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Everything posted by GGemini

  1. Lucky you, us on the other side of the world have to wait 7 hours minimum Vegas Valkyrie: I'm pretty sure it's the raw
  2. Works for me, although it looks awful I don;t think we'll see any fansubs now... maybe in a week's time Where's the seed???
  3. Couldn't agree more... let the merchandising onslaught begin!
  4. Strumvogel: can you remember what's the Macross F opening like? I'm wondering if it'll be attached to episode 1 or it will just start with ep. 2 Mr March: you're welcome!
  5. Roy died in 2009, Aegis was born in 2024. If Roy had a bastard child born before 2009, and that child had a kid, then MAYBE they could be related... The LaSalle family makes more sense as Edgar could easily be Claudia's brother... still, nothing was confirmed. We'll see if there's a link in the Nome family
  6. link: http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4047150665/...YM5DVFTMHFYD902
  7. There's an example of "same last name - no relation", with Aegis and Roy... so it's difficult to know at this point if Sheryl and Sara / Mao are related.
  8. FYI, the first manga is available for pre-order @ Amazon Japan Relaese date: April 24th.
  9. I also made this while we wait for the update in the official site
  10. Finally found this month's HJ, so I re-scanned the images using an option in my scanning software named "reduce moire (magazines)"...
  11. oops ssfsx17: it's an MP3 file. It doesn't sound as elaborate to be the karaoke version of the upcoming single, but it's definitely not a MIDI file.
  12. Yamato's website update: http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_003/index.html
  13. SO... After looking and looking online for the Macross F video that comes in April's issue of Newtype (a disappointment, by the way... the song isn't even complete) I bumped into a video that includes what appears to be the infamous ringtone. So I ripped the audio, adjusted volume and some other things and... here it is, for all of you to enjoy: Sagittarius 9pm ☆ Don’t be Late full karaoke version Mod EDIT: Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum.
  14. I didn't know that the VF-0 had a name: VF-1 バルキリー = Valkyrie VF-4 ライトニング = Lightning VF-11 サンダーボルト = Thunderbolt VF-17 ナイトメア = Nightmare VF-19 エクスカリバー = Excalibur VF-0 フェニックス = Phoenix Might be useful for your website Mr March PS: this was taken from the Macross F information page so I think it's official.
  15. The website of Newtype Japan hasn't updated the front page to feature the April issue and we're already seeing the scans of the pages... I love the internet! Thanks UN Spacy I hope someone can let us know what's included in the DVD
  16. Apparently there's a Macross "online event" (whatever that means) taking place on July 27th... Here's the link: http://www.youyou.co.jp/only/macross/index.html Nice mix of images in the front page edit: sp
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