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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Halo theme (I'm talking about the music, not a background for the dashboard!) for GHIII on Marketplace, free, tomorrow.
  2. Halo theme (I'm talking about the music, not a background for the dashboard!) for GHIII on Marketplace, free, tomorrow.
  3. "Ah, Purple Haze!" I had forgotten all about Blendtec. Good stuff. I picked up Rock Band last night, but I have no idea when I'll get it opened up. Hope to be able to have it playable for Thanksgiving tomorrow when I'm with my relatives. Of course I always have Guitar Hero.
  4. Well last night I was at a Best Buy and ended up splurging on the steel case versions of all 4 movies. Hadn't got any of the Die Hard movies on DVD before and I thought these 2-disc steel case sets would look good in my collection.
  5. Will be picking up Rock Band (the full set) this afternoon! Anybody have the chance to play it yet? I haven't had the chance to play the in store demo yet. I do know that the Rock Band guitar's stumming switch is a little more rigid then the various Guitar Hero strumming switches; my brother can attest to that. Besides the song on the game itself, there are already numerous songs and song packs available off of XBLM (for us 360 owners) including stuff my Metallica and the Police.
  6. Haven't done the Black Friday thing in quite a few years. Already got about half of my Christmas shopping done. Typically spend this Friday sleeping in, working out, doing yard work, or just going out with friends.
  7. When you mean finish, do you mean including playing through on hard and expert? Definitely like most of the songs you mention, a few others of mine include: "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce (got 19 notes away from the 1,000 note achievement with this song on easy a few days ago! Aargh!) "One" Metallica "Hit Me with your Best Shot" Pat Benatar "Even Flow" by Pearl Jam "My Name is Jonas" by Weezer There's a few others that I don't remember the name of the bands or the songs, but I liked the tunes and I liked the way they played.
  8. I'm playing on Hardened difficulty right now. Not only did I make that shot on my first attempt, but I also managed to take two or three other guys out in the shot too! BTW, I'm stuck right now after both of you guys repell down the building and you start heading between a few buildings. Any opinion on how to get around those Russians?
  9. Hell just froze over... Idolm@ster Su-33 available in the near future for download. If this is available for us gamers in the US, I just might blow the MS points for it!
  10. If Yamato now has an official stake in the site, does that mean any and all posts criticizing Yamato's QC or if anyone mentions Toynami and their Macross/Robotech products results in banning or deletion?
  11. I like how you can not only make your own weapons classes, but your also able to cutomize your classes with the different perks... in a way it's like a shooter with some RPG elements! I loved COD2 quite a bit and played that into the ground, but COD4 takes a lot of the things I loved about COD2 and have really expanded on it.
  12. Rock Band DLC better priced then Guitar Hero II/III DLC. hope this is a wake up call to Activision and Red Octane. As for the Guitar Hero haters out there, it's just a game. It's meant to be fun. Heck it's even put in the seed in me to maybe try the real thing.
  13. What time would you guys want to play? Since both of you guys are in Iowa, we're all in the same time zone so that will make things easy.
  14. No way! Actually that had been on my personal list of songs for either GH or RB that I thought would be cute if down but never thought anyone would do it. Now someone has to pick up the rights to the Team America theme song (granted it would probably be heavily censored or the game would be rated M).
  15. Long rumored but maybe finally a reality: Original Xbox games, including Halo 1, on Marketplace this December? I already have Halo 1, but if they add achievements and online play I just might consider it.
  16. Yeah the look, feeling, handling, and atmosphere of COD4 clearly shows its by the same people who did COD2. When COD3 came out I loved that it supported 16 players online and that you could control vehicles and I thought it looked quite good, but since the artwork design was different and the handling was a slight bit different from COD2, it didn't resinate with me like COD2 (and now 4) and when I sunk my teeth into Gears of War I never got back to playing COD3. But I still do have COD4 and I fully intend on getting back to it someday.
  17. The Limited Edition is $10 more. Regular is like $59.99 while the LE is $69.95.
  18. I'm in the same boat with my 360 - so many great games right now! But right now Halo 3 and COD4 are my main concentration followed by Ace Combat 6 and Guitar Hero III and focusing on a few others for some variety.
  19. Awesome! I was stuck with a computer at work until 1998 that had Windows 3.1. I wonder what a 1984 version of 24 would looks like?
  20. So who else has gotten Call of Duty 4 so far? As for times today (Friday the 9th) I plan on firing up COD4 for about an hour after I get off work. I might be back on at 11:00 or 12:00 (central) to play some Halo 3. Tomorrow night I will probably be on playing Ace Combat 6 with David again. Sunday, I'll try to be sometime in the evening (including 11:00). But just say that 11:00 central/12:00 eastern at night should be the time that Macross Worlders should focus on looking for each other to play, regardless the game.
  21. Here's mine: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default....r=Apollo+Leader BTW, does anyone know what the "Steaktacular" medal is all about? Looks like someone else is on the same wavelength!
  22. Since this was Talkshoe, I thought these were Robotech Master's Space Station Liberty show so I didn't bother listening at all until just a few mintues ago. I haven't had the chance to play the shows in their entirety, but besides the fact that he's a Robotech fan (and there are some on this board who are, too) is this guy really much different then any of us? He's a grown up who's a fan of a 20+ year old cartoon like the rest of us!
  23. Chill. A lot of people use that abbreviation with no ill will intended.
  24. Oh noes! First there was Keifer's run-in with the law, now... Season Seven of 24 postponed indefinitely due to writer's strike. Looks like Jack's weakness is unionized Hollywood writers! Hopefully this situation comes to an end quickly...
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