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Posts posted by lechuck

  1. That's a very generous approximation.

    At 1/68 I would classify the SPEC closer to 1/72 scale rather than 1/60. To each their own I suppose.

    It's a pity, would have considered getting this if it matched more closely.

  2. Quick check in my toy database shows the following:

    - Bandai SPEC Layzner (approx 1/60)

    I thought the SPEC Layzner was more like 1/68 when calculated.

    Layzner is specified at being 9.52m tall with the SPEC representation being about 14cm high. Or is the SPEC actually closer to 16cm?

  3. Why is that? I just got off the phone with Yamato this afternoon to report ANOTHER problem with mine, the second in as many weeks.

    One of the grey plastic blocks inside the fuselage broke this week, with the toy only having a handful of transformations behind it and sitting in battroid mode most of the time.

    But quite frankly this is just the epitome of many other problems and failures the toy has IMO. Shoulders that are loose (up/dowm movement), hip joints are loose, intakes that keep banging into everything in the hip area (battroid), intake covers that keep popping of, lack of a chest lock, lack of a waist joint, gaps in fighter mode and last but not least crooked gunpod and rear landing gear.

    By themselves some of these things are negligible, but sum it up all together and the 1/60 YF-19 just makes for a poor experience. You pick it the legs fall together and the arms fall down. Do anything with the arms/legs and sure enough you are going to be sorting out chest section over and over again. The whole thing is just lacking a certain solidity.

    The plastic block breaking this week, was just the icing on the cake for me.

    So with all that in mind, I'm naturally wanting Bandai to give me YF/VF-19 that is a more enjoyable experience.

  4. Judging the scale of mecha by its pilot figure is never a good idea. Even the pilots between all of Yamatos 1/60 offerings differ in size.

    I am not sure what you trying to prove with the second image, but the Skygrasper is naturally a small plane. Comparing it to the VF-0A gives us a difference in size not scale.

    The only way to prove if something is scaled correctly is to measure the toy/model and compare with the dimensions setup by the mecha designer.

    Most of the time there will not be a 100% match, but minimal differences of a couple of cm is acceptable.

  5. Sigh... I waited so long, no company wanted to do anything good with this property.

    Eventually Alter comes around and I pre-order thinking now or never because no one else is interested.

    Less than six months later and everybody is jumping into the hot whirlpool to get their share.

    I won't be canceling because I still like the scale, detail and gimmicks on Alters ARX-7.

    Still it's going to be very interesting as to which company will take the crown for best Arm Slave toy/figure.

    Here some more pics of the Robot Spirits version:











  6. VF-19 seems to be coming along good. Still iffy about the legs, especially the thigh half.

    I hate the carve-out and weird pointy intakes on the Yamato 1/60 and I was looking forward to 1/100 not having that issue.

    Oh and before I forget can someone please, please, please post a close up shot of the VF-25 cockpit. Thank you.

  7. I'm an oddball when it comes to Trek movies too.

    The Motion Picture I kind of like, eventhough it is soooooooo slooooooooooooow paced and the story is so so. But I'm a sucker for exterior space shots and this movie gave us a wonderful 6 minutes tour of the Enterprise (not a Connie-Refit fan) with the beautiful score from Jerry Goldsmith.

    TWOK is a classic for me too and The Search for Spock is just a solid OK. The actor switch for Saavik didn't go well with me and I've never really been interested in the whole Vulkan mysticism thing. Number IV is not one of my favourites. It's one thing to have a bit of comedy in your show but it's another to make comedy of your show. Movie V - horrible. Shatner stick to stop motion acting. The last one with the original crew was good, although I never want to see "No Smoking" signs in a Trek movie ever again.

    The majority of TNG movies are bad. Generations wasn't good IMO. It was forcefully put under this necessity to bridge TOS with TNG and we ended up with the very bad Nexus plot.

    Next up First Contact. At first one of my favourites, but a giant plot-hole because of time travel again (after "All Good Things" one would have thought the staff had learned their lesson)

    and an anti-climatic ending makes this movie not so good.

    Insurrection one of the best TNG movies. It carries the spirit of TNG and Roddenberry, has the moral/ethical message and a decent amount of action. The Joystick scene is the only negative.

    Nemesis should have been a grand story, so much potential was wasted and therefor fail in my book. The space action scenes in the movie where OK though.

  8. Uhh.. read my post properly before you shoot your mouth off? I said Bandai was RIGHT. Since when was I discrediting them?

    Err... I think you need get your eyes replaced. I read your post, your calculations where right - there was nothing to worry about. So why you're fussing around beats me.

    My post was essentially addressed to EVERYBODY or if you want to be more specific to those debating the correctness of scale on the VF-25.

    Don't get me wrong people even Bandai can have an off day on scaling, but it's more an exception than the norm. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself, but with the already

    huge negative stigma Bandai has on these forums, I thought it was just pushing it too much questioning the scale of a 2009 Bandai toy compared to 80s/90s stuff and Toynami.

    Isn't that really more of a Takatoku though?

    Well that was my assumption: first Arii and then Taka and Toynami.

  9. I think the blame for the "gazillion Gundams" thing would have to either go to G Gundam or Wing and it's been - with the exception of Turn A - a main stay ever since.

    What SEED/Destiny has done is combine the above with an obsession for every damn character to have an upgrade path to the next better Gundam.

  10. My God.. is everybody's dislike for Bandai so big on this forum, that your even discrediting them for getting the scaling right against older stuff and Toynami!?

    This is after all the company behind HG, MG, PG and a majority of other rightly scaled kits out there.

    Not everything Bandai does with Macross is automatically wrong you know.

  11. Don't worry it will eventually come.

    The question is not "if" but rather more of a "when". At this moment I wouldn't expect a Gundam 00 until earliest 4th quarter of 2010 or maybe even 2011.

    That's because they might want to do the 1st season Gundams before they start with the 2nd season ones.

  12. I pulled down my 1/48 long before I even had ver.2 VF-1. I'm almost certain I'll never go back to it and probably will sell it eventually.

    Once I saw the Battroid proportions of the ver.2 in pictures my dissatisfaction with the 1/48s grew exponentially.

    And all those extra features like wing flaps and the radar dish have never interested me and therefore won't be missed on the new 1/60s.

  13. I love how he says Star Trek has to recreate itself and at the same time he want's to go back and do 60's style TV show. Hooray for stupid ideas.

    Helllloooooo... Enterprise failed because it was a prequel and because the majority of Trek fans didn't like that premise. Trek has to move forward not backwards!!!!

  14. Judging by that pic, the VF-11 seems to have the same head height as VF-1. Doesn't look like the VF-11 size was retconned at all.

    And I can see that the intake hitting the back-plate thingy is going to be a royal pain in the a** when posing.

    On the positive side the feet look much better now.

  15. Hmm.... top 3 contenders....

    That would probably be either

    - VF-0D, because only 30-40 percent new molds necessary for complete new Valk.

    - VF-5000, similar sibling to VF-0, VF-1 and VF-11


    - VF-17, one of Grahams favourites and he's putting his money on it

    But back to the 1/100 and therefore the VF-25.

    I have noticed that in this thread and the DX one there has been a lot of scathing and bashing on Bandais take of the Battroid mode.

    On the other hand most of the same people seem to be very lenient on Yamato's take of the YF-19/21 Battroid. They are just as much off, perhaps even more so than the VF-25.

    Why this discrepancy in dis-/approval? It seems that members are applying two different standards here.

  16. The whole sliding nosecone thing was a terrible idea... it makes transformation more complex and puts the toy's head in the wrong place with the only benefit being less of a crotch. The head also looks like it sits a little too far back in battroid also. Great toys, no doubt, but the more I handle them the more I wish Yamato had just made smaller 1/48s without wingflaps, removeable nosecones, and air brakes (but keep the bigger hands!).

    I disagree. The sliding mechanism is godsend for the appearance of the VF-1. The head might sit a little higher, but that's still a better trade-off than low sitting shoulders, long upper arms and a pron star proportioned fuselage. I also don't think the transformation becomes more complex but rather more fiddly. Lets face it, Yamato does the perfect transformations but they haven't really bothered making them an easy and fun 3-5 step procedure.

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