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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Na she has a pic of Max in a provocative pose. Yamato going bust I wont hear of it. It`s a lie a lie I tell you. Seriously if they are Im glad Im in Japan in April. Moveover clothes there are Yamato`s who need the lugage space.
  2. Thats one thing that makes my Hasegawa collection in complete. I only get 1/72 kits so I say Vf-1-GBP first. Going on Captains usuall build quality It should be something to behold. Captian will this be a complete GBP or armor that will fit over a Hasegawa Battroid. Al la the booster kit. i need to know as if its the fit over type I`ll need another Vf-1 kit. Then begins the problems of what colours to paint it ooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!! Hard life...
  3. Proof that there is still mileage in the 1/55`s, nice job everyone.
  4. heh, i actually own it, got a used copy for a few bucks, agreed it's nothing spectacular but i find it enjoyable 360673[/snapback] Me to its o.k There are some bits that are better than others. But as animations go it allright, I ve paid for worse, considering it was made with the budget that Pixar would use to keep every one in Coffe and Coke it did o.k. There are not many SiFi movies that dont rip eaither StarWars or StarTrek, come to think of it they rip each other quite well.
  5. I expect that some where on the cutting room floor is a load of footage of the battle. That is the only explanation that I can think of for the fact that allthough the batle was good it seemed to short and too easy. I know that they probably wanted to slim it all down to fit the 45 min slot, but hopefully it will all reapear in the extras on the series 2 DVD boxset.
  6. My money's on Stinger. Hot Dog is Bodie Olmos (EJO's son), so he's untouchable unless he wants to; and Kat is too hot to die. Matter of fact, I'm betting they'll be losing a lot of Mk VII against some few Mk II. They are, after all, the stars of the show; and if the oldies get shot, they would have to build new mock ups of the gray fellow, so I'm kissing half of the Pegasus wing goodbye. Too bad I won't be seeing it until tomorrow morning at best. 360227[/snapback] Just a thought werent the Galactica`s Mk VII Vipers killed by the Cylons uploading viruses to them, so how come the Pegasus`s havent been killed by the same method ??
  7. I think if you dont like certain bits of the programme video it and then you can fast forward the bits your not interested in. Works for me when I watch the News Channnel. I would like to see a series budget busting space battle, one that starts after the first comercial break and goes on till the 30 seconds before the end credits roll. Now that would be a bullet fest. CGI people "EARN YOUR PAY" I hope its all sorted tonight as Im not sure how long I can take the hissy fits we have on this post.
  8. It is plain to see this has become a bit heated. If you were in a society that for all intents is doomed, and you were in charge with nobody to answer to you could change laws (what few you could still enforce) make new laws and generally do what ever your moral concience says you can. That is what both Roslin, Cain and Adama have done in their own way, all of them are "guilty" of some moralistic law breaking and actual laws being broken, but all have done this with the good of all at the back of their minds. The decsions they made were true to their own veiw of the world and their conception of the situation they are/were in. So in Essence they were all right at the time. As far as who should die etc, we all know if they follow the original story then at some point Pegasus will have to go, if that means in a big Cylon encrusted fire ball or dissapearing off on it own on some noble cause so be it. If Cain is in charge or not does it matter they will be gone. My point is that we all have our own persective view of the situation. Putting our views together give us the whole picture. Cant remember who metioned Biers but isnt she a Cylon anyway.
  9. Is that what is was? I honestly didn't know either, just listing the things I hear on here. 359395[/snapback] Thought it hadto do with that, also thoght it might be in reference to Yamoto 1/48`s hands. Still waiting for Boxies robot dog to make its apearance.
  10. Well the guy who live oposite me has some that are about 2 feet tall the students next door love to nick them. The average in the U.K seems to be arround 10 inches tall. is that right ??
  11. Well with that in mind maybe I could get one, well before I say yes I need to find the room. Any idea on the dimensions of this. What I mean is if you drew a 3d rectangle around it how big would it be. My idea is to - a. find the space and b. get a plexi/lexan cover for it to repell the dust and need to clean. My other models are cased or put in display cabinets, as cleaning dust from models usually sooner or later ends up in broken models.
  12. This is in essence what the Cylons did. It worked for them, If the School bully hits you and you run away, he will come and find you and hit you again. The only way to beat him is thump him back harder. This is easier when its one on one but the principal is the same, they just need to kill the bully and his family, something that will take great intell (finding the secret kill all method) or just time and numbers. Adammas plan to kill Cain is flawed mainly because he asked Starbuck to do the job. Starbuck the Maveric loose cannon who hardly ever follows orders. You know its all gonna pan out different to the way we think, the previews show and Adamma planned.
  13. OPPPSSSSS!!! I missed that. doh ! substandard memory.
  14. I thought I'd put a shark mouth on it with a note that it was removed fairly early on because to quote one pilot "no one wants to drive a robot with a mouth on it's crotch." 359138[/snapback] Brings new meaning to Bite me !!
  15. Well you can bitch all you want but you stil watch it every week. There is no getting away from the fact that the story twists and turns more than a snake in a box of itching powder. Compaired to the 1970`s 80`s series it has more depth. The original series was for kids and not to stupid enough so the kids parents could watch it too. Nowadays we need somthing with depth. By the time a kid is 10 years old they have seen more twisted and inteligent plot lines in t.v shows than most of us 30 somethings saw before we were 18. Put this into perspective Programmes need to capture the audience more than they ever had to in the 70`s. People look for that mistake in the period drama where they see a 747 flying over or the wrong type of telephone sitting on a desk or whatevre. With this in mind the producers of the programmes have to work harder and this breads competition and therefore better programmes, better for us the viewers. Lets face it they didnt make this series for the kids, they made it for the 20-30+`s who are all nostalgic about the old days and the series they watched as kids. ( we are all here because of our love of a 20+ year old cartoon series ) In the same way that Hasbro/Takra brought out the Binaltech/Alternator Transformers they were aming them at the 20+ market with disposable income and a want to re-attach themselves to their past, why else would they market toys that bear a resemblance to the G1 toys when they had so much success with the newer ranges. What self respecting parent is gonna pay £20 for a toy that junior takes 30 mins to transform and will be broken inside a week when next to it on the shelf is a transformer that cost £3 and will make junior just as happy. Its all about our age group we have money we make choices we are efectively the emotive force behind the nations, Politcians fear us manufactures love us and banks want us to spend with them. All they need now is to bring out remakes of every thing Glen A Larson ever produced, which when you think about it is quite a back catalouge. Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, The A Team, Knight Rider, Magnum PI, Quincy, The Hardy Boys and Nancey Drew Mysteries, need I go on. Personally I`d like to see Buck Rogers or may be The A Team ( I know there is suposed to be one being done) They have done well with the cast but personally I`d like to see more of how Baltar came to have Six in his head. They never have broached this in the series. I mean he didnt just wake up one morning and POP! "Theres a Cylon in my head" Was it some sort of nano virus or was he abducted, is it an inplant is it organic or machine is he in fact mad or some kind of visionary. I hope they will explore this in the future episodes.
  16. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! Cue romantic lighting and blurry bedroom scences, with cheesy music.
  17. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Are the MPC `s worth buying ?
  18. It even looks good with your garage as a background setting. Excellent work. Its a shame that I probably wont be able to get one over to the U.K as it will probably cost more to post than to buy.
  19. If your Box set looks like this :- 5 disk set Then it is a boot leg there are a total of 12 episodes missing from it so as far as it being a worthy purchase it is not. The only "complete" thing about it is its a complete con.
  20. not sure if it will work but .... You could try soaking it in warmish water for a bit to see if the decal adhesive loosens. htis is of cause dependant on weather you sealed them after application and if you used acrylic paints. I soaked a kit once which I painted using enamells and the transfers came off. not sure how the Acrylics would react they are after all water based. But as your model is the internal lit one I wouldn bother if you have any type of circuit inside, if it cant be removed. A bunch of led`s and a battery connector and switch should be o.k as long as they get plenty of time to dry out completly
  21. History will never let us forget the conflicts in WWI and WWII and for that matter any of the post WWII wars or scirmishes. Hopefully one day people will start to learn that war is not the best way. There isnt a person in Europe that didnt lose at least one member of there family in eaither of the world wars, I for one lost people on both sides of WWII, In fact if it hadnt have been for my German Grandfathers actions after DDay a lot more English, French and American troops would have died. I for one will never forget the meanings of the Swastica. If it wasnt for the second world war I would not be here. Why do you think the Swastica is practically banned in Germany, they want to forget it. I got called Nazi all the time at school, told who won the war etc. Despite the fact that I explained my familys involvement the ignorant few still continued to poke fun at me. I have "friends" who do Nazi salutes when Germany scores against England in Soccer matches. They are idiots, its people like them who wont move on from the past and help to try and heal the wounds left in society by that conflict. Im not saying forget just forgive and remember.
  22. Holly cow !! I am just starting to realise just how big this is gonna be.
  23. big F

    Valkyrie Girl

    If he really developes Gasapon-itous he will be broke inside a month, all those 300Y purchases hmmmmmmmmmm......
  24. Put into context like that in 100 years time you could have a situation where the U.N Spacey logo was used in a similar way. The world is a perverse place and you can get sued for anything weather it is serious or just down right daft. when you can trade mark practically anything nowadays nobody is safe and no logo or sign no matter how old it is. Example Harmony Gold could sue anyone using the kite logo as they own the rights to it. Oh wait a minute they already did that... I might have to pay "Harmony Gold tax" for the kite logo I have in the back of my car. Then I would have to sue Alexlay for selling it to me, then he could sue Harmony gold for owning the rights to a cool anime series and making him like it enough to collect stuff from it and make stickers for peoples cars. You get the idea....
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