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Everything posted by HardlyNever

  1. I know Google translate is far from perfect, but that is nearly useless "information." Maybe a human translation would get the message across better, but it just seems like they are talking about how "hard" it is to make Premium Finish stuff. Maybe they are getting negative feedback about the cost? Who knows.
  2. Your image is not showing up (you might see it on your side, but we can't see it).
  3. Quick update for anyone else that screwed their bridge in: I couldn't get the bridge screw cover off, but I went ahead and decided try to pack the SDF-1 with the bridge on. I pre-emtively gouged out a little place in the Styrofoam lid for the brdige, but that is completely unnecessary. There is plenty of space between the lid and the bridge, probably a quarter-inch or more. I won't actually be moving it for several weeks, but I'm pretty confident it will be entirely safe. I also have all the runner parts on, and they do not interfere with packing up the toy in any noticeable way, either.
  4. I would love a page where we vote for the next premium finish, but that isn't really what I'm getting from that message. Could canceled stuff mean old yamato products that they haven't released yet (mainly vf-1s)?
  5. The vf-31S will be my first vf-31. I definitely consult a video (or 2) before I try transforming anything, but I'll only turn to the manual if I feel really stuck and/or I'm really pushing the limit on a part. I also transform/handle my first (and sometimes only) version of a particular model a fair number of times more than it seems some people here do. I need to feel 90-100% confident I understand entirely how it works. Also, anything I open is for my enjoyment first and foremost, so I don't mind a little bit of "wear" on my valks, especially if it is the first of that mold that i have. I still handle them with care, but I don't feel bad about handling them. The thing that stops me from handling my collection more is how anal I can be about poses. These are display toys more than anything else to me, so when I feel like handling a particular piece, I remember how long its going to take for me to get it back into a pose that I feel comfortable with. I often decide it just isn't worth handling in the first place.
  6. Seems good if the condition is new/close to new. I've been hunting a decent deal on the Lil'Drakens, with no luck so far. Looks like Mandarake has had the best prices for them, but I've balked on several chances there.
  7. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Still on the fence about this one. There is a disturbing lack of pictures available for something that is on pre-order now, but I guess it is just a repaint of the existing vf-2ss, except for the one leg armor and the new gun. I'll probably skip it and if it ends up on discount, I might grab one. I enjoyed the Sylvie release, but not enough to want a whole squad.
  8. Great shots. I know next to nothing about Gundam outside of the original series, but every once in a while I see a few that make me want to dip my toe into that universe, as well.
  9. This mold is what... almost 8 years old at this point? I think there is plenty information out there about what the mold can and can't do. Were you expecting tweaks to the mold on the premium finish?
  10. It's probably too late to be of use, but just as a heads up to anyone else that might be getting this: My bridge (on the PF version) was in a plastic tray like the picture above, however either the tray was never secured or it came loose during shipping, and it had fallen down in with the rest of the main body. So it is possible (probably unlikely) that your bridge is floating around somewhere in your box and/or Styrofoam tray.
  11. Does anyone know the name of the song that you can hear here? I'm rewatching SDFM, and it appears all over the place, but I've gone through this entire OST and I can't find it in there. I'm guessing that isn't a complete OST? Or I'm missing it, somehow. Anyhow, can anyone name that tune?
  12. I definitely do, but then again it wasn't too long ago. I will say, I've bounced between 1/60 and HMR stuff, and while I definitely enjoy a lot of the HMR releases, there is nothing quite like getting a new 1/60 valk. Especially from Arcadia/Yamato.
  13. The tamashii website has had the 31S release as 7/21 for a while now. Does that mean NY is expecting to receive it on that date?
  14. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh, ok. The "facts on the ground." How could I possibly miss those. The obvious facts that everyone can see. Right there. On the ground. So, yes, absolutely no evidence beyond conjecture. Just like I said. Got it. At this point, unless you have something resembling actual evidence, I don't see the point in continuing this "discussion." You'll just continue to restate conjecture and act like it is fact. Followed by a bunch of periods... The "facts on the ground" support non-Macross products being in the HMR line now, because look, there they are. And the HMR line continues. I bet they are even on the ground, sometimes. On a side note, is there anyway we can hide/disable the silly upvote/downvote thing? This isn't reddit, and it doesn't seem to affect anything. If you have a beef with something, respond or take it to PMs. The upvote/downvote thing just seems petty and silly.
  15. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    There was the Nexx vf-2ss announcement (if you didn't catch it). Otherwise, it was just jvmacross trolling other members because it is a day that ends in Y.
  16. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I've read several theories about why the original HM line failed. Competing with cheaper yamato vf-1s. Some poor quality releases (like the vf-19s) hurting the line. Generally being the wrong line at the wrong time. Sure, these could all have been contributing factors. But they are just that, theories. Do you have some actual evidence to add it it? If so, I'd love to see it. All I've seen is conjecture on forums by people that have no more information than the next person. Do you know someone at Bandai that actually knows something about the decision making process? Where you part of the decision making process to cancel the original HM line? I seriously doubt it. What is ignorant is to assume it is a single-issue situation. And that the factors that people theorized back then where the only possible reasons that could exist. And so here we have a reborn HMR line, with figures outside the macross franchise, that has been more successful than the previous one. Could the outside interest be a contributing factor to its success? I would certainly say so, otherwise why would Bandai continue to make non-macross HMR figures? Do you have any evidence to suggest otherwise? Or just more ad hominem insults? Edit: This was brought up in the vf-31 thread, I believe, but we know Macross is a tiny portion of Bandai's sales. It makes sense that they would try to diversify the line if Macross isn't that big to Bandai. Here is some more recent info. As we can see, Macross doesn't even make the top 10 (again).
  17. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I disagree with you so I must have to go research other peoples' random opinions on why something failed. How about I don't, instead. You're a class act man. This community is so much better with your thoughtful, well-written posts.
  18. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    If you say so, boss. As a great man once said: At any rate, I do agree with the sentiment that we need something that isn't a vf-1. I love the enemy mecha, and I wouldn't hate the remaining destroids. But I guess we'll have to wait.
  19. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Would it be economically viable like that? Maybe, maybe not. Remember, this is Hi-metal "reboot" (or whatever you want the R to stand for). There was a previous line that failed. There are probably a ton of reasons why the first line failed, but having HMR incorporate more than Macross probably makes it more economically viable. Sure, it means we get what we want slower, but at least we'll actually get it...
  20. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I almost feel like they are holding them hostage to some degree. They know we want them. We know they have them. But in order to get them, we need to continue to "support" the line through other releases. I also think they want to hold on to them to get interest in the future of the line high (but I don't think that is necessary).
  21. I don't want to speak too soon, but it seems like the announcement of another Lil' draken set is driving the price on the current one down. I'll be following it over the next couple weeks. Maybe it was the drakens themselves, not the sword, shield and missile pods, that was driving the price up? It could be, given that the sv-262 itself has been a shelf-warmer.
  22. I'm definitely down for a VF-0 ghost booster bundle, particularly the VF-0S. I'm pretty sure that will be announced sometime this year (at least the VF-0A bundle). I actually don't think a PF GBP is likely in any version (bundle or stand alone), but that is just a hunch. If Arcadia is going to continue with v2 VF-1s, then I'd actually expect a VF-1A from them at some point. Maybe a CF or TV Max. But probably a DYRL Hikaru VF-1A, if I'm being realistic.
  23. I missed (or really passed on) the first vf-31f. I'll be passing on this one as well, I'm only interested in the vf-31S, and that is largely due to the potential armor. At this point everyone should know (unless you are brand new) that macross toy production is all about milking molds to the point of saturation, and getting the same suckers whales, enthusiasts to buy essentially the same thing over and over again. That is just the nature of this particular beast. If you don't like that the companies do it, don't support them by buying their merch. Or just pass on the releases that you feel are overly abusive/money-grubbing, and I wager you'll be a lot less upset about them in the long run. You'll live, I promise. Just something I learned from the video game hobby; I don't really get pissed off at all the crappy things video game publishers do if I just don't engage with those particular products. As always, let your wallet do the talking.
  24. It runs the whole weekend, so let's not call anything too early. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
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