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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. Who said Graham lied? I only posted, incorrectly, a point which I already acknowledged, that the feet were somewhat similar. It is a pretty ugly samurai figure though, thanks for the whole pic.
  2. Great work. What type of paint did you use? It looks like it has a metallic sheen.
  3. Unless the sculpt changed, it isn't the Monster.
  4. You may be correct, here is the other pic I thought it was comparable to:
  5. I thought the foot in the VF0 picture looked familiar. Interesting. Very interesting.
  6. Is it 1/55? I forgot, I thought at least they would stay consistent with the model the design is based off of. 1/55 should be comparatively tiny. Too bad its still $80.
  7. The Captain's Legioss is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. If Toynami had based there Legioss off of it, which they didn't, it may have been worth the estimated price point. As it stands the Toynami Legioss looks decent, but it should be really small at 1/48.
  8. No, thats his ebay ID. Don't let this be a trend only those with muppet sodomizing avatars may throw stones at Ponch.
  9. Thats the list. Good luck hunting them all down. You can still get them all, but plan on spending about $300 before shipping. Try AndyThong on ebay, he had complete sets for sale.
  10. You can find GX15,16, and 17 for near initial prices on ebay and at other online retailers, GX14, unit 01, is more difficult to find and subsequently more expensive. Monkey Nugget has one for sale in the for sale section for $100 plus shipping.
  11. Gundam Nikes, who knew. For that price, I really don't think I would wear them even if I had 400 to blow. Gundam Nike auction
  12. I have ordered from e2046 a few times, I have never had any problems with them. Shipping took about a week or 10 days, so I would guess that it was air mail. All of my orders were smaller kits or accesories so shipping could vary dependant on box size. Congrats on the kit, I had debated picking one up, I guess I will have to wait now.
  13. The are very poseable and have a number of accesories. The bodies are nearly all die cast and subsequently they have a lot of heft for such a small toy. The fingers are not articulated, but they can be slipped into triggers on the weaponry relatively easily. Personally I think they are great little toys.
  14. So it is gray. Thank you. Its a great kit, after I finish the first one I may try and make an olive/green version.
  15. They would be awesom-er if the eye lit up.
  16. That is most likely the stupidest looking transformer I have ever seen. Why would someone buy it? What is it supposed to be? A gun on a sled? Hasbro is starved for ideas so it seems they'll take anything they can paint flourescent. Even with a very persuasive 30 minute commercial like Energon I wouldn't take it if it was free. Nice head, though, nice and original.
  17. I would like to see the following made into PG Gundams: Zeong Gouf Custom or Gouf Flight Gerbera Tetra
  18. Anyone have a screen cap of the Glaug booster? The only color picture I can find has a gray booster similar in color to the arm cannons.
  19. It is still useless, unless of course it is necessary for the GBP.
  20. I don't what I liked better, the movie or that synopsis. Although there was no mention of my favorite scene, the sniper scene, poor Burt Reynolds.
  21. Exactly, I bought a couple of sets for my cousin and ended up with a couple of duplicates. Anyone want an unassembled PG EVA?
  22. Wow, those are great kits. Keep the pictures coming, they look great.
  23. I hope that the sculpt gets revised, as of right now, fighter is the only decent looking mode. But then again, it is nice to see that M0 is going to get some attention, so its difficult to complain. Hopefully it won't be $75 in some huge box that costs 20 to ship overseas.
  24. Great review, good luck with the clean up and casting.
  25. I have never really like the 03 design, it just seems to shiny and the out of place ugly hands bother me. These just may have to wait until clearance time at BBTS or HLJ.
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