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Everything posted by SpacyAce2012

  1. Er, I think you're confusing the Lightning III with somthing else. In fighter mode, the VF-4 Lightning III is possibly the sleekest Valkyrie ever designed. And yet real world aircraft remain Kawamori's top influence in Valkyrie design. 379145[/snapback] Real world aircraft design does indeed influence Macross designs. The VF-17 and VA-3 are prime examples. But this doesn't change the fact that many later VFs have more of a bulbous, Zentraedi look to them. And this has been something of a trend in more recent installments to the Macross universe, both in games and in animation. Of course, the Zentraedi look does make a Variable Fighter look more menacing. The VF-22 is one of the most evil looking VFs in Macross history, IMO. It is what a F/A-22 would look like if the engineers designing it had done so while on acid.
  2. The new trailer on ACESWEB is awesome. Does anybody know what the actual release date for the U.S. is? Different sites list different dates. The last I heard, March 26th was the date for Japanese release and early April for U.S. distribution. Now, IGN and Gamespy say May 30th for the States. What's the deal here? Who's U.S. date is the correct one? I hate to think I have to wait another two and a half months for this kick-ass Ace Combat installment.
  3. Personally, I like the VFs from Macross II. The only exception is the VF-XX Zentraedi model. I dislike this model for the same reason I'm not crazy about the look of most VFs after the VF-1. It seems that many of the U.N. Spacy's Variable Fighters began to take on more of a gaudy Zentraedi look about them, even the ones not designed by General Galaxy in the official timeline. Even the VF-5000, which began development around the time of the VF-4's deployment, has a marked Zentraedi design influence like most later designs. The exceptions would be the Lightning III, Cutlass, Thunderbolt, and YF-19. And these are my faves among the post-Valkyrie designs in the official timeline for that reason. And while the VF-19's production models didn't go too far in outrageousness, I would have liked it better if Kawamori had stuck to the look of the "Alpha One" prototype. The YF-19, like the VF-1, VF-11,etc. had more of a "military" feel to them, IMO. The Valkyrie II might have been a logical progression of development from the VF-1 if Zentraedi "organic" look hadn't become the rage among Mr. Kawamori and crew. This design, along with the VF-2JA and Metal Siren, shows what "could have been" if a less "alien" look had remained the norm in the visuals for the VFs. These Macross II designs had a sleek, "uber-tech" look about them that just appeals to me. Just my two cents worth.
  4. I liked,in terms of animation, the later episodes, from "Goodbye Girl" onwards,the best. They tended to be better animated IMO.
  5. A. Blak valkyries can't be evil. They're too cool. B. There's not a lot to compete with in the Milky Way. Most sentient life was exterminated during the war with the protodeviln and the sustained zentradi/supervision army combat afterwards. The zentradi continue to sterlize planets featuring civilization into the Macross 7 era(which is the most recent entry in the Macross timeline). What? NO! The Jeniuses are too badass to be assassinated! Now Hikaru and Misa... They're established as missing, and it'd bring closure to the Megaroad 1, albeit in a way sure to incite riots. But the anti-UN would be better told in the past era. An expansion on Macross Zero, or maybe even a pre-Zero story. 373806[/snapback] I totally agree with your last point in regards to any Earth-based anti-U.N. movement. But something that interests me is the supposed presence,on other worlds, of anti-U.N. factions in later periods. I wouldn't mind seeing this explored more in future Macross installments.
  6. I think having one at a time is bad enough. Besides the whole idea behind that system would be to procreate. I'm not super cool on the idea of a dozen kids knocking on my door two decades from now calling me daddy or all these ex-girlfriends trying to get child support off me because the "UN Mass Repopulation Program" turns out to be like every other UN Program. The flight pay just ain't that good. 373357[/snapback] You forrget, the modern UN and the Macross UN are diffrent beasts. The Macross one is an actual world government(interplanetary government post-colonization), as opposed to a loose alliance of national governments that don't really have to do anything the UN says. 373534[/snapback] This is true. Though I get the sneaking suspicion that although the government style has changed, some things remain the same about the UN. I mean my whole point has been there's no difference between our present and Macross future except the holographic porn. So I'd have some concern that the "Babies for Food" program didn't end up managed like the infamous "Oil for Food" one. However, if the UN truly is a different beast and we didn't send ALL the socialist hippies off on the megaroad 01, then we might have an effective government sponsored breeding program. That being the case, in the words of that Brian Peck song from the 2020s "Let's go. Bring it on!" 373612[/snapback] I believe that, hypothetically speaking, that it is possible that the Earth United Nations Government, in Macross, inherited the problems (and corruption) of the pre-Fall U.N. Hence, the United Nations Wars. However, the New United Nations Government would be starting from a clean slate. It will have the oppurtunity to create it's own scandels and generate it's own brand of corruption.
  7. It would have been nice if the series was a little longer, but the great combat sequences, superb animation, and beautiful ending made up for that one little fault.
  8. I saw the second episode of D7 as showing the ugly side of the celeb world and music, not everyone is buddy buddy, remember, Mylene was almost raped by Bobby in the series until the Vampires came and sucked out his Spiritia. 372669[/snapback] Thing is, that attempt at "rape" was only implied and, thank God, didn't get more explicit than that. On the other hand, they took it further (and too far,IMO) in Macross 7 Dynamite.
  9. And that's what's REALLY important. 372478[/snapback] Quoted for truth. Bring on the holo-ta-tas. 372485[/snapback] Pervs. 372488[/snapback] Yeah, so? 372520[/snapback] An expression of admiration on my part. Now, if I could just see the M7 Bridge Bunnies naked, I would be a happy man.
  10. And that's what's REALLY important. 372478[/snapback] Quoted for truth. Bring on the holo-ta-tas. 372485[/snapback] Pervs.
  11. I know. I wasn't including M7 Trash in my mention of M7, just the T.V. Series. But the Trash deal did spark my curiosity. I tend to believe that the speculation regarding it may have more than grain of truth to it.
  12. It's not stated, but it's implied by actions. A while back, Tokyopop wanted to release Macross 7 Trash. They got a license from Big West. Then they got a license from HG. Then HG started hyping it. Then they lost the Big West license. Then HG deleted the Trash news articles on their website. While it's fan speculation(no statements were made that I know of), it's believed they lost the BW license for playing ball with HG. As HG claims that "Macross is © Tatsunoko Productions", seemingly across the entire franchise, for Trash to carry HG's seal of approval and legal boilerplate would have been damaging to BW's legal standing. Especially they were actively suing Tatsunoko over copyright at the time. It's a safe bet that BW is anti-HG until such time as HG backs off on their Tatsunoko copyright claims. And as BW has licensed distributors for non-SDF products in the past without Tatsunoko's or HG's involvement(see Plus and 2), they likely don't agree with HG's interpretation of the distribution license either. 372111[/snapback] Weither or not HG waves their licence around for all to see, how the hell can they make that stand? It was my understanding that Tatsunoko only has international distribution rights to those series they had a hand in. I didn't think that would include anything after DYRL/FB2012(?). So, how can Harmony Gold U.S.A. attempt to block anything after the original series itself (toys,OAVs,etc). As far as I know, this was the only thing Tatsunoko licenced to them. Even if it didn't go to court, what's to stop some company from getting a distribution license from Big West for, say, Macross Zero to put out on the international market. They could tell HG to go to hell, and I 'm willing to bet that HG would back down. Because HG would have to put up or shut up. And they know they have nothing to stand on. That's why I'm wondering if HG's BS claims and the mere threat of HG screaming "lawsuit!" is all there is to it. And I don't include M7 in this because the Victor licenseing angle hurts that series as well.
  13. That would be me who bought it up out of curiosity. If Twentieth Century Imports had a legal licence from Tatsunoko Productions, then FASA had ground to stand on. I base this on the fact that the posted quote from the court document, the date HG recieved on their licence was 1/15/1984. It is my understanding that FASA had recieved their licence sometime in late 1983 (the Battledroids game was released in 1984, quiet a bit of time before Robotech hit the airwaves). I suspect that FASA was the one who wanted to settle out of court with Harmony Gold. The 1990's was a bad decade for the gaming industry. FASA was hurting like everyone else. And they were involved in two separate suits( the Playmates suit was separate from the HG suit. And FASA lost that one because they pushed for too much). FASA had taken a bit hit in the wallet, and fighting HG would have sunk the company far sooner than when it did finally happen. Of course this is just speculation on my part on FASA's motives.
  14. Just found this poll tonight. Picked "1999-2008". "Interesting Times", indeed. And the opportunity to raise a little hell.
  15. I wonder about that myself. It could have been easily fit into the official timeline. And it was a good Macross installment. I believe that the official line is that since Studio Nue/Shoji-san had nothing to do with it (although some of the old crew did on an individual basis), it would not be in the official continuity. But I wonder if there is more to it.
  16. Well, there is always the Supervision Army. From what I got from the original series, they are still big, bad, and on the prowl. I would also imagine that they have access to far more firepower than the Varauta had in Macross 7. The story told in Macross II was interesting for the reasons you cited above. In a way, it's a shame that it isn't a part of the official continuity in some way.
  17. I heard a few days ago that Harmony Gold U.S.A. has stated,some time back, that it is through with using Macross imagery in Robotech. HG will concentrate on Mospeada designs from now on (assuming that the Shadow Chronicles works out). Is there any truth to this? And does it somehow relate to the Japanese court decision that Studio Nue is the owners of the imagery/artwork in the original Macross? If so, this is a tacit admission on HG's part that their Macross licence doesn't cover all the bases that they claim. Even in regards to the original series. It would also give more credience to those who feel that FASA had some legal ground to stand on in the suit with HG, hence the conspiracy theories of the real reason for an out of court settlement and non-disclosure deal.
  18. And don't forget the scene of the Macross firing the Main Gun in cruiser mode I thought it couldn't do that? That was why the transformation became nessesary. That was a terriblly animated episode. Animefriend should have impaled for the horrible job they did. Glad they weren't put in charge of doing DYRL. 369945[/snapback] I agree that Animefriend did a fairly shoddy job in their "contribution" to the series. I suppose budget considerations mandated them being bought in on the project.
  19. The mistaken idea that it is a French word comes from the Robotech novels. Macross Island in that story was a French-owned piece of real estate and a former nuclear weapons test area.
  20. Because Macross Plus music is truly among the greatest of the musical arts, worthy to sit on the highest pedestal with musical gods such as those I mentioned. 369485[/snapback] Macross Plus had some great sounds, but I wouldn't go that far. As for those "musical gods", I would add Blank and Jones, plus ATB to that list.
  21. I agree. Reba has the voice of a whiney child, judging from the voice acting in Robotech.
  22. Because it didn't match the VF anymore. 368188[/snapback] Ah, but it does match her VF-11 (which unfortunately she doesn't have with her at this point in the series, but was quite awesome in the Top Gamlin short). 368476[/snapback] Touché. Clearly she should've kept 2 flightsuits, and worn the vintage-style one with the J and the modern one in the 11. 368613[/snapback] Maybe that one didn't quite fit her figure anymore....I mean, she did have 7 kids....Those hips probably aren't quite the same as 30 years ago, not to mention other body parts.... 368669[/snapback] Well, Zentraedi women are probaly built a little tougher than normal. She could have twenty kids and still look good.
  23. It's funny, but I really don't like the bulk of Minmay's songs. "Runner" and "Love Drifts Away" are the only two from the original series that I care anything about. Toss in "Love, Do you Remember?" and "An Angel's Paints" from DYRL/FB2012, and that's only four Minmay tunes that I like. The music from Macross Plus, to me, was pretty damn cool. "Information High" was the most awesome. I like it so much, I bought the soundtrack some years ago and still listen to it in my truck on the way to work on occasion. My co-workers think I'm weird. The music from Macross II was very nice. And the "Song of Life" in Zero was hauntingly beautiful. At the risk of sounding like a wuss, I choked up a little when that song kicked in as Shin was falling to his death and Sara's "spirit" came back for him in the last episode. Fire Bomber's stuff I've heard so far in M7 is good as far as I'm concerned. It has more of a rock 'n roll sound, which works for me. Just my two cents worth.
  24. I love the entire saga. It was what got me into the so-called "real robot" genre. And I consider it one of the great science fiction epics. I just don't watch the movies/shows. My Classic Battletech Playgroup, on occassion, will get together with our old copies of the Robotech/ Macross II RPG. We dig up stats from online sources for the other shows, plus background info. We'll spend hour after glorious hour role playing adventures in the Macross universe. It's a blast. I do dabble with model kits, mainly ARII kits, with others I just happened to pick up. I love this genre so much, that I'll suffer Japanese language only dialouge just to watch the stuff I've been missing out on because of a certain U.S. company, and will leave it at that regarding that issue. The original series ranks as my top fave. Second place is tied between Plus(OVA/Movie) and Zero, with Macross II trailing in a close third. The script of DYRL wasn't as stellar as it's animation, so it ties with FB2012 in fourth place. I'm currently watching the M7 series and am working on getting the M7 Movie and OVA spin-offs. So, I reserve judgement until I have seen them all. So far, it's not looking so bad and I'm liking it. It may have just gained another new fan.
  25. Lets do it! 367419[/snapback] LOL, I'll sell the tickets... 367436[/snapback] Other than Mike Tyson, I think I could stand toe to toe to just about anyone. Besides Kieth is a girl so I think I will have sex with her instead, you guys can watch though. I pork good with an audience. 367524[/snapback] You are something else, you know that?
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