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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Why are they bright colors....... please don't ask questions that make sense.
  2. VF-27 Bad Guy Valk VF-27 Valkyrie II VF-27 Broad Sword VF-27 Who Cares?
  3. All my chips (which aren't many anymore) are set on the VF-0D after the new 1/60 VF-1 comes out. It's about the only design apart from the armor that hasn't been done from Mac 0 yet.
  4. As much as I hate to say it Indie probably will get good reveiws all around even if the movie is terrible, it's a franchise everyone loves and no one wants to be "that guy" and say that the CGI effects look fake or the story is kinda silly. I myself will be go out and watch the movie (probably on release day) just cause of my deep love for the rest of the series (except for temple of doom, that was kinda bad ).
  5. Ha I can see it now, $200 Picachus (thats how you spell it right?) being made by Yamato. Good to hear that the YF-21 stand is clear and the Fold Booster + X-9 bundle would be quite the good idea.
  6. So they actually did make it, color me suprised . At $60 it isn't what I would call cheap but it is affordable compared to other headsets.
  7. Heh very nice! So 5 military PMC's from different countries, here I was thinking there would only be 2 sides...... fancy. Oh and snake turns young before your eyes (yay for technology). I somehow doubt anything can get as twisted as those crazy Campbell phonecalls in Arsenal Gear (turn off the game now comes to mind) but I'm sure we are in for a few twists and meandering moments. Um how do I use the black bar so I don't spoil things for others?
  8. Yeah I'm in hopes that we can keep our profiles as well, just get rid of the stats. I would like to keep my friends list. MGO to me is the most fun I've had palying an online game in a long time. Theres just something about hiding in a box and then popping out at the right time to slit someones throat ya know (no I'm not a psycho).
  9. Nice find Apollo Leader. I had fun playing with you guys in MGO (SMS Skull Team!) and its a shame MGO Beta is over but look on the brightside, 1 month left to wait! Oh and one last thing, that double headshot was amazing (too bad you guys were on the receiving end ).
  10. Heres something I always wondered, if Venture has a cloner and wants to talk to his dead father about so many things why not just clone him? Maybe hes just too afraid to A. Dig up the corpse and B. just couldn't bare to confront him in the end .
  11. I just finished the main story missions for all the main and secondary characters, I have yet to do much of the assassination missions or carjacking/racing things. As for how long it took me, I'm not sure. I didn't fail too many of the missions so it didn't take too incredibly long (if any of you need hints ask me, I don't know mission names but give me details as to whats going on) although I had to try the final mission 3 times, they honestly shoulda put a midway savepoint there.
  12. Welp I finally beat the game, the story was ok and kinda predictable but hey what can ya do. My only gripe was with the ending, it was like we are at the last 10 minutes of a movie and it suddenly goes black and says THE END! Probably like that because of the dlc for the 360 version (sigh). Anywhoo this game of all of them really bothered me the most because it seems like I killed over 1000 mafia/triads/druggies/thugs/and hookers all for the sake of just being able to do it. Its like they took 1 mission, copied and pasted it 20 times over (I feel sorry for all those families of the boys I killed) and said thats fine who cares look at the graphics. Overall the game kinda dissapointed me and whos to blame R* for reusing the same formula, it works and makes them money. Oh well, maybe MGS4 can quench my thirst for a great game.
  13. Wow they actually made a season 3! I thought they would stop with that cliffhanger at the end of season 2 (yeah you know the one). I'm a moderately big fan of the show. My favorite character of the show......... hmmmmm thats a tough one. I'll just pick Brock Sampson, he's just so badass. My favorite episode is an early one, I can't think of the name but it's the one with the fake ghost pirates and Prof. Ventures crashed aircraft with the REAL ghost. My favorite quote is IGNORE ME!!!
  14. I heard that Yamato fixed the parts dropping off the wings with the Nora and Alpha Sv-51. Course I dont have either of them so I can't give a firsthand account.
  15. Im with you on this Sergorn, I don't think I've ever been more excited about a game than MGS4. I'll keep an eye out for you online Keith, if anyone sees my name (dizman) give a shoutout, my mic's busted but I'll still type back. On the MGO front I've been really into knife combat servers, especially 1v1 knife fights, they are quite addictive.
  16. Well GTA's missions were always abit repetative (steal car, drive here, kill this person). I hated the driving at first but it has grown on me and I seem to be pretty good at it now (takes some practice). My main problem are the gunfights, its fine if you are aiming ahead but if one guy pops up behind you then you have a helluva time to do a 180 and hit him. Also who wants to pay toll on bridges........ annoying feature that really didnt need to be in there. Overall the game is pretty good, not as amazing as some of the reveiws are making it out to be but then again no game will ever be perfect.
  17. I bought a Dom a while back that was missing a tree of parts. Whoever I bought it from (been awhile ago) said to send it back and they sent me a new one with all the right parts.
  18. I hope its a total remake instead of a flashback or a return to shadow moses in the end. Crafty Kojima, always keeps us guessing .
  19. Pretty neat! I keep wanting to get into this hobby but the cost and the problem of wasting all your money when you crash the plane keeps pushing me away .
  20. Sigh, yet again Springer is not a triplechanger (though his heli mode looks pretty good).
  21. New gamemode and map are available! The gamemode is Old Snake VS red team VS blue team. Snake has all his gear like octocammo and the solid eye and has to run around getting dogtags from the 2 teams. Its pretty fun and as Snake it's fairly hard to get the 3 dogtags to win (when you die all the tags you got go away). The map is ok, its in a bombed out city with plenty of cover all around. It's sniper heaven as there are plenty of houses to go inside and hide. It's ok.... better than bloodbath but not as good as grozny grad.
  22. Heh whenever I think this thread is going to die it comes back . Anywhoo my Ivanov has droopy / loose wings but it isn't so bad.
  23. Woo it's finally up! Pretty fun so far, too bad it only came with 2 maps though. The small map kinda annoys me but Grozny Grad is just amazingly fun! The controls are a little odd but thats how MGS always was. Other than that I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Sigh, too bad the one gamemode (snake vs. 2 teams of soldiers) I was looking forward to didn't make it in but I guess I'll have to wait till June 12th .
  24. dizman

    2 seater 1/48s

    Lookin nice as always, can't wait to see the completed VF-1D in all its painted glory. Have you heard anything from Yamato or Graham for that matter about your design yet?
  25. Ha, stealth version with bright yellow highlights . One BB is enough for me.
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