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Posts posted by twich

  1. I have played a little bit of this game, and I have to tell you, it is quite awesome! I really enjoyed the control scheme and the inventory system.....(Granted I have only played an hour.) The graphics seem to be quite nice thus far, on par with the remake of the original Resident Evil.

    The Villager(zombies) are really much smarter then in previous titles, they chuck things at you (Axes, scythe's, pitchforks) and they gang up to try to corner and decimate you.

    All in all, I am really rather impressed with this game and I am looking forward to playing this game to the end!


  2. Well, I played it and beat it.....I have to say that I was very disappointed with the title in that the end sucked ass, in my opinion, plus I didnt get my lightsaber constructed until I was level 15, my ultimate level was Level 16 Jedi Guardian, Level 10 Jedi Weapon Master. I was kinda disappointed in the character development with regards to the rest of the crew, by far a substandard game compared to the original.

    But that is just my opinion, but I am a huge Star Wars freak, and I didnt think it lived up to the name of Knights of the Old Republic.


  3. It seems that we may have to define our terms here.....if I am not mistaken, The VAB-2 is really not a "bomber" per se, it is a missle platform. Having 100's of short range missles that can fire....I dont know if perhaps it would have bomb bays, like the Tread fighter from Mospeada....in fact it might be better to equate the VAB-2 with the Tread.....a heavy variable fighter, with large size for larger missle capacity.

    Correct me if I am wrong here.


    PS-Nanashi, when is the site going to be accessable? I am looking forward to your site going up.

  4. Yeah, but I am really looking forward to the toys for MAcross Zero. And I dont know what it is about it, maybe it being done in CG, or what, but I think that there is real possiblility with Macross Zero toys being a huge hit. So here is hoping that Yamato releases that damn things soon and keeps them coming.


  5. Who is to say that it doesnt carry internal weapons on par with the arm lasers equivalent to the VF-22S or the VF-19(Which I know are in the wing root). Also take into account that the VAB-2 has 4 engines, not 2 as do all other valks, take into account that it is rather large, I dont know how many are needed to fly it, but you have to imagine at least 2 if not more, so more people, more weapons can be individually controlled. Also, it has to be pretty heavily armored being as big as it is, not as much as the Monster or Koenig Monster, but still more than the average valk would carry.

    We see something similar to it in Macross 7, and look how strong that craft was, and all the weapons systems that it carried, granted the Varuta tended to put a heck of a lot of weapons on their valks, but still, if it is based on the design, there is no reason to assume that the UN Spacy could not make it just as heavily armed.



    is this going to be an item that the regular public can buy? Or is it going to be a wonderfest exclusive?

    I think that thing looks quite nice, and would really like to get one. If anyone going to the Wonderfest could score a supply, that would be awesome!

    Please let me know.


  6. I know that I may be in the minority here, but I actually liked the little VF-0S that they showed us, I didnt really mind the parts swapping bit, as I knew that this would keep the cost down for us in the United States, and would allow me to actually buy duplicates if I so desired. When I think on it more, I wish they would pursue that avenue, as I would love to have affordable VF-0S, VF-0D, VF-0A, Nora SV-51 and DD SV-51.

    I dont know how commited Yamato is to bringing out Macross Zero toys, but I know that I sure would like some, and would buy all those that I stated above, no matter what the size and format.


  7. I too am quite curious as to why Yamato seems to have broken off contact so abruptly with Graham, after, as he said in his own words he gave them so much word of mouth advertising and praise. I remember when he was telling us about all the dinners he would go to with Yamato's people to discuss Macross toys and to see what was going on with the community, now there is nothing. Seems that there is a story to tell here and I would like to hear it......


  8. So, can anyone confirm where that YF-19 comes/came from? Is it a resin kit, or is it a prototype for the new Yamato? Looks nice whatever it is, and the Monster Looks wonderful as well, I am really looking forward to getting it, but I am with everyone else, please make it with as much Tampo Stamping as possible! I loved the Bandai Re-Issues because all the stuff was Tampo stamped on, that was absolutely great!


  9. I picked it up today...it seems kinda cool, although the demo game that came with it is a little bit weird, but i kinda like the control scheme. You can really work it well with the littel nub to be used as an analog controller...it is pretty neat. I wonder how it works out with other games coming down the pipe.

    I think it is worth the 150 price tag, the cartridges are really tiny, hope dont lose them! LOL


  10. Thank you Alpha, I hope that you can find some pictures of the VF-0 and the SV-51 Ivanov type....they have become my favorite valks after the VF-22S Sturmvogel II in Gamelin colors

    Keep up the good work, and thanks once again


  11. I think that the whole AFOS scene kinda reminded me of the PS game called Parasite Eve The singing and how the AFOS kinda organically grew its wings and stuff.

    Having read through the whole of the thread, I agree that this was quite an enjoyable OVA. I didnt think that things were left in the open, as much as some people think. I think that Sara went in search of the Protoculture, and Shin....well kinda hard to say.

    The mecha scenes were simply awesome. I loved the action. I cannot wait until the next Macross series/OVA comes out.


  12. I am excited about the Vf-0's being produced, but I am quite sure that all of us are eagerly awaiting the VF-0D....why are they not making one yet? And what of the SV-51?

    So, the YF-19FP is very difficult to produce? I hope that it is worth all the wait and all the anticipation.


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