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Posts posted by borgified

  1. Just looking on FromJapan on the prices for the SV-262 Ha to see the listings for it. Seen one listing for 33k yen or 35k yen buy it now (new and sealed in box).. Are you that fracking nuts?? :blink:

    That's the price of the 31a! If the 262 Ha is sitting in bargain bins at a lower price do to the fact that no one wants to pick it up, then this definitely price gauging (not to mention that the 171EX Maruyama is asking 70k yen). :angry:

  2. 1 hour ago, Slave IV said:

    No, I think it's unreasonable when people complain without knowing that their item will not be delivered. Especially when the shop says it will be delivered and they just don't know when. It happens very often in the 3P world but I know you are referring to something else.

    Slave VI is correct in saying that 3rd party stuff (especially TFs) tend to not get released on the date as planned hence the wording "ETA" is used. A fair amount of people still use the "ETA date of release" as the actual official release day; however in reality, its usually two/three weeks after the ETA.      

  3. On ‎2018‎-‎04‎-‎10 at 4:37 PM, Mommar said:

    Is it too much to hope they’re holding off on other 262’s because they realize the Keith release was garbage and it needs to be fixed?

    You think that Bandai will make the transformation for the other 262 variants easier for us? I don't think so and they'll make it harder for us and; therefore make us toss it against the wall in frustration. :lol:

  4. 20 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    I think I buy more stuff from Mandarake than any other Japanese shop, and pretty much everything has been solid. It's thanks to them I've been able to obtain almost every past valkyrie that I missed from the Yamato years, and most of them at reasonable prices. 

    Some notable purchases I recall were Basara's 19 for 12k and an SDF-1 for 18k. :rolleyes:


    I'm right behind you in using Manda! Mostly for Figuarts, TFs, Macross and few other things as well.. Used them for my Neca Alien Queen as I couldn't get one as I missed the boat and after that and the rest is history..


  5. 12 hours ago, db626 said:

    Got a lot out of this awesome forum, time to contribute some back. Detolf setup with fishing lines to squeeze most out of space.



    Hmm.. I might have to take a note this display if and when I get my collection up. Need to get the Monster one of these days and use the fishing line for my other HMRs and possibly one of the 1/60 valks that I have. ;)

  6. On a serious note, we all know that Arad's 31s is to be released in August/September and hopefully with Chuck's 31E not too far behind, I guess that Bandai will surprise us with the Elvis or the Ba variants soon? :unsure:

    If not, then I be waiting for the Arcadia SV-51 (and in that way I can build up my funds).

  7. Just reading all of your updates on the 31A situation.. Seriously that sucks and a fair chunk of you guys literally got burnt to a crisp with NY acting like a scammer in this regards and leaving you all high and dry with no goods to show.

    17 minutes ago, Tober said:

    My theory is that a bunch of proxies that NY have used didn't receive their two orders from BANDAi, or auctioned them themselves, leaving NY high and dry.


    3 minutes ago, CharlesXavier said:

    I believe NY used their staff's accounts to buy TWEs. And far as I know, Bandai recognizes different IDs as different accounts even if address is the same. Validated with my experience of using a Japanese husband and wife proxy.

    So in this case NY can just have the TWEs sent directly to them without having to hide that they are distributors/resellers.

    This could be another reason(s) why as well too. Still shady in my books.. <_<   

  8. 46 minutes ago, Slave IV said:

    Nice! What 1/48 did you get?

    Got the VF-1s Hikaru as I already have the Strike/Fast packs already. I know that we had this conversation in regards of the 1/48 on the other site as I'm focusing on the ones that I want plus the price for it was reasonable (not more than $200 CDN). I was also watching the other sites like a hawk in regards to the VF-1s Hikaru as well.

    Just so happens that I managed to catch the listing when I went back into the site and it was the last one available, that is when I snagged it. ^_^ 

    It's the one with the flaming box (version 1.1)

  9. I love the 102F as it reminds me of the Stampede valk, however it's the colour option that it has right now doesn't suit me. I take it that there might be other paint variations if it goes well and the demand for it? :mellow: 

  10. @Shizuka the Cat: You know what's even worse that collecting Macross valks? Having other stuff that we collect also, albeit it may be in TFs, comics, tokusatsu, mecha, Lego, et all.. You get the jest of it.

    Not long ago, I pre-ordered another 1/6 figure (to be out by Q2 of this year) and have funds actually set aside for this. The worst thing is to be in debt for the rest of your life and you can't even make the payments due to the interest that's slapped on it (and you keep in buying more stuff to satisfy your plastic crack habits; therefore going deeper into the debt pool).  Having a collection is one thing, just budget your expenses accordingly.

    On a side note, I just pulled the trigger on a 1/48 valk last night as it actually the last listing available from the two that was listed earlier.     


  11. 5 hours ago, rdrunner said:

    I think I might get another plain set (similar to 000 or 101) when the 1-60 scale comes out, assuming the specs and options are the same as for HMR. Would be nice if they ventured into 1/48 though since the 1/48 GBP is now very hard to come by and I missed my opportunity to get one 10 years ago.


    5 hours ago, spacemanoeuvres said:

    You can still find the 1/48 GBP on mandarake or Yahoo Auctions for around $150-175 shipped. I think there’s a woodland GBP on mandarake right now. 

    I’m guessing the 1/48 FEXT gear will be comparable in price but will be newer and have way more combinations. 

    The 1/48 Woodland GBP is still up for grabs.

  12. Wowza! $50K yen for a Yammie VE-1 and it's the Rainbow canopy version.. I wouldn't even scratch that amount of cash even if it was listed, however I'm quite impressed for your commitment @Shizuka the Cat. Which reminds me that I still need to hunt for a 1/60 VF-1J with the GBP (either the Yammie V.2 or the Arcadia version).

    I only have 3 of the 1/60 valks, 5 HMRs (not including the Ostrich for now) and a Strike/Fast Pack for a 1/48 valk. As for the valk itself, I already picked it out and just need get it shortly either this month or the next (and hopefully that it's still listed).

  13. 9 hours ago, hachi said:

    You enablers are going to make Shizuka buy more valks to fill up that detolf! :lol:

    Yep! :p

    Since that Shizuka was asking about Yeti stands, I think we all pushed her even more to spend $$ out of her own pocket and that she can add her collection photos into the "Macross Collection Display Thread". I think that she still needs to get at least one of the 1/48 valks sooner or later to spice up her collection.



  14. 2 hours ago, Scyla said:

    Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the Yamato VF-17 mold but my collection seemed incomplete without one. Now I can have one in Fighter- and one in Battroid-Mode which is all I need. I actually prefer the Bandai VF-171  even if it has its issues.  It just locks together in Fighter-Mode so much better. 


    2 hours ago, spanner said:

    Yeah same here, which is why I got them for my collection. Yes they did grow on me once I had them but over time I felt that I could do just as easily without them so off they went. No regrets yet either.

    Yes the 171 are a mad thing! I'd also like to get a couple more CF-171 and have one in each mode!

    Glad to see that the VF-171s still have some love despite its issues and the crazy tight arm joints. 

    Might pick up the Luca's EX as possibly. 

  15. 20 minutes ago, TrickyCustomer said:

    If Escaflowne was a valk lol I'm digging the design. Even has Alseides style skirt armor and legs.


    From what I can remember (I think that it was this thread), Escaflowne was co-written by Kawamori with Yumiko Tsukamoto and that's why you can see Kawamori's influence on the SV-154 and even on the SV-51 as well.

    On a side note: Was the SV-154 Svard based on actual plane (if so, then what craft was the inspiration of the design)?   


  16. 40 minutes ago, Arthurius said:

    Oh sorry, fixed.  I asked for the SAL registered.  Isnt the difference between registered and non registered that there is just some tracking number vs nothing at all?  Or are they changing totally the shipping method?


    28 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    I think SAL Registered have insurance included. It’s limited to Y6000. EMS is Y20000.

    Here is the exact  specs on the shipping methods in further details: http://www.amiami.com/top/page/t/ps_en.html

  17. 3 minutes ago, Arthurius said:

    Lol, looks like i am not alone in feeling weak and helpless... ;)

    Amiami doesnt have any slow ship method, or i couldnt see that option.  I am also buying some used figma figure from them. 


    @Shizuka the Cat, no, skipping the HMR VT-1.  Yes, it looks fantastic in fighter and gerwalk, but for the Batroid mode, it just doesnt look anywhere near as nice as the Yamato 1/60th one, which had both the boosters higher so more visible in batroid mode, AND the antenna on the head could be moved away, not just be there straight, which made a big difference in the look of the Batroid.  I'd rather save my money for some future Armour or for a TV Max for example. 

    Too bad, cause i actually really loved the look of the VT-1 Yamato vf-1/60 v2 more than the VE-1 from the same, but just didnt carry forward for HMR.

     That's actually me that's enabling you not Shizuka.. :lol:

    Amiami does have the slow ship method under SAL (registered mail or unregistered).  

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