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Everything posted by eriku

  1. I'm not going to miss the 1/65 version - I'm going to keep it proudly displayed next to Yamato's where I can enjoy both of them forver.
  2. I went in expecting the worst, but as you said it was was better than the last couple Shrek films. Actually I'd rank it almost on par with the first Shrek film. Refreshingly void of constant pop culture references.
  3. Mostly in reference to how the parts work during transformation (I feel less likely to break it) - which I guess is more of a matter of engineering than 'overall build'. I agree with you though, the V2 plastic feels of a higher quality.
  4. I agree. I did actually prefer the 1/60 V2 for a while, but it didn't stand the test of time for me and I reverted to liking the 1/48 the best. While the V2 does look more refined, I prefer the overall build, transformation and size of the 1/48. It's also possible that it's old enough now to poke at my nostalgia button. I still vividly remember how completely breathtaking those first 1/48 photos were when they were posted on this site. It was a moment of, "Can this be a real toy?!" The excitement I felt and the anticipation of getting my hands on the 1/48 hasn't been matched by any other Macross release since. Not even my favorite VF, the upcoming VF-17, fills me with as much wonder - mostly because that level of engineering and beauty in a toy is kind of status quo now for Yamato and is no longer a surprise. Not that I'm complaining, it's a good status quo. That said, my absolute favorite Macross toy is still the old Bandai Joke Machine. It was the first Macross/Robotech toy I had as a kid and still holds up really well when compared to modern toys.
  5. Oh for sure. They look pretty much perfect - it's just the joints that bring them down. That said, I'm happy that Adventure Time figures exist at all.
  6. Man, I'd totally dress up as Finn for Halloween if I could either find a Finn hood or have the ability to make one. A green backpack would be easy to find, and the role-play sword can be bought at Toys R' Us. Also I'd love to see Revoltech or Figma figures of Finn & Jake. The current figures are kinda crappy.
  7. Thanks for the scan, Graham, this thing just looks better and better. This is coming out at the best time ever for me. I'll have an excellent toy of my favorite Macross VF in one hand and a brand new son/daughter in the other.
  8. I love Adventure Time. Have the 10" Finn figure sitting right next to the keyboard staring at me with his anger-face. Its not for everyone, but I dig the strange ideas and clever humor of the show. One of my favorite parts was when Lady Rainicorn, who typically speaks with a lovely Korean voice, was made to wear a translation box so Finn could understand her and the only setting that made sense was "old man", which was an instant turn-off for Jake. I will admit though that I flipped past this show many, many times and wrote it off as being stupid. Wasn't until I really sat down and watched an episode from start to finish that it clicked with me and I fell it love with it. While it may have a lot of bizarre elements, at its heart it is a good old-fashioned action-adventure show with solid writing. If anyone is thinking of getting the current DVD, be warned that its not a 'season' set and none of the episodes are in any kind of order. I think it has a handful of episodes from season 1 & 2. Not that continuity is uber-important with this show, but I kind of like watching things in chronological order.
  9. I thought it just allowed the black panel to be pushed inward, but I didn't look at it very closely. I did notice the piece comes off easily...perhaps related to some future armor?
  10. Got mine this morning - after a quick transformation I can't really find any negatives. Paint is all crisp and clean, overall parts fit is excellent, transformation is easy both ways without any stubborn bits. Joints are tight and plentiful. The crotch lock is now a system of hooks and latches that work really well and hold it together securely. It's pretty much superior to the original in every way. Very happy so far!
  11. Woohoo, mine has already launched from SDF-A(miAmi)!
  12. Unfortunately a 1/55 VF-1D was never made.
  13. It's hard to figure out AmiAmi's shipping practices. When I get something large like a 1/60 VF it comes in a monstrously huge box that is 2-3X bigger than the toy box. But when I get something smaller like a Revoltech or SRC they come in a box just big enough for the toy box to fit inside with maybe a small cardboard frame or crumpled paper for protection. I've never once gotten packing peanuts or shredded cardboard, but I know others have. That said, I was surprised that EMS for my 25 was only 3200 Yen. Typically it's a standard 4000 Yen for toys like this.
  14. Ditto - I couldn't throw my money at AmiAmi fast enough! 13,350 Yen with EMS. I know what I'll be doing next Monday or Tuesday night.
  15. The price is really only skyrocketing for people outside of Japan with poor exchange rates, though. In terms of Yen, this thing is priced right around the same as other Yamato toys like the SV-51, the YF-21, etc. If the exchange rate were the same today as it was a few years ago, this would only cost around $200 for those of us in the US. Can't really fault Yamato for another country's weak currency.
  16. Nope, I'll take him as-is and hug him and love him and call him George. This is the VF I've wanted more than any other for so many years that it still almost seems unreal to be just a few months away from having it in my hands. I do agree that the price is on the absurd end, but I'm helpless against the VF-17 so I'll just find something nice and soft to bite down on while I'm bending over to pay for it.
  17. By using the worst kind of 3D. I'm so excited for this that ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. It does look like there's a difference of a mm or two. Could be it's not seated properly or it's just an issue of it being a prototype. This is still planned for a late October release, right?
  19. Hopefully those Emmys will help give Futurama an even longer life. Futurama, Thundercats and Clone Wars are my trifecta of cartoon goodness right now. I demand to see Lrrr accepting that Emmy.
  20. The "S" rating is because they know Cheetara will give little boys some confusing ideas just like she did in the 80's. Tonight's episode was great. I even had a slew of new figures to mess with while I was watching it. Everyone should own Lizard Cannon with Lizard.
  21. I watched the video again and it looks like you may not actually need the key to arouse the lion's legs - there seems to be a simple button, a sort of robotic distended rectum if you will, that you can simply poke with your finger to get the action going. What?
  22. What's with all this weird "Bandai is going to copy/backwards-engineer Yamato" dialogue? Where does that even come from? And why would Bandai even bother trying to backwards-engineer a VF-171 out of this when the two mechs are completely structurally different? I don't get it. That said, I hope bandai or Yamato or anyone does make a VF-171 someday so I can display it alongside this beauty (or what I assume will be a beauty). They can backwards-engineer it from a baboons ass for all I care, just as long as they make one.
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