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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. I have to wait another year almost exactly though!! I. can. not. wait. LEK here we come! TV SDF-1 Anime style. That dude is so backlogged. Amazing work. And have I mentioned that I'm amped up for the next PO night already? C'mon DX, let's do this. Give me TV Kakizaki so I can complete the Vermillion or anything from DYRL please so I can use the damn SSP. (Stoked about DYRL Kakizaki in a about a month)
  2. Congrats everyone! Good looking out @Shizuka the Cat
  3. Right?! Curious...
  4. Ah yeah that makes tons of sense. Thanks!
  5. Damn I want a Kai Fire DX NOW. Would that be 1/48 or 1/60?
  6. Actually, I feel like you and I have the exact same countertops. HA.
  7. Honestly, I don't think so. They rely on commercial airline contracts (like USPS,) and International travel will not be normal any time soon. That means a HUGE decrease in flights. EMS has opened up recently to a number of countries so that's a good sign. But, even when it resumes, it will be soooo backlogged.
  8. You know it!!
  9. These pics on Tamashii show him a bit.
  10. Great work!!
  11. Yes please. A free Valk for every convert? Nice! I’d be interested.
  12. Haha you win the Internet for the day @crackpot! And yeah the 0A would be the next logical PF. I’ll tell ya though, this 0D is one of my favorite in Gerwalk (song with the SV-51s).
  13. Lol, I don’t care! I want it alllllll! It matches Macross 7’s cheesy-ness perfectly.
  14. Dude. I would cream myself if it were the 19 Kai LOL
  15. That’s how this forum works! Sucks ya in every time! There can be used products on there just like in the States or elsewhere
  16. Yuuuup! This. I think this is my favorite Valk of the recent era. If they maintain this level of quality, my wallet is screwed too
  17. This is a pretty cool read (via Google Translate) https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12610137189.html Talking about some of the improvements on the PF 0D. Also leaving us a teaser at the end that more PFs are to follow.
  18. Congrats!!
  19. Now that is legit. Awesome pic!
  20. It’s fun! DYRL is my favorite Macross release (does my super creative sn give it away?) And SDFM is cool to watch as Roy is more badass and minmay is a more believable character. Some extra scenes as well.
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