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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Wow, i like the Atelier-Sai Figures, you can take off the helm. Is this this posable, do joints move? How big is this figure??
  2. If they made a PG valk, then it would cost >300$, and i wouldnt be able to afford it. However, if they made Master Grade Enemy Mecha, SDF-1, Valks, or Destroids, with the exoskeleton system, and even if it wasnt transforming, but was 50$ - 70$, it would definetly be on my list. Same for the Alpha/Beta thread. I would have so much fun with that, making some exoskeletons gold, others chrome, others black, and make nice customisation (low vis, or 25th aniversary, or orange, etc..).
  3. Guys, is AD Police worth watching?? I am gonna skip on the new bubble gum crisis, and stick with the original version.
  4. Guys, i had a question on the series for this show. I have obtained both versions for this show to see what all the hype was about, as i just coudlnt remember if i saw this when i was younger or not. Actually, first i got 2043, and going through the first episode, and man i found it so boring. I said to myself, something i must be missing, how come people are digging this show so much, it must get better in the later shows, i hope. Then i said screw this, people must have meant only the original one, and i start watching it, and holy moly, right from the start, it's great, and i watched the whole first episode. Now, next thing is, i am going to go through all episodes of 2033, but once i am done, i was thinking of giving another try at 2043. Is there a point in the later version where it gets good??? From which episode? Thx in advance
  5. probably cause he was too mad already after going through the trasnformation, he had enough
  6. Here you go, the CollectionDX review on youtube that Pometuem5 mentioned Honestly, for someone who wont play much with it and is gonna be just displaying it, it looks nice. However, as i want to have the cyclones without their helm at times, and want to play with these a bit more, i think probably Megahouse will deliver.
  7. Hi, I got this message from Rob (samurai monkey): "No it didn't come with the extra gun. The only way to get that feature was to order it from the megahouse website on a certain day. They did come with the decals." Well, thanks to Rob, i am getting my decals, and quite happy too. The gun wasnt as important. Regards Farshad
  8. Rob (Samurai Monkey) is direct from Japan, so he can sometimes get the things you dont normally get.
  9. Dont completely agree. Vulcans have a mission to help others. They use logic alot to make decision, instead of heart. Obviously just using logic or just using heart is not the best way for a captain. However, i believe although Vulcans dont show too much feelings, they still have friends, they still CARE, they are not just ROBOTS, believing everything is expendible.
  10. Well, my MH set is shipping from Samurai-Monkey, and he told me i AM getting my DECALS, yeaaaa baybe.
  11. Here are some more pics http://srblood.blog89.fc2.com/blog-entry-384.html
  12. Thanks Dante, its appreciated. From your pics, i lean towards the 1st version, but when you mentioned joints are tighter on second, than thats whats more important.
  13. If Bandai is cheaper than Yamato, as they are a bigger company, and the quality/looks is good enough, then Yamato may have to drop its prices too, no??? guess not...
  14. wowawiwa, wonderfull masterpiece dude, you really did a good job here, two thumbs way up.
  15. Go Bandai GO. They make awsome models, now i cant wait for their Macross toys.
  16. Hey Dante, which color scheme do you preffer, they both look good. Btw, could you take a picture of both of them in robot mode next to each other. Thx
  17. i havent never been so exited about a toy than i have been about these MH cyclones. I cant wait to get them.
  18. yea baybe, now pls, give us the release of Ariel and Mint as well!!!! Our collection wont be complete without them.
  19. Thank You Alex, you review is EXACTLY what i wanted to hear. Glad i preordered both these items, and i will be getting all eventual ones, and skipping on other companies.
  20. I cant believe this kind of garbage comments. We havent even had any reviews yet, and you say MH dropped the balls?? WTF??? WE need to know the built quality, the looseness, any braking stuff like the CM??? Will this thing hold, or will it be kapout. The visor, although its not ideal, can be fixed. I liked the black color non-see through, so i guess i may paint it eventualy. As for the rest, comon reviews, common!!!! Plssss dont mess up the faces (the ones without the visors) and pls make them tight enough that can hold a stance.
  21. Good news is they said the toy looked solid. Bad news, i dont like the purple helm, and i dont want it to be see through, where face can be seen from the helm, cause we already have a seperate head without helm. I may have to eventualy paint it black, like the original pictures. Would like also to get the Marcus Rush’s blue/black alpha. As for Beta, 150$ is pushing it. Too bad, too bad....
  22. I would guess visor cant be raised, as there is a different head, for for figure, one with helm.
  23. yea, for sure, this wont stop me from getting them, as it can be fixed.
  24. I didnt see the pic of the dark legious, did i miss it???
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