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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Nada, it was originally used for the Battlecry Superposable box-art, though IIRC it also appeared as con advertising for the MPC fast packs. Still staying off-topic, makes you wonder what the remastered Robotech Masters Saga will use for cover art, lots of MPC and new art for the Macross Saga volumes and MPC Alpha's on the way will provide it for New Gen, but no new ASC characters or mecha drawn... Cyc
  2. As much as they'd like to kick us out, we're still a technically a part of South East Asia so I'm covered. SE Queensland, Australia, and I know I'm not alone...heck I even met one other person!?!? Cyc
  3. Except in Australia where Soccer is Soccer and football is either Rubgy League, Rugby Union or AFL depending where you live... Cyc
  4. Ah that wonderous feeling of ordering online to get cheaper prices only to see the title in stores for day after day before you copy turns up... At any rate even without my copy I can reveal that Madman used the best art Harmony Gold provided them for the case covers. The Yune MPC Pilot cell images. Cyc
  5. *nods* and why Gamestop and AFX were more than happy when RT.com came along and wanted to buy up a large portion of their remaining metalic Alpha stock to do the all four deal. And exclusives with actual changes cost money, where pretty much every Toynami RT exclusive to date has had little to no difference price wise when compared against the RRP of the normal versions. Just the added cost to the retailers has made them less likely to discount 'em until they're really desperate... Cyc
  6. And it probably works like the other Robotech Toynami retailer exclusives, where the retailer in question has to agree upfront to pay in full for a minimum number to justfiy "development" and production. That's why smaller guys like VE and Twin Moons can't get exclusives, because I don't see them be able to buy 2,000 SP whatevers in one single hit... Cyc
  7. Nah, Tommy seems much more open to answering questions like that than Steve in the chat room. As long as you ask the right questions and don't push. At any rate, newest response seem to indicate that Toynami are still pushing ahead with their pre "fans want MPC Beta" plan, MPC Alpha followed by MPC Cyclones. Cyc
  8. Far too early for any signifcant MPC Cyclone info. But using the MPC Alpha's as an example, I'm guessing the transformable 1/12 Imai kit will form the basis of any MPC Cyclone, with those all important price justifying diecast joints for added strength... Cyc
  9. Who wants to takes bets on "We're not Toynami, we don't have any say on how much they sell their products for" response? Cyc
  10. RT.com chat room, from Tommy Yune's lips. Pretty much 2004 = MPC Alphas, maybe SP Cyclones and then MPC Cyclones 2005 perhaps if everything goes to plan *knocks on wood* Cyc
  11. Then you'll probably be pleased with the knowledge that the MPC Cyclones are coming after the MPC Alphas. The MPC Beta is a really after thought it seems.... Cyc
  12. HG offered the macross set(actually three box version) when Animegio offered it to retailers, which was yonks ago. At any rate, Animeigo's rights to Macross come from HG, and the original masters Animeigo remastered came from HG, so it's slightly more clear for them to be offering that unlike the Macross Plus set. Cyc
  13. *cries due to the distance between him and Madman, because anime clubs in Melbourne could buy the box this weekend* Madman pretty much stick to Amaray's nowdays, and they appeared like they are. and yes once again, 6 discs, 2 discs per case, 3 cases per 1 box. Also easter eggy-ness in the menus... Cyc
  14. Someone wanted to see inside? Madman did a pretty good job, and to please some here, complained bitterly that HG didn't give them much to work with, so they had to trace line-art themselves... Cyc
  15. *blinks* You only just learned about these? I am far too much of a fanboy, I bought these when they came out Cyc
  16. Nothing wrong with Animeigo, but they're a niche company, where ADV isn't. Sad fact is any anime that doesn't have a dub is cutting itself off from a large segment of the market, and that's why Animeigo just appears to be holding steady, where ADV is rushing along. 'course ADV could probably slow down and do a better job overall quality wise... Cyc
  17. Yep, but it'll help me narrow things down Cyc
  18. Another vote for Disney to release season collections of various cartoons series they've picked up (90's Marvel shows, Teknoman). Yet for the all public complaining, he seems to have an insane majority of shareholders supporting him. Stupid silent majority, vocal minority :/ Cyc
  19. 20th Prime has finally made his way down to normal chain retailers (Target, K-mart) here in Australia. Interesting that he was automatically discounted by $15Aus to a average price of $129.95Aus though.... Cyc
  20. Both, perferably with time codes, making it easier to locate when to cap. Cyc
  21. Just a bump for a question. I don't own the R1 set, so I can't compare versions on my own. I'll need screen caps and as much info as people can provide on the R1 set please. And just to ensure this isn't a complete waste, here's the sum total of printed advertising Madman have produced for it. Please note that this was printed back in December 2003, so no they haven't switched back to the Animeigo box, but I doubt many will notice that with all the "Appeals to RT fans" hype and Tommy Yune MPC pilot imageary... Cyc
  22. Repeat this in bold 40 times for me. The normal sized Black Costume Superposable is one of my all-time fav toys. I'd import a large size Black Costume. At the moment I'll just wait for these guys to funnel down here, which might take awhile Cyc
  23. True enough, then why are TF fans shocked and get almost angry when people express dislike of Transformers. You reep what you sow. Cyc
  24. I'm quite happy to pay the US RRP, because what other option do I have? Got Gakkens, zero interest in other transforming toy lines. Cyc
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