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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Even though my collection ain't that big, the thought of Yamato stopping production of Macross stuff entirely makes me happy for what I have. ---yesterday I started production on my 1/48 scale MG2! I'll be a lot happier with my collection once she's finished. In like a month. If I ever finish.
  2. Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for ze future of ze human race. Incidentally I think Renato might be remembering the back story for how Exsedol started looking like his DYRL version in M7. He was apparently worried about losing his mental capacities as a miclone so he macronised himself and added pulsing brain and tentacle mods. 409097[/snapback] Exedol gets micloned in M7? Maybe I should finish the series... I think I stopped on the 3rd DVD. I think it's too bad the anti-UN get their asses kicked into what I'll assume is practical nonexistence. I think their ... valks? - look DAMNED cool in Macross Zero. But alas, having Roy Focker on your side has gotta' mess up the odds quite a bit. - From my American perspective - the UN already sucks. I'm just wondering if Japan has gotten around to designing real-life valks so they can help us when my country (+ Israel) inevitably gets mobbed by the rest of the world. I've seen some interesting photos of some strength-enhancing wearable gear on the internet before (from Japan.) I wonder what kinda' stuff they can really make nowadays -? On that note, I also read about some military higher-up in the USA saying we're working on building something reminiscent of the big yellow loaders in ALIENS (but not for combat purposes.)
  3. That small? Heck, I'll paypal you the money for my kit, Thor. I'm sure nobody in my neighborhood would complain about there being a Konig Monster with 30'ft long arm cannons in my front yard. While you're at it, could you make a 1/35 scale SDF?
  4. I guess since the entire purpose of me signing up at Robotech.com was to find out the best way to obtain Robotech/Macross toys and collectibles, I had a bad (really bad) experience. Like every sentence I typed I did something wrong - which caused me to find this site. Being the dickhead that I am I kept making comments like "I'm not allowed to talk about (BLANK)? What kind of crap is this?" and then some RT.com veteran would be like "Shhh! You can't ask about stuff like that!" Repeat this process. I understand why they police their site about the toys issue... they gotta' find a way to make some $$$ somehow. But I swear, if I was running their show, I'd buy up a bunch of vintange toys somewhere and then sell them for incredibly rip off prices at RT.com - their prices are already pretty rip off as it stands. As for Macrossworld.com (my fave site period), the only time I've gotten in trouble here was from some admin who I honestly can't remember his name after I offered up for sale/trade a package of frozen organic hotdogs. I was being totally serious too! 'Still have the hotdogs in my freezer. I guess I should just go ahead and eat them.
  5. Okay, do you guys remember who Bowie was? Bowie was the whiny kid who was like "Oh I so hate being in the military." "Oh, I just want to play piano Dana." "Oh Dana, why do I have to fight?" Then he fell in love with Musica and ran away from the military with her committing God knows how many illegal acts in the process. At what point does any of that sound like commander material? 409041[/snapback] Oh that is hilarious!!! *hands clappin'* My sentiments exactly. Even my WIFE hated Bowie when she'd randomly pop in when I was gritting my teeth through "the masters." Hell she just hates the masters period. I thought it sucked too. And Bowie was the suckiest character of them all. I hate him so much, I wish they'd have made one of those robotech/barbie-type dolls of him just so I could buy it for my wife as a joke like I did with the Dana doll. Densetsu, thank you for telling me there's a slim hope of Bowie getting blown up. I'll never be able to thank you enough. *wipes tear frome eye* I'm so happy I'm crying.
  6. Hire some midgets to play all the roles and make the 1st real-actor Macross film?
  7. Freakin' A' Deathhammer. You've quite the life there! As for me, if you're into muay thai kickboxing and/or kickboxing then I've met a lotta' famous people. (I've got pictures of me in Muay Thai magazine, Oct. 2000) I sort of met Jean Claude Van Damme once. Kru Thosaphon Sitiwitjana (aka Master Toddy) had opened up the 1st USA thaiboxing camp in Las Vegas and I got invited to live there. During this time I met a lot of head honchos from the Thai government. Anyway, at one point we had some very famous fighters from Thailand stay with us and then fight at the Venetian Hotel against France. There were a lot of famous people at the show because it was a huge event; first time full Thai rules were allowed in the USA (full use of elbows), and a lot of celebrities were there. ONE French guy won his fight (haha, only one), Jean Charles Lebowski. I'd had the pleasure of getting acquainted with the guy previous to the show (days before) and even knew that he banged the only girl living at our thai camp during this time! But anyway. After the show was over, I walked up to Jean Charles and started congratulating him and talking to him about the match. A few other fighters from my camp walked up and we were enjoying ourselves when all of the sudden we get mobbed by like 15 security guards telling us we have to move away. We were stunned, like, "what the f-- did we do?" So we step about 4 feet away from Jean Charles, and up walks Jean Claude Van Damme, looking like an aging coke addict, with his nasty blonde bimbo booty for the night. So I stand there like "So just because this famous a--hole wants to talk to MY friend, I have to move out of the way?" I was kinda' pissed off that he'd use his stardom to interrupt my conversation, so were the other guys from the camp, and not to sound like I'm cool but any one of us could have kicked his ass quicklike, and I was the lowest weight fighter - 132 lbs. I guess it was pretty obvious that we didn't like what was going on, and I guess 4 ft from Jean Claude and his lil' army wasn't far enough, because they started threatening to kick us out if we didn't piss off. So we had to leave while Jean Charles got his ass kissed by Jean Claude Van Damme. I also got an autograph from some famous football player who played for the Dallas Cowboys but I don't care for football so I've long since lost the autograph and forgotten the guy's name. When I was a little kid I sat on Santa Clause's lap at a shopping mall in Houston and started crying. ---addition: I knew I forgot something important. I got to meet the guys from Das EFX at a small show in Flagstaff AZ. I shook one of the guys' hands, he was way cool. They said I could go drink with them upstairs (it's a club called the old post office) but I was only 18, and my fake ID only worked on idiots.
  8. Hopefully your ass gets bitten and I come into a lotta' extra spending cash too! But if not... well then I'll pitch in for beer with the chump-change I have left.
  9. Don't worry --- I know the connection between Macross and Robotech ended (forever more) squarely on the last episode of the original Macross Saga. I was just speculating how when the two series split - neither side achieved total perfection. Of course, Macross achieved closer to perfection, if you toss out macross 2 and 7. And I think it would be a hoot to see an HG "Robotech Zero: The We Don't Know How the F--k to Explain This One" movie. And yes, I know they'll never actually make this... giving me one less thing to laugh at during the course of my lifetime.
  10. Wooooow. Nice 0S! Great job! I haven't tried doing any modeling yet, but I'll be the first to admit that hasegawa really does help give macross a good name! All their model kits are just gorgeous.
  11. Densestu - wow! Thanks for all of that information. I'm really sorry they didn't let you do the armwrestling contest. I'd have been screaming "armwrestling contest!" Unfortunately in these situations a battle of physical strength is often shunned so weaklings don't feel bad about themselves. Not fair to those of us who try to maintain a proper balance of being in shape and being in-the-know regarding our chosen animes. So Macross went its' own direction and so will Robotech, eh? Man they'd have to pull off something pretty effing miraculous to even come close to Macross Plus. NOTE:I am and shall continue to ignore the fact that Macross 7 fits into anything anywhere. Yes I own this series. Oooh damn. I just had a painful recollection of owning Macross 2... that movie never happened. I think it would be the funniest thing to see HG get the rights to convert Macross Zero into a Robotech prequel. I can see it now: Roy over radio:"Ken (known to us as SHIN), go rescue that ho' trapped inside that monster created by the robotech masters before it rips open the SDF-1 and 2 and eats all of our protoculture!" Ken/Shin: "Ok... wait, what exactly the f--k IS protoculture??!" Roy:"Don't ask questions we're not allowed to answer!"
  12. Everything's just more alphas? What a downer! Blah. I like the "alphas" but they're not 1/50th as cool as the VF-1 series. (go figure... not like mospaeda originally had anything to do with macross) I am definitely interested to see what's become of Rick Hunter though. Before I knew that the robotech series was actually unrelated (yes I began as a duped RT fan) I kept wondering "why the freaking hell don't they show Rick? And Max? And Miria? Minmay? Especially Lisa." I hope all make an appearance. And will they have the original voice actors back for everybody?
  13. This loser *points at himself* ran out of spending cash right when the super stealth came out. I was lucky to get the VF0S. Now I am beginning to think that the super stealth is the coolest valk Yamato has released!
  14. I also wish I was rich. I try to get two of each, so I can let go of one later on. For some extrange reason, it is hard to even let go of a double. I think we all got hypnotized when we watched Macross for the first time. There are many important things in life that come first before this hobby. I'm sorry if I may have given you the wrong impression. I've made lots of sacrifices to get the collection I have, and I wouldn't recommend that to anyone. I've spent to much at times, sometimes in a wreckless manner. Please be patient, it will all come together. Now, if you were just kidding, please rdisregard the mumbo jumbo above 408807[/snapback] *hahaha* I was just joking around but thank you for the words of encouragement!! You're one cool mofo. As for being hypnotized, HECK YEAH. AND I'M 26! My Yamatos just sit on a shelf when they're not in their boxes, when I feel like displaying them. But still, there's that intangible pull, telling me I gotta' get more MORE, like Yamato might just stop making them forever and they'll all be gone. Anybody ever feel like that too? It's hard to explain. Maybe I just have Yamato/Macross fever.
  15. Oh crap, I almost forgot to mention: Giving an opinion or witholding an opinion has absolutely nothing at all to do with self esteem or insecurities. I know people who hardly ever give their opinions (and are secure) and people who love to spout off theirs' (because they are secure.) I like to give my opinions because just like everybody else, I know that I'm always right.
  16. I'm a much older member dating back to who knows when, I just don't actively participate anymore. You do not have the power to offend me but I do have the ability to piss others off because of their own insecurities about themselves. Your original statement was that you loved to "look" at online arguments", to paraphrase, not participate. There is little room to interpret anything but literally. A desire to observe is usually correlated to a desire to be objective. Apparently you also desire to participate. Your use of the word hermeneutics does not make sense. Opinions are do not have to be shared to have value unless you are insecure with our own beliefs. Maybe your workplace is full of geniuses, but my experience has taught me that people are always dumber than they look and know less than you'd expect them to. I work in research. Half the human population does have an IQ in the double digits. IQ scores are normalized with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. I am not a very nice person. I'm sure some of the older members can testify to that. vinnie 408719[/snapback] I guess if half the population has an IQ in the double digits that would explain Hillary Clinton's ongoing popularity... As for me, I haven't taken offense to anything you've said. But, if you would like to prey upon my insecurities then start making fun of me for not having any money 99% of the time. I was under the impression that the word hermeneutical meant "explanatory." I guess I'll have to check the dictionary about that one but I'll go out on a limb and assert that I believe you're wrong. Also, eveybody I know who likes to look at girls, also likes to touch them. Don't assume that just because somebody likes to observe something that they will never become involved with it in any other sense. ....................................................................................................................... Okay, about Shadow Chronicles: what I'd like to know is, are the CG as good as Macross Zero? I'd never personally have thought to compare the two but now I'm intrigued by the concept. Of course, that comment about the CG being "better" and not "shockingly" better than the transformers almost answers that question for me already. Does Shadow Chronicles bring back any of the VF-1's, or is it just more Alphas? Any new mecha introduced? Lastly... when are the 1/100 scale toynamis coming out??? I want some!
  17. Shouldn't this forum be renamed "Old pics of the 1/60 Vf/0S?"
  18. Well, I think the ADV babes are hotties. Freaking, WAY better looking than I suspected any anime-voice actor to be. I bet all the other girls who work with them are fat. ---ACTORESS, I MEANT ACTORESS Sorry, it's 8:35 am and I didn't sleep last night. *heads to sleep as wife wakes up*
  19. Wow. You've been a member for this long and this is your 7th post? Cool!
  20. I'll probably still be posting on this site when my KIDS are old enough to start posting on this site.
  21. Someday I'll be rich and I will have more toys than all of you. So there. *kicks rock*
  22. Yes they are quite entertaining, though you seem to have drawn yourself into it. Not very objective. As for myself, debating in and of itself is quite entertaining, especially when I have no stake in it. vinnie 408652[/snapback] Dear Vinnie: (1st off, don't get offended or pist. I'm not trying to turn you into an enemy here. I've never even seen you in the forums until now, so I know nothing about you.) I'll be as hermeneutic as I can for you. Well. Here's the way I see it. A forum is intended to be subjective. I'm supposed to want to participate. Why would I want to sit back and retain objectivity when I have my own opinion - and I also have the right to post it? If I see something I think is dramatically incorrect, I think naturally I'm going to gravitate towards letting other people know. This can apply to debates that did not start or begin with me. I'll throw in my two cents and the other participants can choose to read what I say or ignore me; I'm just satisfied that my stance on the issue was made available for others to see. An opinion is worthless if you keep it to yourself. I believe, although I'm not totally sure, that there is a certain altruism behind your presumption of ignorance (which can also be innocence) on behalf of certain affiliates/employees of HG. So for this, I'll give you your props. You're a nice person. I myself though am less optimistic about people's ability to remain completely uninformed regarding situations that might require a slight degree of competence. I guess I just hope and believe that nobody at HG was born with the awful trial of having an IQ hovering in the double digits. To state it eloquently, "I think if you work for Harmony Gold doing work that has anything to do with robotech and you don't know that the entire thing began in Japan, then you are (a) gimp/retard/buffoon/idiot/moron/mentally challenged/tragically stupid/ignoramous/airhead/impossibly dumb/schizophrenic/oblivious/etc." Basically I disagree with you. EDIT: *throws peace sign to the world plus a middle finger*
  23. The world political affairs in SDFM are an absolutely huge aspect of the entire story, but completely overlooked. Probably for a good reason. It'll just piss people off to talk about it. I'm just looking for speculation, but anybody think the world will ever get divided into a UN and Anti-UN? If so... how do I sign up for the anti UN?
  24. Oh how I love arguments online! Nothin' more entertaining to look at on the web in my opinion.
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