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Posts posted by lechuck

  1. This is awesome! I really wish they had included the side covers and neck piece with all the Valkyries. I hope one of you guys can recast these parts. I don't want to buy multiple sets of the armor just for for these extra parts.

    Beats me too, why they didn't do it.

    Most of us where moaning about this already half a year before the line kicked off with the Roy VF-1S.

    Maybe Graham could share some light into this?!

  2. What's disappointing to me is that even though it's a partsformer it still does the hips/intakes wrong in battroid.

    Yeah, I was going over the new pic again and the intake/hip area doesn't quite look that accurate, but despite this the valk still has good proprtions.

    Problematic is that triangular area behind the intake, it is so big that it looks like it's going to hit the canard wings, thus hindering proper range of motion.

    This is something similar that annoys me with Yamatos YF-19, the slit intakes always get in the way of those downward folded canards.

    Basically the triangular thing (both sides) is supposed to be one static peace and form a part of the "spine" of the VF-19 and we should only have the main intakes on a hip-joint!!!

    never going to happen. :mellow:

    Good riddance I say. Nothing spells more doom than Yamato using their sub-par YF-19 as the basis for any VF-19 toy.

  3. Ugh, what the hell is going on with the 19's legs? Has Bandai even seen the show??

    Nnnng. I want to have a VF-19 toy, but 5000 yen for partsforming and now inaccuracies is asking a bit too much. I hope I find it cheap after release.

    Err, what exactly makes the legs wrong to you?

    The knee guards might be stretching it a bit, but otherwise those legs are more accurate when compared to Yamatos 1/60 YF-19.

  4. Where did you get this size from? so far the intel we have suggests 125 mm, 12.5 cm...so it is 2 cm smaller than you suggest.

    I'd be happier if it was around 15-20 cm...or 1/100, what's the "real" size of a Q-rea anyway? Liking the metallic sheen they applied, it's quite subtle yet it is there. Really think the VF100s look lame in the paintjob area.

    You know what, you are absolutely correct. I was messing about with my Alter Arbalest which is 14.5 cm tall, at the time of writing.

    So to do my calculations again:

    VF-25: 1590 cm

    RD VF-25: 12.5 cm

    Makes it 1/127.2 scale.

    König Monster is 29.78 m in bomber mode and that would make the toy around ~23.4 cm long.

    That size correlates more to the images, so I guess the <Side VF> stuff is actually in scale to each other.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  5. Amazing, 1/100 scale and Bandai is able to pull off better legs.

    No carve outs on the upper legs, and the right width and length.

    Heck it has bloody knee guards, even though VF-19 shouldn't have any I think.

    I say bring on the VF-19F and S!!!

    And for god sakes no more YF-19. I am sick of seeing that Valkyrie as a toy/model stand in for the actual VF-19s.

  6. That VF-25G... has glittering blue paint. Yuck.

    I like the VB-6, but lets hope that posability is better than Yamato's huh? Whats the size/scale of it going to be?

    Well lets see:

    VF-25: 15.59 m (=1559 cm) tall in Battroid mode

    RD VF-25: 14.5 cm tall

    that equates to an odd scale of ~107.5

    If we are going by the fact that <Side VF> line is in scale to each other, then the VB-6 should be something around 27 cm in Bomber mode.

    But the images of the König don't really convince me, that we have a corresponding scale/size/length to VF-25s.

    Something tells me that Yamato has the 1/100 scale locked for the VB-6, meaning Bandai can't do the subject in their VF 1/100 line.

  7. Your Gundam RX-78-2 is a ver. KA.

    KA stands for Hajime Katoki a mecha designer.

    A KA labeled Master Grade means that Katoki had a finger in the entire production.

    Ranging anywhere from general design, parts design, CAD, manual, box etc..

    There is a bit of debate about Katoki and his designs or to be more specifically his contemporary re-workings.

    Case in point, your KA-Gundam vs. Gundam 2.0. A lot of younger fans have problems with 2.0's appearance, not liking the sponge feet and the somewhat plain "gummy-esque" look.

    Older fans think the KA is too industrial with too many little bits and pieces added, and therefore sort of loosing the soul and spirit of the original design. Some really die-hards

    even think that 2.0 version hasn't gone far enough with the classic/retro look.

    Hope this clears up a couple things for you.

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