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Everything posted by eriku

  1. No floppiness or loose joints on my 19 or 1J yet. Got each of them right when they were released and they've held up wonderfully to repeated transformations/posing.
  2. Layton is one of my favorite Revys. If you like the character you probably wont be disappointed with the figure. God, if not more. Someone did a list of all the EVA releases in the Revoltech line and they make up almost half of the line. While I'm entirely bored of Evangelion figures at this point (although I would buy a Shinji, Gendo and Misato which they seem dead set against making), I think it's the success of those figures that has kept the Revoltech line going for so long. It's what, 4 or 5 years old now? That's pretty impressive in an age where the lifespan of entire lines can often be measured in months. So yeah, hopefully Evangelion will continue to be a money-maker for them so we can continue to get the random interesting figures sprinkled here and there amongst them. :EDIT: I found the list and attached it.
  3. The only newish Generations toy I've seen since the first wave (Prime, Peg, etc) is one WFC Megatron. I've also seen some of the more recent HFTD deluxes around, like Deer Collision Sideswipe and New Tuner Mudflap Tuner Skids.
  4. No, #100 is another EVA-01. It's got things like a base, lights and flashy paint to try and mask the fact that its just another EVA-01.
  5. It all comes down to what an individual does, but there can be a LOT more role playing with toys than just "playing with a figure". Just sitting with a figure and shaking it around going "durrr" (which is how I play with toys as an adult) might not take any imagination, but true role playing with them does. When I was a kid I created entire worlds, species, habitats, teams, missions, goals, victories, failures, relationships, pretty much every aspect of life with my figures and vehicles. I know I wasn't the only one. I also grew up with video games (less immersive ones, sure, but addicting and time-consuming nonetheless) and while I loved them (and still do) I always preferred to be outside actually doing something, and that almost always involved having some action figures with me.
  6. Perhaps one of the reasons the HiMetal line is in jeopardy is because so many people "wait to buy on clearance" these days? I'm not saying anyone should or shouldn't do that (I've done it myself), just pontificating. I certainly hope the line continues as its one of my favorites, but I wont be at all surprised if they end it since so few people seem to be buying the toys or even talking about them.
  7. Arthur Dent hitchhikes his way across the galaxy and into the role of Bilbo Baggins http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2010/10/21/39468-meet-your-hobbit-cast/ Personally I couldn't be happier about this. I love Martin Freeman and I think he'll make a fine Bilbo.
  8. The clips for the Hi-Metal wings (at least on mine) is very strong and will not break free unless you deliberately pull on the wing with a little force. If you never swap the wings you could easily forget that they are even removable at all.
  9. So how do you guys think the story will pan out? "Team comes out of retirement and gets together one last time"? "Story resumes during business as usual"? "Training a hip new young team"? "Establishing a Ghostbusters Academy"? All of the above? I think whatever happens the movie should be a lot of fun, and I'm going into it with an open mind. Well, as long as that Justin Beaver chick isn't involved.
  10. Is Justin Bieber going to be in this too?
  11. Some of them are ratcheted, all of them are nicely designed and strong enough to hold poses. My only complaint in regards to the joints is that there is no forward or backward movement at the hips. My Quarter was hoping to have a nice sit with the Konig.
  12. Anyone else get their Lupin? Mine arrived today and I'm quite happy with it. This is exactly the kind of figure I wanted Revoltech to include from the very beginning. Now give me figures from Bebop and Champloo and I'll be happy.
  13. Since it's so long after the first movie they could really go anywhere with it. Bring Goose back as a zombie who turns the crew of an entire aircraft carrier into zombies that pilot planes and stage attacks on neighboring ships and coastal cities. Tom Cruise plays the only member of the ship not infected, a cook who has to fight his way from the galley to the bridge and help coordinate an attack on the zombie ship. The film's most poignant scene comes as Chef Maverick takes control of Zombie Goose's plane remotely and jettisons him from the plane where he then, once again, slams into the canopy, dies, and sinks into the sea. The movie ends as the camera pans down through the depths to the ocean floor where we see the waterlogged body of Zombie Goose who's eye opens suddenly as "THE END?" appears on the screen.
  14. I think that sculpt suits Wheeljack more than Tracks. Still would have been nice to get a completely different sculpt for each character though. Cool to see Rumble & Frenzy, but for some reason I'm not particularly excited by them.
  15. Oddly I prefer the Hasbro version of the upcoming Lugnut, but I really like Takara's as well. I'd be happy with either. I'm liking Perceptor quite a bit more after seeing the new pics, too. So much good stuff...
  16. I think the fact that there is a 38-page thread at TFW2005 discussing this is far more interesting than the story itself. :|
  17. The following post was stolen shamelessly from TFW2005. First pics of Kup!
  18. Not at all. Just saying that it doesn't jive with your "Bandai only makes what Yamato made first" theory.
  19. I think the fact that Bandai did the VF-19 before Yamato negates your theory.
  20. eriku

    Bandai SD Infinite

    The answers to this question and more are in your Future, answered by the Past, Today! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32988&st=70
  21. eriku


    Indeed. I do think it's an unlikely candidate for HiMetal considering there are so many 'iconic' birds Bandai might want to make first and the line might not even live long enough (Bandai has been eerily quiet about any non-VF-1 Hi Metal toys), but I'll hold on to my hopes.
  22. I'd love to see a short series or an OVA about a steampunk Macross. Get Miyazaki on board to design some ships and have Kawamori work out their transformations and robot modes. Yeah, it's gimmicky (and never going to happen), but it would make for some cool toys.
  23. I like the Hobbit, so I would see a film made of it. I'm not going to know weather it's good or bad until I see it, regardless of who makes it, so...not really going to consider myself a sucker on that account.
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