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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Unfortunately, like the PS2 version, Rock Band for the Wii is going to be seriously gimped (ie. no DLC, no online play, etc.).
  2. Former WCW wrestler Chase Tatum dead from drug overdose.
  3. I'm not sure whether or not to cry out, "Boguuuss!" or simply say, "whoa" at this development. At the end of the new The Day the Earth Stood Still, Neo Theodore Ted Logan Klatu will leave the people of Earth with these words of wisdom and peace... "Be excellent to each other... PARTY ON, DUDES!".
  4. Ha! I was thinking the same thing.
  5. Does this remind one of a certain mooing mecha from a certain video game? Very impressive video.
  6. Just went through the last two episodes. Hopefully they get the last four episodes of this season shot and complete in the near future. Of course the big two questions I have at this point: 1) Why did the Kester Terminator let Agent Ellison live? 2) What exactly happened to Derek Reese and those other humans in that house in the future? One guess is they were sterilized (castrated), but then again Skynet seemed to be interested in using humans as slaves so I would think they would want some humans around. Of course there's still the whole possibilty they have been effected in someway to do Skynet's bidding.
  7. I haven't had the chance to watch the 2 hour season finale, but since they had quite a few returning characters from the first two Terminator movies, it would have been cool if they would have brought back the "Hey buddy, did you see a bright light?!?" homeless guy from the beginning of the first movie... he's now a multi-millionaire in the future!
  8. As for my own 360 developments, when Gears of War 2 got announced a few weeks ago I decided to continue my quest to get the Seriously... achievement on the original game. Currently I'm up over 5,550 kills in Warzone and I have about 150 from both Execution and Assassination. When I get to 6,000 in Warzone I'll probably take a break for a few weeks or months again so I can focus on some other games. I'm pretty much set for games for the time being though I do plan on getting Soul Calibur 4 and Mercenaries 2 when they come out.
  9. Since no one else posted this... Bungie unscrews previously screwed gamer. Here's Nathaniel's response to the gaming community over all this: When I sent the information for this story off to bs angel, I had no idea how fast it would spread and how far it would reach. The amount of support from the gaming community as a whole has been extraordinary. As with virtually every hot story that hits the web, this story has been heavily debated almost everywhere it has appeared–from questions of validity to who should take the blame and much more. However, in reading peoples’ comments on the matter, I have found that the response has been overwhelmingly positive. In cases like these, it is easy to question the motives of the party breaking the story. Sadly, we seem to live in a day and age where unscrupulous individuals are constantly looking for handouts from others. On the issue of my motives, I wish to be very clear. Although I was admittedly upset when I realized what had happened to my console after taking measures to protect it, I did not release this story for the purpose of exacting revenge on Microsoft. I have no intention of taking legal action–and I am quite alarmed at the number of people that have suggested I do so. I am not demanding that heads roll for this, and I never requested any sort of compensation. My goals for this story were simple: I wished to get the word out to the gaming community about situations like these and to make Microsoft aware of potential and/or actual issues with their service process(es). At this time, I feel that significant progress has been made to both ends, and I continue to await more information from Microsoft staff. It is my ultimate goal and sincere hope that we can find a way to prevent something like this from ever occurring again. I would like to take the opportunity to throw out a few quick thank-yous. To bs angel: Thank you for continuing to take such an active interest in my story. I greatly appreciate that you’ve not only taken the time to publish this but also have been willing to put forth the extra effort to alert me to and assist me in dealing with any pressing issues in the aftermath of this story’s release. To my friends, of both the Internet and the real world: Thank you for your ongoing support, both in dealing with this story and with the challenges of everyday life. You guys are awesome. And finally, to the staff of Bungie Studios: I cannot thank you enough for the outpouring of support that you have lavished upon me in the aftermath of the release of my story. Long have I known of your dedication to your fans and community, but I find this single act of kindness mind boggling. Apart from the fact that a few of you had signatures adorning my console, you had no involvement in what occurred. As such, you have far surpassed any response I could have anticipated. I don’t think I could ever repay you for this. Thank you all for what you have done for me. I wish each and every one of you continued success in your future endeavors. P.S. Marty, I love the soundtrack, and I promise you that I will do as you’ve requested and not erase any of it.
  10. Good to see that the main landing gear looks a lot more realistic then what was on the 1/72nd scale version.
  11. Dude! I didn't think you posted here anymore. You and AidinK (can't remember the exact spelling) put out some killer material with the Floating/Froating head especially back around the release of the Animeigo Macross DVD's and through out 2002.
  12. I am well aware of that... it was him and Mikimoto that had that Gunsight 1 Gundam fan club thing going on in college.
  13. Now if only some of Macross World's past humorists would return and bring the Kawamori Floating Head back to life... But yeah, poor Kawamori; a Macross otaku in a Gundam world.
  14. Some more info on the B-2 crash: http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2008/02/...crash_022908af/
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYQgxqd6Omk
  16. If the Brits want to be stupid with the way that they use their F-35's, that's their choice. They might as well just pop off a few more Typhoons off the assembly line instead...
  17. I know with the Legacy Hornets Northrop manufactured something like 40% of the airframe. As for the Super Hornet I'm not sure. Funny to think that all the Hornets of all shapes and sizes that we see today are the result of efforts to soup up and tweak the original F-5's design.
  18. Hey don't forget the F-5, the XB-35, and YB-49! Going back to Jack Northrop himself, this company has had some of the greatest minds and engineers in the aerospace industry and it just saddens me thinking of all the times this company has gotten screwed over (ie. losing the ATF competition, getting the B-2 production run axed to just barely over 20 aircraft, etc.). Hopefully Northrop/Grumman will get the recognition it deserves.
  19. I read the letter over and no where did it talk about making sure that the artwork and signatures didn't get removed or wiped off; though he did talk about the importance of getting back the system bacause of said artwork and signatures. Since the primary thing that the guy pushed for in his letter and stuff was the importance of getting his original system (or at least the outside case) returned to him, when the system was received it was probably flagged the importance of returning the original system to the customer and then the system was put through the normal repair and refurbushing process that the Microsoft warranty center, like any other manufacturing warranty and repair center, would go through. Probably one of those steps involved cleaning up the system so that it would be as close to a good-as-new condition. Unfortunately the importance of NOT cleaning the outside of the system was not address and thus the unfortunate results. Does the owner have every right to be angry? Yes. Should he persue complaining to Microsoft over what has happened? Yes. At the least his case might help prevent something similar from happening again and hopefully he can receive some sort of restitution. If there was a wanton effort by an employee to purposely snub this customer, they will be rooted out and possibly fired. But at the same time reading over some of the comments on that video game blog shows how much of a disconnect that fanboys have with reality. "Microsoft screwed over this gamer!" Please....
  20. That's pretty funny. A few days ago me and my dad were talking about the presidential primaries and stuff and my dad kept calling John McCain "John McClane".
  21. I think part of what equates into an aircraft's loss rate is also how many were lost over X many number of flight hours. It's not surprising that this was going to one day happen, but as a big fan and supporter of the B-2 program, it still hurt a lot to see one of these aircraft lay in a pile of flaming ruin.
  22. Why not? More then 20 of these awesome aircraft should have been built to begin with. Better for US defence and deterence and it would have been better from an economic standpoint of the program. Funny it was just a week or two ago the thought had passed my mind again about how much longer it would be before a B-2 would be lost either in an accident or in combat. Considering that no B-2 had ever been lost after almost NINETEEN years of testing, operation, and combat, this was definitely a testament to the quality of the aircraft and the efforts of the men and women that have kept this aircraft in the air for nearly two decades.
  23. Ha! You never know... One of the most interesting pictures on the Dreamland site is a picture taken by some German guy back around 1994. Sitting in front of the base's largest hangar (at that time), "Hangar 18", was a long white aircraft; it's too long and slender to be the white 737's that are used to shuttle people back and forth between groom. The guy and someone else had a better view of it with the telecope they had with them. The aircraft was visible only briefly. This might have been the only time ever has a classified aircraft been pictured at Groom Lake by someone of the general public. Most of the time, the secret aircraft being tested out of Groom Lake are flown at night or during the early morning or late evening.
  24. If Nintendo could have made this a color system (if I recall full color LED's back then would have been very expensive) and made a more comfortable way for playing it maybe it would have done better. One of my cousins bought one on clearance and I had the chance to play it once ot twice. Maybe if Nintendo had marketed this thing to old people and women like they do the Wii it would have sold like gangbusters. Both systems are centered around "gimicky" technology (Wi - the Wiimote, Virtual Boy - virtual reality) and they had "inferior" graphics compared to their contemporaries.
  25. It's official... Gears of War 2. This November. It wasn't a surprise that it finally got announced, but that it's going to be out just two years after the first one is a bit surprising. Looks like I'll have to finally get around to beating the Seriously and THIS! IS! ANNEX! achievements.
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