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Posts posted by justvinnie

  1. From what I've seen I do think that the characters do rise from the dead a bit much too. That's just stupid. And yesterday's brand new ep was crappy and added nothing to the series. There are some hilarious and edge of your seat eps though.


    EDIT IN: I actually don't wait around for the show. I just record them and watch at my leisure.

  2. Not being very big on watching TV, I happened upon this show one night a month ago. I can't believe no one has mentioned this show here before that I can remember.

    This is great on so many levels. I just wish I had started watching earlier. The movie was okay, but the series itself is a gem. It's funny and original... well sometimes. The characters are likeable except for Jackson (I dislike his dweeb character) and the special effects are great... well most of the time. Carter is a hottie. The story is engaging with very few stupid eps. Man if more TV was like this I would watch more. I often get so disgusted with the shows out there.


  3. If HG did split remastering costs with AnimEigo, wouldn't this mean that HG had RT remastered in the pipeline while they were still releasing the original 7 boxsets?? As I recalled when the original boxsets were released, it was annouced that they won't remaster RT. After the original boxsets they then released the non extras version also... That means HG really has been milking fans since almost day one.


    But you have to remember that this was the era when Animeigo passed on Mospeada and SC as not having enough fans for them to justify releasing them, and ADV's abrupt about face on remastering Mospeada and SC seems to indicate that if HG was considering remastered RT back then, it was blue sky talk.


    Your justification makes no sense. No company is going to invest money into a project unless they expect to turn a profit. If indeed HG did split remastering costs with AnimEigo, then the decision to remaster RT was already made back before AnimEigo released the SDF-Macross boxset and before the release of the original RT boxsets.

    I personally don't believe that HG paid for any of SDF-Macross's remastering. They may, however, have compensated AnimEigo after the fact to reuse the remastered footage. Then they go and claim they had split remastering costs to make themselves out as the good guys.


  4. 1stBRD- Could you cite a source or something which suggests that HG split the remastering costs with AnimeIgo? I was under the impression that AnimeIgo paid for the remastering of Macross out of their own pockets, with no support from HG. But I could be wrong. I can't remember who or what gave me that idea... maybe it was the SDCC or AX?
    After countless sleepless nights and expenses shared by Harmony Gold, Shin had completed a pristine restoration of the Japanese Macross series that was clearer and brighter than originally broadcast!

    That is from the Disaster to Remaster Part 2 article on Robotech.com's front page.

    Disaster to Remaster Part 2

    Of course....Im sure people will say that this proves nothing. I'll try and track down the other source where I read this.....or someone could get Shin to come to the board and clear it up.

    If HG did split remastering costs with AnimEigo, wouldn't this mean that HG had RT remastered in the pipeline while they were still releasing the original 7 boxsets?? As I recalled when the original boxsets were released, it was annouced that they won't remaster RT. After the original boxsets they then released the non extras version also... That means HG really has been milking fans since almost day one.


  5. I wonder if you can make a microwave gun? You know, shoot lots of microwaves at metal objections.

    Heh, so I googled it. That's pretty funny...

    At the bottom

    There a few more, but that was just cool, taking your microwave and turning it into a weapon of destruction. Actually I wonder why it was been used more often? Microwave laser would make deadly weapons in a high tech battlefield.


  6. Doesn't it make sense to put your long range weapons on the outermost points? Like in DYRL the entire flight of Valks fired off all of thier RMSs in one huge volley at a mass target and then closed in for individual combat. If the RMSs had been inboard that would have left the UMM-7s outboard affecting manuvering when it's most needed. Keep in mind I'm a ground pounder and don't really know much about these things. ;)

    This makes sense actually. David, you can't apply conventional strategies to unconventional situations. Valkyries are expected to both take out capital ships and engage enemy fighters in dogfights. If the RMS-1 is fired off in mass volleys very early on to disable masses of enemy fighters or capital ships, it does make sense to load them that way.


  7. Is that a flip-over autobot emblem I see before me?

    Good eye. Do you happen to see where his engine disappears off to?

    the engines are his arms. look at his "tricep"


    EDIT IN: You know what I find stupid are the car makers who refuse to have the likeness of their cars used as Transformers... I think it's great PR that doesn't hurt them. Plus they get money from the licensing. The only excuse they could have is that their cars were going to be the bad guys....

  8. I've never understood why fans of something get upset once more people get into the same thing. All of sudden, it's not cool anymore and "posers" are ruining it, etc..

    Silliness. You either like something or you don't. If I happen to enjoy the same movie/book/song/show as someone I hate, then so be it.

    And, as with all trends - that which is highly popular now will eventually drift back into a less popular position naturally.

    Or, basically the same thing JELEINEN said...

    Still it is fun to remember the "Japanimation" section at Blockbuster. They had 3 episodes of Robotech, Clash of the Bionoids, and MD Geist. Ah, those are the good old days?

    It's not the fact that you don't enjoy your hobby anymore when it goes mainstream, it's dealing with the upstart idiots who think they know everything...


  9. These titles are meant to be friendly jokes,etc.

    Nobody is getting what they deserve.

    Yeah but I sure hope you haven't set off a new saga for MW. First there was the Macrossworld: The RT Troll Saga, then Macrossworld: The Fansub Saga. This could easily become Macrossworld: Quest for the Custom Title Saga.

    All I'm saying is people might start posting stuff in vain hope of getting their own custome title...


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