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Everything posted by borgified

  1. This better be good otherwise a total pass for me.
  2. borgified

    Macross figures

    Nah.. You going to wait for another 4.5 years when they finally ship it out. šŸ˜œ
  3. Old but relevant to last weekā€™s episode. From David Blass Twitter page (go and look it up if youā€™re curious). Iā€™ve seen and read the spoilers so, there are things that are questionable to say the least. More of a filler episode realistically.
  4. Iā€™m actually sort of p***** off on Mezco and Iā€™m still on the fence in getting more stuff from them. Who knows if I have to wait another two months for both Ghost Rider and Gaslights Bats to be shipped out after the processing email gets send out officially next month or so down the road. Itā€™s that lack of transparency of the delays and there was no update on their actual website of the reason why, just delayed to so and so date. Mind you, it was brought up in Mezcoā€™s Reddit page and Mezco has done nothing yet to answer about those inquiries yet (I may add as of now).
  5. @Tking22 - Fire up a polite (yet stern) email to Mezco and to inquire about your Keaton Bats (sort of how the squeeky wheel gets the grease type thing of thing). I've read that Mezco's warehouse is piled up to the rafters with inventory and who knows how long it will take to send out their over backlogged stuff out. Bats is shipping from Fife, Washington if I'm correct and who knows how FedEx's schedule is?
  6. There's more '89 Keaton Bats pics showing up on Reddit. We've all been warned right?
  7. Your call guys.. Trustworthy or not!! Edit: More pics on Collector's Freak: DC Thread if your curious.
  8. Anyone bought 10 units just because??
  9. So no VF-11 MAXL for Mylene then. I'll will possibly in my grave or cremated by the time if and when Arcadia gets to it.
  10. $105 USD, to be shipping Dec. 2022 - Feb 2023
  11. You didn't include Greef Karga (3 versions) into the list. From Toyark - https://www.toyark.com/2023/03/21/rocky-apollo-creed-1-6-scale-figure-by-star-ace-toys-497058
  12. Just a thought to ponder. Iā€™ve been reading on various Mezco threads and there are a boatload of customers that are fed up of Mezco not being upfront on their social media platforms about the delays and the backlog of figures that have not been shipping after ā€œxā€ weeks getting the processing emails. Plus one customer on Collectors Freak has called in the BBB in regards to Mezco still not sending out their copy of Supes 2.0 after roughy 3 weeks after getting the processing email. Some collectors have already cancelled their preorders (also posted various Mezco threads) due to the backlog of delayed orders and being selective on future purchases from them [Iā€™m in the same situation as I still have Gaslights Bats and Ghost Rider which are still in delayed territory in which I already paid up front for it]. Keaton Bats, Freeze and Ghost Rider are the 3 major figures that Mezco has to knock out of the ballpark in regards to keep their longtime customers happy.
  13. Update form Toy Paige three days ago..
  14. $95 USD, to be shipping November 2023 - January 2024 They can delay this by anoher year more for all I care. Keaton Bats, Ghost Rider and Freeze are the main 3 figures that Mezco better not screw over after more that three years of major delays.
  15. @Tking22 and @sh9000 - I really hate to **** you both off but you know that Mezco has **** poor scheduling etas. I have waited over a month after the processing notice of Capt. Nemoā€™s WaveRider was given by Mezco. Another member that I know from another Mezco Thread had their copy of the Conan Barbarian set delivery to them one month after the processing notice was given. Mezco says shipping within 4/6 weeks in some cases, but you both know that it can be ā€œFalse Newsā€.
  16. Why is Mezco not putting up teased stuff that was shown years ago?? No wonder existing long time customers are so fed up with their business in pushing out their in-house garbage and further delaying licensed items. Mezco teased stuff over three years ago and still no solicitation shows up (Solo Black Widow, Spider Gwen, 5 points Scooby Set, etc..). Iā€™ll be very selective in getting stuff from them after Ghost Rider gets shipped out and into my hands after over two years of delays. As for Doom that I pre-ordered it last year January, donā€™t care if it gets delayed.
  17. Part of your answer @Tking22: From Sideshow Collectors on the DC Comics Action thread. From what I read, the Facebook post is in a private group and the person slightly blurred his post and out and posted a Kitsune (Trickster Fox according to Japanese lore) watermark.
  18. '89 Keaton Bats pics has surfaced on Reddit. Disclaimer: Just like I posted yesterday on Superman: Man of Steel, it's up to you to make the judgement. I just post on what I see as of now. FB post link is gone, but imgur link is still posted.
  19. Mondoā€™s Trapjaw pre-orders are live. Links posted on Wednesday, to be shipped in September. Note: Itā€™s a ā€œTimed Exclusiveā€. If interested in getting your order in, go ahead and place your order in.
  20. Pics of Superman: Man of Steel have surfaced via Reddit. Note: Trust it or deem it false news is all up to you. I'm just posting on what I see so far.
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