom placed on someone (it comes from gaelic mythology). Lelouch's power is to put a geas on people. The Japanese producers used the mis-spelling, which doesn't excuse the fansubbers from expounding on it. It got ridiculous. Sticking the occasional billboard or such in the background is one thing, but when product placement starts intruding on the dialog, it's too much.
  8. This show would have been great if they didn't keep trying to tack the high school comedy bits to it. They go from a grim scene of women and children being gunned down by the oppressive government, then jump back to campus where wacky hijinks ensue. Now, if done right, this could be very effective in screwing with the audiences heads, but it wasn't played that way. It just comes across as if they threw two genres together without any regard to the end result. What's sad is that the show had real potential. The juxtapostion of the two main leads is very interesting and could have made for some great drama. The other thing that really bugs me is... THE WORD "GEAS" IS SPELLED WITH ONLY ONE "S" Yeesh. Oh, and do you think that Pizza Hut might have paid for this show?
  9. Hey A7, have you had a chance to see Winter Garden? It's a 2 part special that re-imagines Di Gi Charat. The story is pretty bog standard, but it's a lot of fun picking up all the little references they threw in (they got Sakurai to come back and direct it).
  10. Anyone know how much EB is giving for copies of Zelda?
  11. I can buy that. I was just thinking that if I was stuck with a traditional controller, I probably wouldn't have spent half the time playing Zelda that I have been because my hands would be cramping up. Being able to keep both of my hands at my side while playing is very comfortable. I wonder why no one has tried a two-piece version of a traditional controller.
  12. Out of curiosity, what would be so bad about using the remote + nunchuck as a traditional controller (ie not using the motion detecting stuff)? I think it'd be much more comfortable, and you're not lacking for buttons and stuff.
  13. It connects to the remote, so effectively it's wireless.
  14. I have no desire to play any games with the classic controller. Not having to keep my hands in a cramped position to play games is awesome.
  15. Got my Gunbster today and man this thing is beyond awesome. I love this toy. It's awesomeness, in fact, has completely overshadowed my Ingram breaking immediately after being opened.
  16. I got it through BBTS. Since it wasn't damaged in shipping, not sure if there's anything to be done about it. Man, I want a Dangaio (trying not to let my Ingram experience sour me on the line).
  17. Just got my Ingram today. Take it out of the package and go to bend the leg and the knee snaps in two. Glad I only paid twenty bucks for the thing.
  18. I've not seen the US version.
  19. Central Anime is fansubbing the series. They're done with the first season and working on the second season. I recommend looking for them.
  20. I'm going to start looking for some used GC games to play on my Wii. What can you guys recommend me in way of RPG or strategy games?
  21. I have no interest in the dub, but I must say that I like how they're promoting the show.
  22. You should remedy yourself of this situation as soon as possible.
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