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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. several guys on here tried and confirmed it's not possible without snapping it off. it's glued shut tight. there were several who had flaking tints and tried unsuccessfully. but if you're the 1st successfully to do one since 2009, definately post the results.
  2. you need to get 6 messers to stand a chance to fight against the aerial knights.
  3. what's wrong with your eyes? that's like saying i hate roy and max
  4. that VF-2SS was a piece of crap based on the pre-order asking price.
  5. i used to king of hoarders but that title now belongs to spanner but i'm still a keep em sealed in box collector =)
  6. oh you don't have to answer me it was just sarcasm. but thanks for the link btw =)
  7. damn... missed it you guys think hlj will open again? it's so much better price than NY.
  8. HLJ smoking something.... why would i pay that bc i don't want to sticker? what a rip off vs. the normal release. edit: if they do have to charge for jyp domestic tax, why was hikaru's around 25000yen. it's just inconsistent.
  9. thanks airborne! will do! you still posting in the music thread? only one 31F? that's surprising. i guess you don't like his colors. 6 VF-31A's? why not 7?
  10. Hey Mike S. long time man! good to see you're still here yeah deactivated my account and just lurked for a couple of years, i came back on to sell some stuff of the forums. Work's been pretty easy these days. you still gunpla-ing? how's the rg zero feather's doing? did they survive being a dad
  11. i don't see any on the arcadia site: http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=248 not sure, but i know when the arcadia yf-19 came out there was a cut off date, a few shops closed at the same time arcadia's date closed while hlj stayed open longer than arcadia's site. if anyone is waiting and can't afford to pay, i'd just pre-order from hlj since they allow cancellations with a click of a button.
  12. thanks for the welcome, post of some pics of that Sazabi when you're done. here's some pics of my completed rg gp-01fb:
  13. actually... looking at the pics of the scene, it kinda reminds me of the vf-27... i might just get one.... maybe 2, i'm going to wait to see a future prototype, if there is going to be one, before deciding.
  14. Arcadia in most cases are unlike bandai and are "built to order" Mr, K would say after all orders are closed they would send the order to the factories to be printed. so in most Arcadia cases, it's unlimited pre-order until a certain deadline. (that's not true with all their orders, some of them were just limited print like the vf-19 kai /sound booster combo)
  15. What's up JV Great to see your marketwatch thread alive. i'm probably going to lean heavily on your expertise in the coming weeks (need to sell some things)
  16. did a RG earlier in FEB. took me over year to finally finish it =) will post pics later.
  17. what!?! you got an SDF-1 too? damn you're on a tear with these purchases
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