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Posts posted by twich

  1. I cant even play this game....it says that it needs at least a GeForce 3 video card with 64MB of ram....I have a GeForce 2 with 64MB of Ram......it says it does NOT support earlier chip sets....WTF? Well, I still have Desert Combat.....guess I will still play that

    I am kinda disappointed with this.


  2. Thanks Graham for the Picture....I really like the look of the toy, and believe it or not, but the 35-41 USD price tag is quite nice.....now, I wonder what they will do for the SV-51? Do you know if that will be the next one, or are they going to do the VF-0D?

    Thanks once again Graham, pictures look awesome!

    Larry T.

  3. I have a question, which is not necessarily limited to the VF-19/VF-22S. I was watching Modern Marvels on the history channel last night, and they were talking about Commercial jets....anyways, they said that the most powerful engine for a commercial jet was made for the Boeing 777, and each engine was capable of producing 90,000 lbs of thrust or 40909 kgs of thrust per engine. Now if I recall correctly, the VF-19S has an engine thrust of 78000 kgs of thrust per engine or 171600 lbs of thrust per engine and the VF-22S has something like 60000 kgs of thrust (or 132000 lbs). Even though the max power is only 60% of max while in atmosphere, I still think that the amount of power is insane...the reason being is that it seems that a valk would be able to power itself and accelerate while going straight up only on one engine because the power of the engine exceeds the weight of the plane. Given the empty weight of a VF-22S at 9000kg...add maybe a total weight of 30-35k kgs with fuel and full missle load...it just seems that the power of the engine is just too much...

    Why do the later valks have so much power? Is it because that amount of thrust is needed to escape Earth's Gravity? Or is it some other reason? I would really like an explanation for this, so if anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.


    Larry T.

  4. I think that many MacrossWorld members appreciate the efforts of both you, Nanashi and Egan Loo. I have both of your websites bookmarked, and I usually visit both sites at least once a day. I hope that neither of you are getting discouraged because of some people "dis-satisfaction" for lack of a better term. I hope that you both continue to regularly update your sites and provide us Macross fans with translations and rare pictures/information that most of us would not have access to either because we dont read/speak Japanese or are not located in that part of the world.

    Thank You once again for your efforts on our behalf!

    Larry T.

  5. I was watching the 3rd Macross Zero OVA and when Nora corners Shin, it sounds like the vehicle (which I assume to be the Octos) is running a diesel engine.

    Now, to look at this, it would make sense...the first subs that were used were these diesel/electric numbers, so it might use that technology, and a lot of larger boat use diesels as there engines (surface attack mode) The only things that stumps me is a diesel engine capable of producing enough electricity to power the mech and also power that high power laser cannon that we see bombard the beach.

    Now, I had just assumed that like other "destroids" for lack of a better term...the unit would be nuclear powered...but listening closely, it sounds like the Octos is diesel powered. Now, what does that make the U.N. Spacy destroid? Is this nuclear powered? Or does it have an alternate power source?

    What are your thoughts...if there are stats or perhaps an information source that settles the score as to what the power source is...I would appreciate anyone pointing it out.



  6. Thanks Graham! Those pictures are awesome! I really am looking forward to the Yamato 1/100 VF-0S!!

    I think the sculpt is very nice and I am eagerly anticipating this toy release! I cant wait to see Yamato's SV-51 and VF-0D!

    The pictures of the SV-51 model is very nice....Too bad I suck at modelling...I really like the looks of that model and the toy sculpt.

    Graham, any ETA on the arrival of this toy? I am really looking forward to its release. Thanks for posting the pics....keep them coming.


  7. Hey All!

    Can someone make a wallpaper of the VF-0S Hasegawa Box art that is shown in a couple of shots from Grahams update from 2/18/04?

    I think it would be a real nice touch to my wallpaper collection, but I dont have the skills to do it....so any of our resident photoshop people feel like making some wallpaper?



  8. I for one have enjoyed all the fansites that are around devoted to Macross. I look at all the information whether it be "official" or "best Guess" I still respect the fact that there are people who devote time and energy, and in some cases, money to providing information about my favorite anime, Macross.

    Admittedly, I looked mostly at The Macross Compendium, but it seems as of late that the site is not being updated, so I have had to look elsewhere for information...I have found it on Nanshasi's site and others...I appreciate his efforts and would like to see his work continue on his site.

    Lets not bash one another because we dont happen to agree with what that persons does.....it discourages those people and it tends to ruin it for those who enjoy all the various sites that support Macross.



  9. Hey,

    I am very interested in seeing the pics of a painted 1/100 VF-0S....I like the idea of it being that scale....it will match up with my Bandai model of the VF-2SS model. I dont mind the swappable parts, as long as it looks good and is relatively cheap.

    Graham Did Yamato say when they might show completed pictures of this toy? If it is due in May, I would think that they would be pretty far along. Also, do you have any information as to when we might see other Macross Zero toys in this line? Or are there even plans for this? I am sure that everyone would appreciate an answer from Yamato on this.

    BY the way, Congrats on the expected child....I wish you the best of luck and may it be healthy and strong.

    Thanks for the information Graham....


  10. Okay...maybe this is a stupid question...I downloaded this...and mind you this is the first time I have tried to download an anime off the internet...so bear with me as I am very computer illiterate when it comes to this sort of thing...

    I have the sound, but not picture....now I am using Winamp 3.0d to view it, but I also have Realone and Windows Media Player that I can use.....I would rather watch it on Winamp 3.0d, but I would like to be able to watch it....can anyone help me view this? What do I have to download to watch this, or am I SOL?

    Thanks to any who can offer any assistance.


  11. Wow, this is awesome news...I am hoping that it means new mecha designs...I just can't get enough of those Valkyries! IF they are the caliber of Mac Zero valks, then we are in for a very nice treat, but I am sure that we will not see this new thing for a year or two....But that will give us time to complete Macross Zero and maybe even get a domestic release of it.

    Thanks Roy Focker, awesome news!


  12. that is really too bad...I just sold my Animeigo box set DVD for about $180....I bought it when they had the preorder for the whole thing for $300...I would look at some places that might sell Animeigo DVD's...I think they only have them in 3 box sets now. But the Animeigo release is the difinitive North American Release with awesome subs.

    Hope this helps.


  13. Guardians of Order just released a book called D20 Mecha...it gives all the rules to create and play a mecha based game....it is part of their BESM d20 line.

    I think this is what you were referring too, right?

    I supposedly have this book on the way.....I will let you know when I get it.

    Larry T.

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