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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Sure it does. The VF-1's design was cool like, 20 years ago. Let's face it, the 'Zero is an abolutely beautiful design and this toy realizes that beauty completely. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about stashing my '48s, replacing them with my '60s just so the VF-1's are in proper scale with the Zero-that's how much more I and others love the 'Zero... By the way, 'Guts, your 'sig is hilarious... 402833[/snapback] Thanks, myk! I also must add, that it's disheartening that the only new anime in site dealing with Macross is the Robotech Shadow Chronicles. I bought Macross 7 but still haven't finished the series... probably will someday. It just kinda' seems goofy. And Max looks weird, like a chubby 5 year old kid. I hope they come out with a Macross Zero Two. Another Macross Plus would be nice too, seeing that me and Isamu have the same last name and all. Since I'm ranting, I will go off the deepend and bare to the world what's really deep down in my heart... I WANT MACROSS PLUS 1/48 SCALE TOYS. K. I'm done again. PS: All the constant singing in M7... just when I start to like Basara, he starts his incessant squawking with the dumb harmonica blaring in the background and I all of the sudden feel ashamed to be watching.
  2. Ohhhh man, you're in for a treat! It is just like sex. but not messy... or contagious... or want to coudle with you after one or two transformations... no, seriously. Gramatica editada. 402820[/snapback] Well, also, after one or two initial transformations, you'll realize that you have a lot more fun trying different positions. In fact, the amount of positions you can do with these things is awesome! You'll want all your friends to see, plus you can post pics here on Macrossworld.
  3. I still luv my 1/48's the best. BUT, I'd kill for a VF0A or D! Does that make any sense?
  4. Wow! They both look really great. And also, I think it's always cool to add your own touch to your custom valks. Black bands = cool. Great work!!!!!
  5. Really??? I think the MGs are the coolest things I've ever seen. I guess I'm just in love with the concept is all. I soooooooo wish I could get my hands on the original model kits for these. Either way, having a 1/48 MG is the sh-t! Took a lotta' hard work, and of course I screwed up some things it being my 1st "real" custom job... but I'm still happy as hell.
  6. Hey, it's only 1 year old. I always tell kids that they should wait a while before their first time... 402455[/snapback] ......and when the 1st time happens, Don't be shy to explore. Always have protection. 402461[/snapback] You're makin' me feel like a whore here, man.
  7. An entire freakin' year?! Whoah! Man I wish I had your patience. You should go down in the guiness book of world records for this. I must add to this forum: When transforming a valk you have spent hours and hours and lots of money customizing, transformation time goes up to like 8 minutes plus. I HATE TRANSFORMING CUSTOMS. Thank you.
  8. Yeah right! I've seen some of your customs and they're awesome.
  9. Wow! That is an awesome job. The more I see other people post their customs the more I'm thinking I should get a different hobby. (especially seeing Devin and Kurt's valks - talk about taking away all hope) Great work, great work!!!! I wish I had a TV Max in my collection. I gotta' shout out to Haterist as well ---- brasso saves the day.
  10. Yes! I got my decals from Devin. Really nice decals, by the way. Worth every penny now that I'm jus'about done!
  11. The very 1st picture I ever saw of a Minmay guard hasegawa kit showcased a VF1J MG. So I actually thought the MG1 was suPPosed to be a 1J, but later found out they're supposed to be 1S's. Since I've been dreaming of owning my very own 1/48 scale MG1 ever since, I decided to try and make it a bit like the photo I still have of the hasegawa kit. I'll post the hasegawa photo tomorrow at school where I have cable-speed instead of dial up. NOTE: When I make my MG2 next, it'll definitely be a 1S. Here's the photo of the MG1 I first saw - Beautiful, is it not? (Mine doesn't come close, I know)
  12. Fighter mode pics are in, I didn't do gerwalk, and I'm not in the mood to take this sucker outta' the box and transform it again. Check me back in a year or two and I'll be turning out better lookin' stuff. I'm thinking I'll spray it with a lusterless clear. For now, it's got a lotta' shiny gloss because the thought of any decals scraping off this thing scares the HELL out of me.
  13. People are buying them you should too. 401533[/snapback] I've a tight budget and small wallet!! LOL I'd rather save the case to acquire more valks! At least for now .... 401570[/snapback] Then why did you start this topic to begin with then? You tease!!! 401581[/snapback] *claps hands* That's the spirit. Save every penny to get all your valks. Put the Yamato stickers on them for the time being, and if you decide you don't like them, then you can take them off with ease.
  14. It doesn't give me any warm fuzzy feelings, no.
  15. *pats MYK on the back* I'm sorry man. If I wasn't a poor broke ass I'd buy you some.
  16. no no NO! Yamato ghetto stickers ROCK! Joking. Just had to stick that in. K I'll be quiet now.
  17. Hey chaos - is your avatar a blood-bowl player or just regular warhammer? 401019[/snapback] Well it's actually from a MB/Games Workshop game called HeroQuest. I'm not sure about the name since the Swedish version. ChaosWarrior 401234[/snapback] AAAAAaaaah. I know a lil' about it 'cuz I used to play Warhammer 40k about 13 years ago.
  18. I think I was the 1st person ever on this forum to admit they broke theirs. Like the 1st day I got it. I glued it back on, so everything's okay as long as I don't look at it with a magnifying glass. But the pain and the shame remain. *hangs head*
  19. Half of yours didn't come with heatshields? ???
  20. They'll probably just leave the big-wood look goin' on to attract chicks. Just don't paint it.
  21. Man, it must be nice to have enough 1/48s that you can't rember offhadn how many you have I'll echo what's already been said: The Yamato stickers are very thick (so thick that the edges of the film around each sticker looks frosted,) don't stick so hot, have very fuzzy detail, and are all around absoultely terrible. I wouldn't put them on a valk if you payed me. Then when buying aftermarket, the question comes to play on weather or not you want stickers or decals. I've bought Takatoys' stickers and Anasazi decals, and I've come to a few conclusions. First off, you have tod ecide if you are going to want to handle your valks alot. If so, then surprisingly enough, I recommend decals over stickers. Stcikers adhere well (especially Taka's) but they still have raised edges to catch on and curl or peel off... a well applied decal set with a decal solution and sealed with Future and then a spray varnish is impervious and almost seemless with the surface around it. I only buy decals at this point, because I customize AND handle my valks a great deal.... I've got a Roy with Strike armor on my shelf with stickers on it from before I started decalling and I dont handle it at all to keep the stickers on. 401177[/snapback] Yeah, promo is right on here. The only thing to keep in mind, is that takatoys stickers are easier to apply - just peel and stick. Decals, on the other hand, require soaking in water, sliding on the surface, postioning, setting, and sealing. However, if you're willing and able to spend the extra time and effort on decals, they are definitely worth it... 401178[/snapback] I stick by my opinion. --- I'd rather have a *cough* new valk or strike armor then spend 30 bucks a pop on a sheet of decals.
  22. That's the Low-Vis pilot, not the VF-0 pilot. 401139[/snapback] He's a pilot that's very concerned with the outward appearances of the valks he pilots. But he won't change his uniform.
  23. I just want one. *sniff*
  24. Short answer: Yes, they are crap. Long answer: The stock Yamato stickers are quite thick and stick out quite a bit when compared to those made by Anasazi37 and takatoys. Plus, you really can't get the stock stickers down into panel lines and the small details on the Yamato sheet tend to be kind of fuzzy and out of focus. I don't use Yamato stickers on any of my valks unless it's absolutely necessary. It's definitely worth the money to buy the aftermarket ones. 401135[/snapback] No it's not! I like the crap stickers! (just joking.) I just look at it this way. With the money you save on not buying custom decals, you can spend it on buying another valk. See my rationale? If I bought custom decals for all my valkyries... well. Let's just say I'd rather buy a whole new 1/48 with a GBP armor to match.
  25. Well, there, Vermillion, I'll try to help as best I can. I'm not really a veteran around here or anything but I've got a few 1/48's (10 I think) so I'll throw in my opinion. The stickers that come with the Yamatos really suck, and yes they peel off after not a long while; the lil' lil' ones anyway. Custom stickers are pricey.. and nice. I bought custom stickers, but only for the two valks I plan on converting into Minmay Guards. My other valks all have the regular Yamato stickers applied. Now, here's where other people might disagree with me but to date, my method has proven very effective for me anyways: apply the Yamato decals, and once you've got them all on, apply decal setting solution generously to every sticker and then let it dry. Maybe it's just the brand of solution I use (testors), but either way, it's helped keep all my stickers from falling off. With one exception - anywhere on the valk that has a very rounded surface that causes the sticker to have to contour a lot will still inevitably fall off. But the only places where I've had that happen are on the back of the valk in fighter mode on top (2nd to last "no step" stickers on the application sheet) and the tiny square stickers that go on the oval shaped extremities on the nose and sides also in fighter mode. Not sure if this will help you, but hope it does. One more thing ----- maybe I'm nuts, but the stickers that came with my VF0S seem to be of higher quality than the usual Yamato decals, so maybe they're finally makin' some decent ones to match how much they cost. $$$$$
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