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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. lol, yeah lets see how far HG pushes the boundaries. And wow, look how much the SDF-3 has been modified over the years.
  2. YOu have got to be kidding me I thought Tatsunoko had nothing to do with DYRL. Oh man this is going to suck so hard, unless HG has a major change in management and pulls their heads out of their tails. I hope to get a full report on this after the Expo, come on Egan how come you didn't know? Or is HG just blowing smoke?
  3. I think seeing man-faye being thrown out might be soemthing people here wouldn't mind seeing.
  4. Technically there is only one starship troopers book written by Heinlein. There are at least two other books I have seen written by other authors that are "in the world of starship troopers." One is a side story or possibly a sequel and the other is a pick a path book. I have not read either one and heard that they are both pretty forgetable.
  5. The sidearms is on the top of the second page, as for the holsters, um, think something like Han Solo's.
  6. Time for the big boys toys. This is Big Red, well the start of it anyway, still needs a lot of detailing work and the design is by far not locked down yet. Big Red started out as the main plasma injector of the PLASER cannon off a wrecked fighter. The character originally just strapped it to his arm and hooked it up the reserve plasma tank, a power cell and the control stick out of the fighter. The weapon was redesigned and rebuilt later using the frame of an old heavy man portable PLASER Cannon, as well as parts from a Heavy Repeating Plaser. Some design details, the upper handle is the throttle off of the destroyed fighter, I'm still thinking of using the fighter stick for the main handle, but that may not fly. The right side magazine is off an HRP, and is onyl used to hold the plasma and energy reserve. At full power it can only fire between four and five shots before having to recharge. The cylinder on the left side has the main hook up for the back pack that contains the main plasma tank and energy cell. The small vents on the front of the magazine and intake cylinder are hydrogen intakes, allows it to process extra hydrogen for plasma ammo in case of emergency, they also act as emergency gas vents in case of overload. They are hard to see but it has loops for a carry strap on it. The screen is hooked up to the scope, or at least will be, to act as back up in case the in helmet reticle fails. Oh, and the structure on the bottom of the main box is the de-grav generator which makes the weapon much lighter then it normally would be and therefore much more managable. I still need to add some more heat sinks and details, any comments, or suggestions?
  7. It is probably some kind of combination chaff/flare. IIRC Isamu and Guld hold off on firing missiles for most of the fight with the X-9. Now it is possible that they already expended all their missiles, but I doubt that. Chaff and other similar jamming/spoofing systems can stay in the air for a long time. It is nto uncommon, or at least wasn't in 70's and 80's to see C-130s peppering an area with chaff and flare before fighters and attackers move in for a strike. It is possible with OT that they have developed a more advanced chaff/flare system that hangs in the atmosphere for a long time defeating missile use and forcing the use of guns. This makes sense for the ghost as its design favors high speed slashing attacks, the best defense against which would be a missile barrage. I know some of you will regard this as a form of Minovksy particle making its way into macross, but really it is much more plausible then the magic minovsky particles. Actually something like this isn't that far off, the countermeasure launchers on some ships now launch a slow drop chaff/flare in order to spoof or prematurely detonate incoming ASMs.
  8. We all want those Starship Troopers Animes, but no one can find them. As for other movies that are going to rape a great book, how about the upcoming crapfest that will be I Robot?
  9. very sweet, I just don't why you used the picture where I had to bend over and grab my drink, lol
  10. Must have more pics of hot nipply chick, she have a website?
  11. How about more of the chick from the top of this page, she is fine as all get out.
  12. My problem with the current line of transformers, other then the Binaltechs is that they look like garbage in any mode you have them in. At least the older, G1 line would at least look pretty good in vehicle mode, same with the old Go-Bots. Heck I would take the old Gobots over these current T-formers, limited articulation aside.
  13. Hmm, really haven't worked on that, naming them that is. I still need to give them designations and name them, any suggestions?
  14. Why would I make a topic about you Agent One?
  15. aahhh!!! memories of man faye filling my head, must burn out my eyes.
  16. Now the two of them side by side. Oh bugger I just realized I put the charging lever and power cell ejection port on the Gauss rifle in the wrong positions, I inverted them, oops. That shouldn't be too much of a pain in the butt to fix. Oh and yes there is an addtional power cell in the guass rifle since the standard disposable power cell that comes with each mass driver round isn't powerful enough to run the full gauss accelerators.
  17. This the light Plaser rifle on which the basic design is based. The outer casing are made from the same basic molds with some changes, with most of the changes being internal.
  18. Got bored last night, and left the current ship redesigns on my work computer, so I couldn't work on them. ANyway I went back to the rifles. This one is the Light Gauss rilfe varient of an earlier light Plaser rifle I showed before. It's got a three inch longer barrel then the mass driver on the main assault rifle with double the accelerator denisty as well as four high powered Gauss accelerators. This makes the rifle much harder hitting then the MDC on the assault rifle. Similarly designed Gauss Accelerators are on the sniper PLASER basically to do the same job, to accelerate the projectile to much higher speeds. I still need to add some details to it and change the ammo readout, but for the most part it is finished. Well here she is, appreciate any comments:
  19. neat, I take that is mostly from one of those old Komillia based Macross Power PC games?
  20. Dumb TV execs, take a good concept and mess it up. Oh and the Kennedy is not a CVN, it's just CV-67, or CVA-67 as originally commissioned, she's conventioanlly powered not nuke.
  21. http://www.tfclub.com/tffiles/toy/toynews/...60001_16615.jpg Oh god my eyes my eyes, what have they done to my baby? You bastards you ruined my poor hog, get some frigging designers with a clue TFers. It is possible to design transformable versions of modern aircraft and vehicles and make them look good. Just look at the MPC Prime and Binaltechs. Man those things make we want to vomit.
  22. AH no, not more MiG-28s, I mean come on how easy would it be for them to get some actual foreign airframes now. You know as bad as it is at least Iron Eagle used an actual foreign plane as its MiG, the Isreali Kfir. I will give them props for that. Of course the fact that they used F-4s with painted over rear canopies for MiGs in the second movie in execusable.
  23. I know all about the ABL, I have a friend who works on the program. I just don't see why you would put one on the VF-0, or any VF for that matter. The VF-0 especially would be a poor candidate since it does not have the endurance of the other VFs in atmosphere or of a larger craft. It would make a lot more sense to show it on the back of a larger craft, maybe even B-2 *shudders* or an all new craft that is in the macross universe.
  24. now if onyl other worthy shows would get DVD releases like, SPace Above and Beyond, The Pretender, etc...
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