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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I swear all this dimensional fold energy and fualts is getting too complicated. None of that in M+ or M7. Still a 27.5 G is alot. Is that for both atmosphere and space? True, but still I would assume it would be hard for the UN Spacy to mine a dead star like a Vajra.
  2. Thanks again both of you. So then it's all still realitvity new. And since were freinds with the Vajra now, and it also appears they left the galaxy after MF. Is it safe to say that widespread deployment has been nixed?
  3. Ah thanks for the answers azrael and Seto. So the ISC is what protects pilots from the g forces. When did they start incorporating this into Valkyries? And what the heck is "dimension distortion field energy"? And is it known of how many g's a ISC can handle?
  4. I have a question. What is the theory behind Ex Gears, how do they supposedly work, effectiveness in atmosphere and the vacuum of space? Also if Guild had one on when he took the limiter of the YF-21, would it have lessened the G's, to were he could have possibly survived?
  5. I have the PS version. I bought it at a local mom and pop shop, even came with a the strategy (for the staurn version though ). I loved it. Not the greatest shooter like you said, but it was still a blast to play!
  6. Those and re-organizing my game area, too.
  7. Funny you mention that, latly I'v had a hankering to play Jet Set Radio, and Macross DYRL....But ::sigh:: so much I need to move to connect it.
  8. I did say "sorta". But, yeah your right. I guess I'm just spoiled with all the freedom I have here.
  9. Oh I wish,I wish I could find some fan translations of this along with the MF manga and M7 Trash.
  10. Wow....Is it me or does that sound sorta like totalitarianism.
  11. As long as Full Meltradi Klan Klan is in, am good.
  12. Hmmmm right now: Kenichi Histories Strongest Disciple Air Gear Negima Kodomo No Jikan G.T.O Shonen 14 Days GirlSaurus DX Pastel
  13. It's nice and safe, just not easy to get to and play in my room, same goes for my GC,PSone,DC,and N64. It is important to me. It does have a space in my room, unfortunitly it's not a space near my tv where I can easily connect it.
  14. I'm no longer a RT fan, but I'd buy the 24 pack if they made it, knowing HG, it'll be a rough 1 ply.
  15. I do, but it's not easily accessible as my PS3. Still it would be nice to play them on my PS3.
  16. One of my worst Macross moments was when Carl Macek decided to use Macross to create RT....Also in the Macross F Movie where Alto thinks Sheryl is a spy. And any scene with Lynn Kaifun, oh and Fire Bomber America.
  17. My grandfather used to raise and sell guinea pigs.He also used to eat them. I have a dachshund that is spoiled rotten, and up to recently my deceased cat of 16 years.
  18. I just dont see why those images are such a big deal. They look like something anyone with paint shop skills can make. Seriously, what the big deal about them?
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